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anarres 18-04-2005 16:59


quote:Originally posted by akots

They are marked, it is easy to spot, you'll see. The worst part is finding this city on the map. I usually use Ctrl-Shift-L to locate them one-by-one.
Actually you can do it much quicker now! Just right-click the city in mapstat and choose Jump To City (ctrl-J). :)

akots 18-04-2005 17:52

Did not know about that. Is this a new version feature?

anarres 18-04-2005 19:28

Dunno, but I downloaded the latest version for this game (as I had not used it for some time).

Melifluous 19-04-2005 11:13

There is also a more recent version just out. Version 2.10.0.

I hadn't realised there were any right click options in this [blush]

Nice One anarres. This tool is fast becoming an essential for my gameplay.


col 19-04-2005 18:46

Ok here we go. Fire up Mapstat and load the save into it. Lets av a butchers before we start to


Hm - only 101 tiles from the dom limit. We now have 63.1%. Gonna have to be careful not to

trigger domination and keep a close eye on this. Hm. Hm. Quite few cities due to expand this

turn and a lot in this next 5 turns.

I'm guessing green happiness means wltk days and yellow is neutral. No reds.

Trading:Scandinavia has a couple of techs.
Flipping:nothing over 0,2% - obviously not much of a concern on a culture run.
We seem to have a lot of lux and resources unconnected.

Ok load the save and have a look. Turn the grid back on ;) Hmm - doesnt the Pentagon generate culture - 1 per turn? Why arent we building it? No settlers anywhere?? Have we reached the city limit? Nope.

Ah - habeamus papum. Break off to watch the news.

Melifluous 19-04-2005 18:52


Mapstat will (IIRC) show you the number of tiles away from Dom Limit you are based on visible tiles!!!

Use the F8 to get a better idea of approaching dom limit, IIRC we are < 50% land atm.

Its cool though.


col 19-04-2005 19:13

Ah - hm - what use is that then?

Melifluous 19-04-2005 19:26

Dunno - ask me one about Sport.

If you check the other bit (territory tab) rather than that bit (terrain tab) or vicky versa.


It's use is obvious you old goat, now stop prevaricating (you'll go blind!) and play tha damned turns [:p]


col 19-04-2005 19:58

Gotta go and download, have a bath, mark some tosspot practical work. Get round to it later tonight. Prob about 10....

bed_head7 20-04-2005 02:44

In mapstat, green simply means more happy than unhappy, not WLTKD. It doesn't tell tiles away from domination for the whole map because that would be spoiler information.

And I thought masturbation, not prevarication, was supposed to cause blindness?

akots 20-04-2005 05:44

It's 10 pm US Central. Hopefully, col is OK, just got distracted. But I'm really worried with all these wishes around and prevarication thing. [confused]

anarres 20-04-2005 16:32

The reason mapstat gives you land as a %'ge of visible is that in PTW you can't get the #tiles any other way. Only in C3C does it give this extra info on F8.

col 20-04-2005 18:02

Ok here we go. Fire up Mapstat and load the save into it. Lets av a butchers before we start to


Hm - only 101 tiles from the dom limit. We now have 63.1%. Gonna have to be careful not to

trigger domination and keep a close eye on this. Hm. Hm. Quite few cities due to expand this

turn and a lot in this next 5 turns.

I'm guessing green happiness means wltk days and yellow is neutral. No reds. Still not sure how

I can tell which cities have just grown to readjust tiles!!

Jump to city doesnt seem to work - always goes to capital!

Trading:Scandinavia has a couple of techs.
Flipping:nothing over 0,2% - obviously not much of a concern on a culture run.
We seem to have a lot of lux and resources unconnected.

Ok load the save and have alook. Turn the grid back on ;) Hmm - doesnt the Pentagon generate

culture - 1 per turn? Why arent we building it? No settlers anywhere?? Have we reached the city


Ah - habeamus papum. Break off to watch the news.

Ok here we go. Nothing to do now but press space

Vikings start Copernicus. Nothing much else to report. Chop where can. Whip where can.

2)920AD Chop and whip.

3)930AD Ditto

4)940AD Ditto

5)950ad ditto

Ok - - sorry about the slight delay.

Whomp 20-04-2005 18:33


quote:Originally posted by col
Chop where can. Whip where can.

2)920AD Chop and whip.

3)930AD Ditto

4)940AD Ditto

5)950ad ditto

Somehow I think these chops, whips and dittos took about 45 minutes apiece [lol]

akots 20-04-2005 19:01

Got that, wil play shortly, may be even today at night.

Melifluous 20-04-2005 19:21


quote:Originally posted by akots

... today at night.
In English this would be

This evening

Melifluous [:p]

akots 20-04-2005 19:31

Well, I'm no way near England. Houstonian cowboyish would be "at night". ;)

They actually have a rather peculiar language here sometimes.

akots 21-04-2005 07:46

Played the first turn. To tell the truth, I'm barely able to stay awake through all this routine. Many buildings rushed and many settlers rushed, and it is all nauseous even with MapStat. BTW, my version jumps which is a great help. It takes time, so will try to finish tomorrow. We are at 32.2K culture, may be we can catch up with team jeffelammar but no way we catch up with team Offa. otherwise, a very boring game. May be I'll stir a war with China once their jungle cities grow a bit.

Offa 21-04-2005 21:06

Mad-bax is right about your avatar Akots: it's quite hypnotic. I have had fun reading your thread, and while I think it a pity you couldn't put it all on CFC, I can appreciate that your robust posting approach might not sit easily there. The appearance of your renegade outfit has livened up the sgotm.

Somehow I had missed SirPleb musing about probabilities, so thanks for raising that issue. Personally I think attempts to detect underhand activity are worthy but futile, as a 4000bc reload is essentially undetectable, and for a strong player would be extremely powerful.

akots 21-04-2005 21:44

You mean the Randy story in GOTM39 apparently. Seems the whole ordeal has been quietly buried by the GOTM staff which is certainly the great thing to do.

akots 23-04-2005 11:12

OK, finished playing the sucker. I mean my turns, not the whole game. We have lots of cities and lots of culture. I actually played 10 turns, took about 7 or 8 hours. First, check with MapStat all cities which grew and whip accordingly. Second, check and whip all cities on F1 screen sorted by build. I whipped starting from 16 shields up to 20 depending on surroundings and available food. Also, many cities started on Universities. It is possible to build quite a few with proper mictomanagement. Just need to grwo a city to size 6 and whip 100 shields first. Then add knights to disband and while the city grows, whip the rest. It takes time though but still better than colliseums.

We also losing gold, about 50 gpt, due to our high cultural pride. There is about 3K in the bank, more than enough to finish the game, no big deal. But we cannot research. May be we can pull some tech deal but I just don't see a desperate need for it. Many cities have been whipped to the edge and happiness is becoming a problem, I got a few riots in the interturns.

We passed jeffelammar in score and certainly can pass in culture however seems a rathe close race there. Offa's team has apparently already won the game around 1150AD or so, their last save is at 1050AD with about 75K culture. If they make around 2K cpt, they could have finished 1150AD.

We are at 43131 cp making 1308 cpt. Not bad at all, will finish in about 30 turns maximum if building more settlers and disband most of the units. Not that we are running low on land, it is this jungle I was struggling to settle. And Universities cannot be built in huge numbers all over the place just because knights are needed there to be disbanded. It might be worth building a few colliseums instead of universities but then we may run out of support money and they are not worth the hassle, only 2cpt.

One of Iro cities flipped to us:

And India had been killed:

Otherwise, pretty uneventful set of turns. We can flip a few more cities. Also, started settling suburbs of Paris a bit. There are some food bonuses around there.

Kingreno is UP then.

akots 23-04-2005 11:18

I hate cultural games and milking games, and in most cases Spae race games, it is just a big waste of time especially on the larger than standard map. Why not go and kill the bad guys and forget about it.

Kingreno 23-04-2005 20:02

Ok, short "in between" update. Played 5 turns and will do anotehr 5 since I have the time this evening, and I think I can manage better in 10 turns then i can in 5.:)

First thing I did was see where we can make more money. If we are going to build more culture we need more money for upkeep! Or....we can just forget about that and lose a random worker and building every turn. Is that allowed?

How bad is the economy? Well, at 100% tax we lose 174 gpt now, increasing with 20 gpt per turn. The AI has no money ATM so I started....selling non cultural improvements! I SOLD all Baracks, for 30 gpt and a one time 150 gold. We will not be going to war anyway. I also sold several harbours that were not vital to their cities.

Diplo: disbanding mili means we do NOT want a war, especially not with the Vikings...I gift them 2 luxes (seperately of course) so they turn Polite. I beg it helps. I also buy our 9th lux from england for metallurgy, 2 luxes and a little cash. This repays as several cities can now ditch Elvis.
Though some are still rather sad with our harsh rule:

In trading i also obtained:


I whipp like a madman and we have 50516 Culture with 1593 cpt.

Will play more turns later this evening.[thumbsup]

akots 24-04-2005 00:10

Seems like a great progress! We can try to hire tax collectors in a few cities in the areas which are done with Cathedrals. Whipping a University is a big deal, need a somewhat larger city for that. So, some ICS tiles might be redistributed and those cities which are left on a low calory diet can go hunt for taxes.

But the map is huge, it is like 30-35% water on 130x100 map which makes it actually equal in land size to something in between large and huge map with 70% water.

Kingreno 24-04-2005 10:10

Played till 1150 AD!

Culture now 59k and rising aprox 1.7k per turn. we should get towards 2k soon.

Things to do:

If we want this to be done as soon as we can there are several things we need to agree on. First, the order of building should be temple-cathedral-library. happiness is a problem even with 9 luxes...

Then there is the University- or colosseum-problem. Well, this game is over in 30 turns or so, so if you see No way to get the University in say 20 turns, switch to Colosseum, if that is not possible either switch to military units for Disbanding! Remember to whipp these as well, happiness in cities that are no longer on culture duty is not that important. Those shields produced by disbanding may help that University in another town.

My guess is that roughly a third of the cities nowproducting colli/Uni should be switched to mili. I will let the next player do this.

Whipping; remember to whipp when growth is higher if the city is smaller!! you can whipp to walls (20shields), setler (30), MI (40), Aquaduct (50), Musket (60), Knight (70), Courthouse (80), Market (100), then switch again to the colosseum/Uni.

Happiness: still okay though the floodplain cities cry for a new leader. [lol]

Melifluous 25-04-2005 03:13

OK I got it.

Nice work KR [goodjob]


Melifluous 28-04-2005 11:48

OK Sorry about this.

Uploaded the save last night. Only played 5 turns.

Turnlog as follows.

Preturn - Eek. -245gpt and 1890 in the bank [crazyeye]. Look around but KR did a great job before sending on the save. Nothing left but to hit return ;)

Turn 01 - 1160AD - OK So I do a little maths and work out that at +1895cpt we make 100,000 in 21 turns, ie 1370AD. We need culture now and there will not be time to build most of the Unis ordered. Switch all that can to Colosseums and whip everything REALLY hard. Some cities go from size 6 to size 1! Should be a few buildings completed next turn ;)

Turn 02 - 1170AD - 19 Colosseums and 3 Cathedrals complete. W00t. Continue my systematic raping of population.

Turn 03 - 1180AD - Colosseums - 4 Cathedrals - 11 Temples - 1. Whip anyone? 64621 culture.

IT - Babs complete Bachs.

Turn 04 - 1190AD - Colosseums - 5 Cathedrals - 7 Temples - 2. Whippet... 66565 = +1944cpt :)

Turn 05 - 1200AD - Colosseums - 3 Cathedrals - 2 Libraries - 1 Unis - 1. 68534 = +1969cpt ;) Gandasetaigon flips from the chinese to us. Disband the free spear it gets and start on temple.

And thats it.

Have fun guys. Projected win date = 1360AD.


PS. anarres is up!

Melifluous 28-04-2005 22:46



col 28-04-2005 23:03

He was around CFC today.

Melifluous 28-04-2005 23:12

Well I posted some pictures at CFC and not here [mischief]


anarres 29-04-2005 12:02

My PC died at home last night.

It just started rebooting after being on for a while - a classic sigh of CPU overheating. [sad]

Will try, but can't guarentee to get it fixed real soon, so you better skip me until it is fixed.

col 03-05-2005 20:31

Load the save and have a look round.

We are runninga huge deficit! - 391gp and only 285 in the kitty! Oops. No-one has any gold and we are running 0.0.10. Hmm. Time to disband stuff?? Only 70 units left so not much scope there.
Looks like we need to build wealth or risk culture buildings being sold.

Lets see if we have any none culture buildings we can flog off. Hmm - all rax gone - and I only found a couple of granaries thjat can go. Sold a couple of courthouses in cities that already totally corrupt.

Looks like we just bite on this one. Sold our map around and lux to extract all AI cash. Enough for this turn...Turn to wealth.Cant build and disband enough now.

1. 1210AD Someone has been whipping real hard. Several cathedrals finish. Nothing to whip.

2. 1220AD We are 400 in the red - a temple goes. Manage to whip one temple. Merge workers back to save dosh.

3. 1230AD Another temple goes...

4. 1240ad Still losing moeny hand over fist. Culture on 76.5k

5. 1250AD Lose a temple - gain 3 cathedrals. Culture 78.5k.

6. 1255AD The Vikings declare on us now our army is largely gone and grab New Entremont 2. Shit thats close to Paris and Pyramids. Buy in the English to deflect them. Culture 80.5k. At 2k at turn we have about 10 turns to go come what may.

7. 1260AD Zerks take a one square island from us. Culture 82.5k

8. 1265AD Viking cavs are hunting us down like dogs. Culture 84.5k

9. 1270AD Another city falls to vikings. Culture 86.5k

10.1275AD Sodding Vikings - at last some English knights appear to do battle. Culture 88.5k

6 turns to go. Who wants to finish this baby??

akots 03-05-2005 21:49

Well, we had more than enough unit support, so disbanding anything was not required apparently. It also could have been possible to hire some tax collectors in cities which had already built everything and have some extra food? And seems that we should try to make peace with the Vikings ASAP. Indeed, it is not that important for the global picture and seems we are doing OK.

Might be better if Anarres can play.

@Anarres: Please play and lets finish this long game.

col 03-05-2005 22:43

We had rushed so much our income dropped substantially and we needed entertainers to prevent rioting. I dont think the Vikings can do any damage now.

Kingreno 03-05-2005 23:03

It is not good the Vikes are atw ar with us, and we don't need to disband more units! Unit support is 0. As for the temples, who cares? one temple a turn is easily gained back.

col 03-05-2005 23:47

Not really - everywhere is whipped down to the bone. Our pop has plummeted. Our income has plummeted. Fortunately we have only 11.5k to go and we are pulling 2k per turn. The Vikings can only take heavily corrupt cities - and some may even flip back. The AI has ignored several empty cities already though.

col 04-05-2005 00:19

Hmm - now the SGOTM staff are saying we cant run into the red. I cant find this anywhere in the rules.....

anarres 04-05-2005 00:19

Got it.

Melifluous 04-05-2005 00:49

Let's not over-react here.

Let's see if Ainwood can come up with something reasonable first ;)


akots 04-05-2005 03:16

Well, according to GOTM rules, you cannot run deficit. That is red indeed.

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