View Full Version : Immortal Co-op PBEM

05-03-2007, 20:45
Hi folks
In light of seeing the few PBEM's around, I'd very much like to try out for one (TBH I consider the SGOTM and CIVivor to be 'tinkering around' experiences) but I'm afraid I'd be no match to any of the yous around here. But I think it would be fun to put 2 Monarch-ish players together, up against Immortal (or Deity if that would be too easy). This would also be a much stronger experience of play and would hopefully pull me up to the rank of active players around.

Btw I don't know what a pitboss is, so it might be better off as a pitboss.

All settings to be handled later, though I have an eye on Bess the virgin for leader.