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Old 07-05-2019, 21:16   #31
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A gazillion cottages sounds like overkill.
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Old 13-05-2019, 18:23   #32
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Ok, so ... there's 3 continents. Took my sweet time figuring that one out, didn't I. Gonna need optics faster than expected. On the bright side, no one has sailing and I'm halfway to metal casting so the fleet from Bear Island will be up and uncontested for long enough to support a full builder mode.

Libraries are going up, scientists hired, cottages being worked in 4/6 cities. 1 will go mass triremes, 1 will focus on ground troops, the capital has 4 big food resources for GP. 3 are passable lumps of land with a handful of usable grasslands so I'll try for the colossus in order to gain viable sea $.

There has been no word on the diplomatic front for a while now. Seems like they are gnawing at the scraps of the roman AI together. Pope Matrix's army consists of mostly archers AFAIK whereas Killer will most likely end up with too few axes to press on, or too many troopps as well as distance maintenance to slow him down.

Matrix got bullied out of a city and there's no doubt in my mind that he's been preparing for the worst. Protective archers and a headstart are a fierce thing. A bruised ego, a convenient target ... I'm content to let this play out. If and when Matrix gains the upper hand, I'll have easy pickings close to home. If and when Killer gains the upper hand, he'll be the easier adversary to contend with economically.

Ynnek remains a wildcard. He has 3 cities to the others' 4, tons of lands to the E and N, locks Matrix in and hasn't been involved in a major conflict. Can't tell what resources he has or what kind of an army he sports. He seems the most interested in cooperating and trading. We'll see how that goes.

There are 3-4 potential spots I could settle on to his E and N, one of which is extremely tempting (gold, cow, horses, coastal plain hill). I don't want to spoil a good relationship though, so I'll have to negociate for it. The double silver spot is nice as well.

Maybe I should send 3 galleys, 2 settlers 2 immos 2 workers, settle both spots and send him silver for free. It'd be forceful but he's taking his sweet time settling so it might just benefit him. Or send an extra settler and gift him a coastal town somewhere, to accelerate our partnership. Either way, those metal luxes + early forges will do wonders to Bear Island.
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Old 14-05-2019, 15:08   #33
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Built the great wall. WTF

The AI in Rome seems to have taken care of business with 4 archers whipped up. That's gonna leave a mark. I once hinted at Killer in diplo that I'd be coveting TGW ... did I taunt him into it? Why would he even consider that garbage. Barbs? Low troop count at home?

Whatever it is, wow, and as far as I can tell his war effort is stalling. Are we on for the dark ages?

EDIT: barb uprisings are a thing and Killer dodged a 5-axe bullet. Guess I spoke out of turn.
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Last edited by Beorn; 15-05-2019 at 00:21.
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Old 19-05-2019, 03:40   #34
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Found a picture for socralynnek as google image search for "Klingon soccer" yielded this:

And hence was the T94 map devised:

Demographics look amazing. Let's hope it holds up to scrutiny when mainlanders finish expanding. I need to make every square of Bear Island count. They're counting hamlets these days.

Military pales in comparison to Killer's. OTOH, all I need is triremes to deny him hard, whereas he'll be gunning at convenient (more than mine at any rate) land to conquer. Maybe I'm painting too much of a target on my back with wonders. If it comes down to it I'll just have to swallow my pride and whip triremes.

Best Rival has 65 TOTAL gdp. At 50% sci meter, my research allocation alone is 62

And now for a COLOR CODED diplomatic briefing [tm].

Napoleon, genius in the arts of artillery, will soon have proper toys to play with. Not sure how far north he will send them before they get christened on walls. Willing to split the loot if we partner to cleanse the pink guys

Has slavs . Adidas-wearing but less expanded. Will share the view on Bumfuck Archipelago ; might need me to balance the scales against Killer before Babylon turns into Chernobyl

To pick a side or not to pick a side

Has taken my stone that it may be blessed and used in constructing walls. Those might give pause ... short pause ... to Purple Dynamite down there. We've received pre-blessed marble to use in glorifying the great and the saint among us.

Greed dictates that I should try the double-whammy Parthenon + GLib on that marble. It's terribly tempting. Will mostly depend on a) Killer building a fleet or not and b) getting Parthenon stolen or not. We'll see.
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Last edited by Beorn; 19-05-2019 at 03:43.
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Old 28-05-2019, 23:56   #35
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: Somebody set us up the catapults.

Also : Lost a chariot to barb warriors.

I don't know whether or not he has sailing, but the latest scouting run revealed he has been making all cats, no boats. My first trireme fleet spawns next turn, which is kindof overkill now that he has a confirmed zero navy.

Wonders and cottages it is. Oh, and I'll go and raze the barb upstarts that got his chariot. Revenge gives +3: "You fucked 'em up good" diplomatic modifier with Killer
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Old 30-05-2019, 01:12   #36
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Turn 105: 2 players have reached trade routesand one passed me in GPT. That means a whooping doubling of GPT since T95 Yikes. All other demographics still look favorable.

Everything indicates that I'll soon(ish) run the GLib with representation (double research scientists) in a Heroic Epic capital, sporting surplus food for 10 pop on 4 worked tiles. With Caste System, that's 8 scientists. Nothing's done yet though.

Cap still has some work to do getting there while #2 is cranking out (other) wonders. #3+4 are just making units. #5+6 are on a slow exponential curve for pure pop + cottage growth. The boys are at around 4 cities each and nearly half are upstart villages.

An expansion is being planned towards the top corner of the map in order to score gold, silver and a strong military farm on the active landmass. Come T150, I plan to be ready to defend it and/or be in a position to retaliate against Killer's ele-pult forces.

Now I just realized that Joao is both the leader on the 3rd continent AND the civ with early ocean transport UU. That means I can't just relax my home island defense behind a good Navy. While it's doubtful he'd beeline his UU, and get to caravels before I do, it's equally unlikely that I'll get astronomy before he gets optics. Bottom line, my ass will be vulnerable.

Either way, unless I get roped into something unbecoming, my ideal strat would be to play aloof with the neighbors and just fly off to galleons, frigates, grenadiers and cannons, mount a mass-upgrade surprise party, and meet the 3rd continent Finns where it hurts.
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Last edited by Beorn; 30-05-2019 at 01:17.
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Old 01-06-2019, 03:56   #37
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Taoism has been founded.

That's right, it's nowhere to be found. It was founded on the same turn as Islam. It is logical to conclude that some of those fanatics on Continent #3 are so low on the scoreboard because they rushed religion, presumably to go AP diplomatic victory.

Now, you need every civ in the game to be a member for that to happen. Contingency plan: obliterate them with either a ridiculous tech lead, a naval interdiction or some good ol' riflemen on galleons.

Demographics are back under control as of T107. There's been some wild fluctuations of GNP for the top seed: I whipped in the capital vs someone who artificially inflated their $ (I bet for a tech or for unit upgrades), probably a financial civ with coastal tiles handy.

Now #3 for military with triremes up. 2 boatloads of future northmen are headed for barbarian shores. Fingers crossed.
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Old 04-06-2019, 23:20   #38
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So long, Paul Bunyan (Feb 14th 4000BC — Jun 4th 100BC). You've been a great help finding friend, foe, life and death alike.

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Old 08-06-2019, 16:18   #39
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Anno Domini.

1AD report for posterity.

The world is still at war, its machinations evolved. But war ... war never changes.

Rome is defended by its magnificent 7, archers who will stop at nothing to tell Killer he can stuff it. It's a bold move. Let's see how it plays out for them [doomguy]

No thanks. Not even the right foe.

My scout being dead, I'll be missing the dark patch of Napoleon-Pope borders. Both have 1 city in there somewhere. The world map didn't change much.

: I'mma grab Rome and then fuck the other pink. Want in?

: We have perfectly good relations with the guy holding half a dozen catapults and twice that many axes right by our capital ... why do you ask?

: We need your help surviving the oncoming storm, let's make some deal (and stall for 10 turns without signing).

Ynnek would like troops but I have none. My towns aren't even all garrisoned. I have the advantage of high food and peace, but no lux and nowhere to grow. He has the advantage of having the most space behind him, but competing demands with neighbors that want a piece of it.

In short I offered horses, 50/50 split luxes, settlers and workers for a shared settling of his N coast. Seeing as he needs horses and workers now, couldn't settle up there if he wanted to and would even gain an extra lux by signing the deal, it's an offer he can't refuse.

I feel like what he wants is for me to attack Killer - or at least close borders to tank his economy. My international overseas trade routes be juicy, and Killer's about to double up on the fun with currency's +1 trade route/city.

For that to happen, he'd have to give up more ... else I might just have to join Killer and take it. Not my first choice at all, but the stalling is becoming tiresome.

Very little happens on Bear Island. That's how we like it. I don't have neighbors to contend with at home and thus:


The 2 back cities are up with forges and starting to pump out units.

Lucky #7 wasn't mean to be born but hey, iron and fish, could do worse. Besides, ships need iron not copper for metals, so having a secure source is worth it.

The midriff is all up in cottage bling bling

And the seat of power is on its last throes of whip-to-overflow action.

Good news to come soon.

Good news which will take the form of caste system, pacifism and a mellowing of the bustling, industrial life they were accustomed to in the capital.

So if the worst comes to pass on the mainland, we'll be alright.

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Last edited by Beorn; 08-09-2019 at 17:57.
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Old 11-06-2019, 16:17   #40
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GLib is up . Time for the next objectives.

Operation Heavy Metal
  • Finalize deal with ynnek — approved
  • Settle gold and silver for +4 — Both settlers underway
  • Headbang vigorously — pending a better healed brain injury IRL

Operation Ludicrous Speed

Phase 1:
  • Build GLib — done: T118
  • Build Parthenon — estimated: T120
  • Build Iron-Man suit — ?
Phase 2:
  • Acquire religion — christianity is in, awaiting a chance at buddhism from philo
  • Spread pacifism to a 10+ specialists, NE capital — currently 4 specialists, NE in construction
  • Re-write entire MCU with Ghandi as protagonist — ??
Phase 3:
  • Ridicule the #2 GPT — currently 179 vs 98 (Portugal)
  • Broker peace among half of the civs —
  • Obliterate the unknown half of the universe under the guise of pacifism — ????
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Last edited by Beorn; 11-06-2019 at 16:34.
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