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Shabbaman 31-07-2006 11:37

Civ4 SGOTM 2
Fire away [hammer]

socralynnek 31-07-2006 12:10

Cool, that was fast!

Thanks, shabba.

So, let's take this thread for a pregame discussion:

First question: Is it worth it to found a second city directly or will maintenance cost hurt us more than the city does help?

Samson 31-07-2006 12:11

The big question for me is what will be the maintainance if we found the second city straight away. It looks like a long way from the first, and it could cost more that we are making. If we do not loose units if we are not paying maintanance for them it could still be worth it. The only way I can think to check is a test game. I MAY get round to that lunchtime.

The other option would be to wait until we have a bit more pop in our capital.

[EDIT] I started a game with similar parameters, if anything the cities were closer than in this game. I was at -5 gpt Straight away, but the scout was not disbanded.

I do not think we can wait the 17 turns untill our capital grows, mostly because I do not think that will help much. The problem is going to be how do we increase our GPT without pottery?

An option would be for our settler to head east until it is closer to our capital.

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img]

Beam 31-07-2006 13:41

Garee. As posted I'll be away until the 20th from wednesday on.

socralynnek 31-07-2006 14:28

as i can't see the picture of the real start at cfc at the moment, i am not sure, but i think the cities are even further apart ( don't forget that the world wraps to the east)

i also think that delaying founding much is not worth it, as it is also a strategical position to be able to found other cities faster.

at least with this setup, CS slingshot is not the only way to go...

but every city must pay this upkeep, so probably we don't want a third for some time.

Tubby Rower 31-07-2006 14:47

I haven't seen the starting screenie yet. Where can I find it? I'll go ahead and sign up, but I don't think that I'll be able to pull 1-2 hour play sessions. I'll do my best though.

Anyhoo, Is there the standard number of opponents on this map? Is it worth making the "colony settler" the capital? (the preceding question might be not relevant as I'm working off of a picture in my head that might not be correct)

Samson 31-07-2006 15:03

Makeing the "colony settler" our capital would be great, but as the 1st city is already founded I think we shall have to build the palace to do that.

I think the only options are;

Found the city near the starting location, on the coast looks like a good bet. This shall mean we will not be able to reaserch for a long time. I expect we will need to grow both cities to 3 before we can have a possitive GPT, but I could be wrong.
Move the settler east. We MAY be able to find a good city spot a lot closer to the capital on this land mass. This would allow us to start reaserching a lot sooner. It is of course risky, as we may just find ourselves hemed in by other civs with nowhere to settle.

socralynnek 31-07-2006 15:24

(scroll down)

there you can see a small version but the real one is on the gotm server which is down at the moment.

You don't need to do longer sessions than 1-2 hours, in the beginning it's going fast and later on you could just play 5 turns which is fine.

Every help is welcome!

Maybe there is not much space to the east of the Settler, so I guess moving the scout eastwards might be a good start.

Samson 31-07-2006 17:53

The picture is back, I thought I would post it here to help the discusion.

Tubby Rower 31-07-2006 18:04

hey at least we have a fishy smell and plenty of crabs [crazyeye]

EDIT to add content:: I think that moving the settler 1 S to settle there is best since it'll free up a FP.

EDIT for additional blather::: Better yet, move the warrior SW to see if there is any benefit in moving the settler SW instead of just S

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