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Old 24-09-2006, 21:41   #321
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can you show some pics of the current situation?
If violence doesn\'t work, use more violence!


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Old 26-09-2006, 16:57   #322
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Aye got a few

Pre Flight Check
Pop rush harbour in Edo
Peter joins Kyoto as super specialist
Pop rush market in Kyoto
Set forces to attack Toledo
Pop rush cat in Sevile

IBT-Barb galley off seville coast

1358- Kyoto-Market-->National Epic (has nothing else worthwhile to build)


Forces in position
upgrade a couple of axes to sams


1370-just gotta wait a little bit for a couple of turns for auto peace to end.
Hurry granary in Satsuma
pop forge in Edo
Stopped using priest in Osaka (why was one set to begin with?)

IBT-peace treaty ends, we discover PP and start on education

1376- Edo-Forge to market
Satsuma- Granary to warrior (MP)

DO a bit of trading for printing press
Kublai-Drama, Music, Philo, 10 gold
Musa- World Map, 130 gold, engineering
Hatty- Guilds, World Map, 20 gold
Mao- Optics, World map, 40 gold

Get bismark to declare on Mansa Musa for PP (we cant get anything out of him, may as well cause some waves on the other continent.

Declare War on Izzy
10 sams and 6 cats move in on Toledo

One more sam moves in as a defensice position onto a forest hill near toledo.

Pop rush a rax in seville
pop rush a cat in Osaka
upgrade a warrior in Osaka for 224 gold to a pike to defend against horse archers

IBT-no counter attacks

1382-Satsuma-warrior to harbour
bombard toledo down to 8%

IBT- barb galley wandering around near the borders of Seville

1388- bombard toledo down to 0% with 1 cat.

Toledo has 2 horse archers, 1 longbow, 2 cats and 1 cat

decide to suicide a cat against the bow, does a bit of damage and withdraws.
Go for it with another cat-city raider, destroys the axe.

Our weakest sams now have odds of over 90% so i attack with them now.

Every sam victorious (no loss of life) Toledo sacked for 179 gold and captured and renamed BCLGvill in honour of the commanding general who took it
Toledo doesnt have a confucian shrine!
Moved a unit south onto the spanish horse pasture to stop them having horses.

Our empire

I left the situation mid turn so we could decide where to go next, i think we should head south and take out santiago- and the remaining cities east. we still have 4 sams and 4 cats that can move about.

Originally Posted by log
Here is your Session Turn Log from 1352 AD to 1388 AD:

Turn 282, 1352 AD: You have constructed a Harbor in Edo. Work has now begun on a Forge.

Turn 283, 1358 AD: You have trained a Catapult in Osaka. Work has now begun on a Aqueduct.
Turn 283, 1358 AD: Hinduism has spread in Nara.

Turn 284, 1364 AD: The borders of Osaka have expanded!

Turn 285, 1370 AD: You have discovered Printing Press!
Turn 285, 1370 AD: Kublai Khan is the first to discover Liberalism!

Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have discovered Drama!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have discovered Music!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have discovered Philosophy!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have discovered Engineering!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have discovered Guilds!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have discovered Optics!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: Bismarck has declared war on Mansa Musa!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have declared war on Isabella!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: You have trained a Catapult in Osaka. Work has now begun on a Aqueduct.
Turn 286, 1376 AD: Mansa Musa adopts Theocracy!
Turn 286, 1376 AD: Kublai Khan adopts Free Religion!

Turn 287, 1382 AD: Your Catapult has reduced the defenses of Toledo to 72%!
Turn 287, 1382 AD: Your Catapult has reduced the defenses of Toledo to 59%!
Turn 287, 1382 AD: Your Catapult has reduced the defenses of Toledo to 46%!
Turn 287, 1382 AD: Your Catapult has reduced the defenses of Toledo to 34%!
Turn 287, 1382 AD: Your Catapult has reduced the defenses of Toledo to 21%!
Turn 287, 1382 AD: Your Catapult has reduced the defenses of Toledo to 8%!
Turn 287, 1382 AD: Huayna Capac adopts Mercantilism!

Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Catapult has reduced the defenses of Toledo to 0%!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult (5.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (9.00)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Combat Odds: 1.8%
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Catapult has caused collateral damage! (5 Units)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult is hit for 26 (74/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult is hit for 26 (48/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult is hit for 26 (22/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 15 (70/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 15 (55/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Catapult has withdrawn from combat with a Longbowman!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult (5.00) vs Isabella's Axeman (4.50)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Combat Odds: 68.5%
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Catapult has caused collateral damage! (5 Units)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Axeman is hit for 20 (70/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Axeman is hit for 20 (50/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Axeman is hit for 20 (30/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Axeman is hit for 20 (10/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Axeman is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Catapult has defeated Isabella's Axeman!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Catapult has destroyed a Axeman!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai (8.80) vs Isabella's Horse Archer (5.83)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Combat Odds: 90.2%
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 23 (58/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 23 (35/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 23 (12/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 17 (32/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai has defeated Isabella's Horse Archer!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Samurai has destroyed a Horse Archer!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai (9.60) vs Isabella's Horse Archer (5.83)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Combat Odds: 96.0%
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 16 (68/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (57/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (33/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 16 (52/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai is hit for 16 (36/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (9/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai has defeated Isabella's Horse Archer!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Samurai has destroyed a Horse Archer!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (3.75)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Combat Odds: 99.8%
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 24 (26/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 24 (2/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Samurai has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai (9.60) vs Isabella's Catapult (3.47)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Combat: +10%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 30 (50/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 30 (20/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Samurai has destroyed a Catapult!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai (9.60) vs Isabella's Catapult (4.40)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Combat Odds: 99.9%
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: (Combat: +10%)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 27 (53/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 27 (26/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1388 AD: CDZ's Samurai has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: Your Samurai has destroyed a Catapult!
Turn 288, 1388 AD: You have captured Toledo!!!
the sooner you fall behind, the more time you\'ll have to catch up!

CDZ Cup Champion!!!
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Old 26-09-2006, 17:10   #323
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Looks good.

I would change Kyoto to a work boat or 2 for the whales.
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Old 26-09-2006, 17:11   #324
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aye, never thought of that.

i dont mind doing another 5 turns or darkness can take over just thought i should put it up for discussion where to head next.
the sooner you fall behind, the more time you\'ll have to catch up!

CDZ Cup Champion!!!
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Old 26-09-2006, 17:12   #325
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OK. I can play (late) tomorrow night, so if anyone wants to give it a go before then, go ahead.
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Old 26-09-2006, 17:33   #326
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I think you should've wipped in Barcelona before you declared war. Don't we get a rep hit with Mansa Musa now btw?
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Old 26-09-2006, 17:37   #327
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it would have halfed the size of barca so i chose not too. Aye we get a minus 1 but as we have +about 12 it doesnt matter so much.

We could maybe consider switching to confuscianism-to make full use of all of our decent production cities-though it would seriously damage our links with the large continent.
the sooner you fall behind, the more time you\'ll have to catch up!

CDZ Cup Champion!!!
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Old 26-09-2006, 18:09   #328
Tubby Rower
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hmm.. I suspect that Izzy is wasted now. Toledo was her last stronghold. I'm fairly confident that we could take the southern cities and then declare peace and after that take Madrid.

btw, what kind of buildings were left in Toledo?
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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Old 27-09-2006, 01:58   #329
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Angor Wat and something else, maybe a coutrhouse cant remember exactly.

I wouldnt be too hasty, cordoba has some highly promoted longbows in (one has 3 city defence)
the sooner you fall behind, the more time you\'ll have to catch up!

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Old 28-09-2006, 11:56   #330
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I'll play tonight. Wanted to play yesterday, but CDZ was down and the thread at CFC is not entirely up-to-date, so I decided to wait...

How many turns am I supposed to play anyway? 5 or 10?

And the objective is to kick Spain's ass and to confine them to Madrid?
"Death is lighter than a feather, but duty is heavier than a mountain..." - The Eye of the World
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