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Old 14-07-2019, 22:08   #51
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An update while Matrix is trying to fix his server.

During the absolute insanity of the Federer-Djokovic Wimbledon final, I wagered a worker on Djokovic at 11-11 of the 5th match. Matrix took me up on it and owes me a worker.

On the Magellan front, I am sitting on the knowledge of 8 landmasses (including 1-tile islands) and have met the first opponent of the main Finn continent. Sami of Mongolia.
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Old 22-07-2019, 00:29   #52
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Bad news on the homefront: Ynnek officially departs. 1 less opponent, sure, but that makes Matrix and Killer grow bigger and bolder.

Worst case scenario: they choose to "re-appropriate" the northern peninsula. I'll have backups for luxes and extra economy by then, but hey, still hurts.

Best case scenario: I keep the peninsula, make fewer cottages, hire more specialists and maintain friendly relationships with my neighbors through to mercantilism. I doubt our peace will survive the day they lose my international trade routes.

At stake are: 2 garbage towns (1 holding the only silvers known to man), 1 passable pasture town w/gold and 1 solid military port.

World News: the earth is ROUND

By the time I got to the new world and met everyone, here's what remained of Tazca the Portuguese:

He was #1 at one point, #2 recently, and then Propain took control of the japanese empire... choo choo motherfucker

Circumnav is in, first ocean settlement next turn: tax haven island.

Then, Marine life scientists.

Finally, the military blacksite.

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Old 25-07-2019, 01:21   #53
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1000 AD report, turn 160

Situation Report of the World:

At double the #2's GDP, we're still going strong in the research olympics.

The 2 guys who have actual civics are going to die soon.

Ynnek has gone on vacation and converted to AI. RIP

Mali has just built the sistine chapel with the stone I provided him. He did it fast, too, so he had been building it for a while. He's now undoubtedly pursuing his cultural victory objective and building jewish cathedrals (bonus with stone). I look forward to owning those.

Of the 8 islands I can settle for fish and easy specialists, 1 is settled and 2 are going to see action next turn.

The scientific advancements of the world:

Things to notice from the tech screen:
  • Portugal has construction but catas didn't save him
  • Only Matrix also has machinery, it's a good bet he's going CS next
  • Killer doesn't have HBR for his own elephants (nor did he need them )
  • No one is even close to optics and ocean exploration with caravels (I have astro)
  • Matrix is by far the one adversary to watch, tech-wise, so all my spies are on his case.
  • Mongols have many spice tiles but lack math->calendar

What the world leaders are up to:

Plz halp with the jap? Meanwhile I'll stiff you on deals.

2 Finns down, lemme just go on vacation and pass this to KingReno real quick.

Don't tell anyone I exist ok?

You have no military, no HBR and barely a transport navy but that's no reason to trade ivory with you. Don't want elephants up my backdoor now would I?


What the castes are doing for YOU:

The scientist caste's super science city pulls more beakers than the entire empire of anyone ranked 3 or below (and 3/4 of #2)

The religious caste's super production city is on the rise, with palace (+50% from bureaucracy) in 3 turns and 2 more priests coming soon.

The military caste's super backward army is planning to upgrade all old axemen into maces and focus production on archers and trebuchets. The 1st D-Day level event will depart from Orleans then.

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Last edited by Beorn; 25-07-2019 at 01:31.
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Old 28-07-2019, 14:57   #54
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What a monster capital for Japan.

There is absolutely no reason for them to have been a low-to-mid power all game. Even without strat resources, on a start like that, he could have gone catas+longbows and wiped out his entire continent by now. That's a sub-1AD education start. He never even bothered with sailing for lighthouse or slavery to harness food. Oh well.
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Last edited by Beorn; 28-07-2019 at 15:00.
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Old 06-08-2019, 15:48   #55
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Golden age!

Ynnek is no more and the lands have been divided.

Looks pretty fair.

Killer has a new tech strategy: spend 10-20% of income in espionage and steal techs. I'm about to go counter-espionage on his ass.

Matrix is catching up to my score fast. With the new territory, I'm positive he'd pass me by within 50 turns.

However, I should get a nice boost soon as the island colonies flare up. The military blacksite in particular is of much interest as it is remote and very rich in boat-building hammers.

A Maple Sugar Shack has been settled and exports are being crated fast. No one has bought any so far, however.

Mali locals were gravely irritated after having recently discovered iron working and building a settler in vain. Oh well. Knights, maces and trebs will be falling upon them soon.

Mongolia has been charted. The combined lands of Genghis and his defunct american neighbor are gold-rich but poorly exploited. Hardly worth gunning for.

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Old 07-08-2019, 11:25   #56
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Thanks for your writeups, will be a nice way to follow this game now that I cannot see anything anymore.

They didn't need long enough to take the cities that something would be left after my vacation ;-)

Your technological lead should give you the opportunity to get some multiplier wonders I guess...
Being without a signature since November 2004.
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Old 07-08-2019, 17:49   #57
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Yeah once the dam broke, everything collapsed in no time flat. The first bombard/collateral assault by Killer was lucky, hugely successful and only lost 2 catas. The rest is history.

As far as multiplying national wonders go, Oxford in Québec is worth 78 beakers (and rising): very high priority. Not sure where to put Wall St. since it doesn't seem to affect specialists. Might even have to put it in a malinese silk patch.

Mali as a whole is a bit on the low-food side so I thought it would best convert to plantations, windmills and cottages. I may get 1 good production city where my saved GE will rush Versailles (the Forbidden Palace lookalike). Cabane à Sucre has the most food+hammers combo potential, under 12 tons of jungle. Then, maybe Taj?
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Last edited by Beorn; 07-08-2019 at 17:54.
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Old 12-08-2019, 20:13   #58
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As reparations towards the upset Mali, from whom I stole the sugar patch, I am sending a 20-turns gift of sugar and gpt. At the 10-turn mark, I'll be re-negociating HARD, with an army 2 turns from his cities

Banking is in and the economic guerilla warfare rages on. Mercantilism has given me 15 free specialists, meaning 90 science + modifiers. It has also stripped Killer and Maarten of 30-40 gpt each in international trade routes. They now both spend 10-20% on espionage towards me while I chain spy transports to counter-espionage them both.

My golden age is over while Matrix gets his (with Mausollos extra turns). He also just finished both HG and Notre-Dame for 14 extra pop, 1 health and 2 everywhere. Damn.

was alway going to explode in score with his extra rich land but the oceanic expansion has been fruitful for me. With 9 small island fishing wharfs, I'm about to get 30 more scientists and 2 kick-ass military blacksites, all off the radar.

Meanwhile, his GA GNP is under 300 and my 0% all-specialist science rate is over 300. Add to that a GSci to bulb chemistry and I'll have muskets before they have knights, cannons before they have muskets, and draft riflemen before they have cannons.
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Old 18-08-2019, 18:42   #59
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1250 AD

Things changed all over. Subtly.

Killer has been skipping turns, spending income on espionage and building an obsolete navy. My spies have spotted 2 stacks of his old troops, split up and soon to be severely obsolete. If you ask me, I think he realized he needed the whole continent to win but that a war with Pope Matrix would at once be too uncertain, too costly and open him up to conquest. Now he hopes to build enough triremes to cover his galleys ... I guess.

Chemistry is in so he'll be met with frigates. That's that.


Matrix has cut all business ties just in time for apothecaries to shore up my health counts. I'll aqueduct my biggest culprit and have enough domestic resources to keep everyone fed and gay.

I thought he was in a golden age before, boy was I wrong. He just had a big boom of conquest + Hanging Gardens free pop. This is the real deal:

His production in particular took a stunning turn upwards. Now in an actual GA, his economy rivals my own and his civics finally make sense.

Long-term, all of my cities but 2 are hard-capped to 7-9 pop, and already saturated. Not to mention the slew of 3-4 pop fishing wharfs. His empire has a number of grasslands and rivers that will overgrow me in time - and the next 12 turns to do so with aplomb. He's almost caught up in score, too. I mean, sure, I'm way ahead in tech. That over-inflates my score and kept my expansions alive with fewer, hi-tech units. WERE I NOT ahead in tech, his "builder" score would outstrip mine in a heartbeat. And it will if given half a chance. So I'll have to attack with cannons ASAP.

Hence: I need new lands.

If he had bothered to read the message or play his last few turns, he'd be upset. Nor can he see what I have in store ...

With 3-4 boatloads (mainly trebs) yet to come ahead of D-Day.

After that, it'll be a direct ferry line towards the mining colonies flanking Matrix. No doubt he'll take advantage of the GA to build up trebs of his own. Hopefully, I'll have enough muskets up there by the time he comes to plant his flag.
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Last edited by Beorn; 19-08-2019 at 04:35.
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Old 21-08-2019, 14:20   #60
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I used to watch Killer's galleys like a hawk so as to know when spies come in, that I may counter-espionage them. Then again, he and Matrix don't need to ferry spies by boat: I have a friggin colony on their turf. So for all I know, they've got people walking all over there. Oh well.

Either way, Killer built up a navy. He didn't move alone against opponents 2/3 his size, he won't move alone against a target twice as big. I'll shore up my defenses in the big military factory. The rest isn't so profitable that I need to keep it.

Mongolia is the first to research Compass. Next up is caravels, I guess? And the guy was worried about ProPain but instead of building up economy (no calendar for spice!!!!!) or troops (no CS, construction or feudalism!!!!!), he goes out at sea?

Mali wants to stay in the game and observe. Taking him as a peace vassal without bloodshed, as he suggested, would be massively unfair to the other players. Besides, I want his capital for Solomon and Sistine.

So far, he has agreed to a "pistols at noon" cowboy scenario: we go all out on his turf at one location. I trade a 3-city isolated colony to him for all of his mainland save the capital then declare war. It's more convenient that way. He gets relocated to a small rock, I get Mali. Sounds good. I might wait a couple extra turns to get cannons and make it a 1-turn affair. And if he wishes to deviate, I'll just go to town with a good ol' genocide.
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Last edited by Beorn; 21-08-2019 at 14:23.
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