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Old 30-12-2004, 23:06   #21
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not knowing the land, I suppose the mongols are an easier target for him than rome - obviously not taking into account their defensive strength in terms of tech and units...
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Old 02-01-2005, 10:33   #22
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We have extended our peace treaty till one of us reaches the modern age. This sounds longer then it actaully is.

The production went as expected:


and a turn later:


I am researching whatever I want in 4 turns. Sanitation is next as that will drop in nicely after the first factories are done. After that we will take repParts, to be followed by the coorperation, putting Stock exchanges right after the hospitals are done. Banzai lacks medicine and my guess is he will be going for repParts first.
Financialy things are bright as well, with over 5000 cash in the vaults.
Banzai has not so many workers, so the extra Building speed will help him there. I don't mind as the price for rep parts will go down.
I cannot see Banzai getting to the next age befor eme and the question is what will happen then. I had very recent experience with the same "dilemma" in the game vs Beam. There is still time to decide. Banzai btw already asked if he would suffer the same fate as Beam on MSN.
On the bright side, these games do give me very nice experience with the later industrial age. Something I lack completely.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 03-01-2005, 20:51   #23
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Sorry for the silliness. But is this on Conquests or Play the World? (I'm guessing Conquests due to the fact that the game actually lasted to the Industrial Age)...

Anyway, seems quite an intresting game. I'm off to read his spoilers now. :-p
\"Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We\'ll keep the red flag flying here.\"

The Red Flag
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Old 03-01-2005, 21:10   #24
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Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 04-01-2005, 01:11   #25
c00l b33r
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quote:Banzai btw already asked if he would suffer the same fate as Beam on MSN.
Do both of you need to be in the Modern Age before war can be declared btw? If not and you can declare war as soon as you get in the Modern Age there is a faster way by deploying Marines (we spoke about that iirc).
That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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Old 22-01-2005, 21:15   #26
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Contains large pics, sorry

We are getting near the Modern age and to answer your question Beam, there needs to be only One player in that age for a state of war to be allowed between us. That player will be me.

Banzai did rather well but somehow I feel he has made small error in not researching Sanitation. He has size 12 cities where my coastal cities in particular are a lot bigger, not to mention some 30 extra unit support (60gpt!). The extra commerce this all gives me has made my treasury fat and research swift.
The status now is that I am up on Banzai: Sanitation, Scientific Method and Amphibious war, I am also 2 turns from Motorised Transportation while he researched Flight last turn so needs at least 4 turns to get to tanks. It is safe to say that if I wage a defensive war with many bombers he will eventually be nuked to oblivion. There is no way he can make up 4 techs in this age and still beat me in the modern age nuke-run. I am also confident that the UN is mine (though the election will not be held).
However, there is also perhaps some fun to ne had. I am now preparing an invasion of mayan lands. It will not kill him completely, but it may make him surrender.

The Minimap to begin with (Banzai is killing the Mongols).


I am mobilized for war now and basicly I want to strike all over the map. There are 4 defined theathers each representing a quadrant. The northern quadrants will see the heaviest war since both our cores are there.

North West of my core. Middle of tye map.


I own this sea. There are 3 carriers with 2 fighters and 10 bombers, 3 Battleships, may destroyers and some old junk. Banzai has one destroyer and a cruiser a little more to the north. I also have some Bombers on the mainland to attack his ships. The transport is packed with marines. The Bombing of his cities will have the highest priority to create WW. If I manage a succesful assault with the marines that is ok too.

NW of core:


Big fleet here as well. again a transport with marines. Only one carrier with bombers. Many subs and destroyers as well as a cruiser and 2 BS. I think I rule this sea as well but I do not expect to own it liek the other one. Again bombing is the goal and taking "2 dye 4" with the marines.



A bit boring. very few ships but some bombers are here. The closest gap between our nations. I will bomb his cities here. There is a transport as well as some destroyers. No priority.



The Hague has Smiths, that is a big prize, if it is empty I will take it. I expect some defence there though. perhaps after a few turns of war he will redeploy most forces in the north.

My standing army:





I am strong compared to Banzai. Mobilizaition allows for more and more units added to this every turn.
As for my homeland:


Well defended!

2 turns till war.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 24-01-2005, 10:19   #27
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Byzantines and Romans dragged into conflict

As Bright Iroquois Scientists finished their final work on Motorised Transportation the Foreign Ministry and The Ministry of Peace made a bold decision to end Mayan existence! Attacks were launched all over the world to bring horror and sorrow to already surpressed Mayan homes. "We feel no mercy" an Iroquois General was quoted; "whatever the mayan people will meet in the afterlife, will be a significant improvement over Banzai's torturing rule."
As a responce to our rightfull crusade the Mayans last desperate act of diplomacy was to ally the evil Byzantines to their cause. It undoubtly cost them a tech or two to undertake this very much expected move. Iroquois borderguards can't wait to show Theodora the mistake she made.
As for diplomatic actions by our own glorious empire; the Romans begged for some action too. We granted their request and threw in the knowledge of Tanks so that Ceasar has more to do in this game as well.

The war. Banzai lucked out in several occasions as Marines had some very bad RNG's.
However, we also did some damage.


The city of Eastern Harbor with 5 units defending was Bombed to pieces and taken by Marines. The Northern town of Quiriga (size 10) suffered the same fate as did the former Mongol town of Choybalsan. Warweariness for Banzai. Bombers also took some risky sorties over his core resulting in some hits and even a factory being destroyed. Banzai's frantic AAA took down 5 Bombers thusfar.
On the seas the battles were also vicious but nonetheless Iroquois naval forces simply outnumber mayan. I did lose one carrier to an over-zealous Submarine but that was acceptable. My coastal cities at size 16-23 with a lot of Policemen and Mobilizaion are cranking out all sorts of warships at a speed banzai cannot possibly follow.
As Bombing continued the Iroquois Landforces decided to concentrate on Byazntium. Mayans are trading with them and very likely recieving money as well. I must destroy them asap. Good thing is that Salamanca has been building Armies for some time now and these are now filled with Tanks. Tanks, that some times generate a leader as well:


The Byzantines do have Infantry but at a typical AI-way they send their Cav and knights forward unprotected. The Inf is redlined and killed by large stacks of arty while the knights and cav are taken care of by Tanks. Attacking twice in one turn will autopromote them so elite tanks are more more rule then exception now!
That our forces remain sharp is shown here:
I placed a rather large stack of ships within wange of Mayan arty and Banzai Bombed my fleet to redlined ships. The ships will go back to heal in port:


However, the arties are protected by a single infantry that was killed by bombing of the ships (before returning home to be fixed) and a bomber finishing the job. A marine:


I caprured 20 arty and 2 workers. Sadly no transports nearby to bring'em home but disbanding them is still a big plus! This will hurt banzai a lot.

Stay tuned!

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 24-01-2005, 10:56   #28
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A great read!
I can't be arsed.
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Old 24-01-2005, 11:16   #29
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Great post. 20 artillery protected by 1 - one - infantry. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 25-01-2005, 00:03   #30
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Thanks for the compliments guys!

The war goes on.
My people are becomming weary. the Second level of weariness was entered 2 turns ago and luxes were upped to 30% severely hampering research, kept at 50%. Fission is now in 4 and not in 3 turns because of the war. I therefore decided to ease of Banzai a bit and concentrate on Theodora. I want her gone to hop back to WW level 1, and a steady 10% lux, 70% science. I also want Banzai to loose the last of his friends. Needless to say this friend too, was bought. Real friendship as it is between me and Julius will never even spark some comprehension with the Maya. But oh well, let's stick to business.


The Byzantines produce Tanks now and that is not okay. Thye have slaughtered Cav of mine (well, only 2) and this is Payback. My entire landarmy is here except for some Marines on the seas and a few Inf. 4 armies of Tanks, 14 Tanks, 10 cav, 12 Inf, 26 Artillery, an army of Knights and one of Mounted warriors (GREAT for quelling resistance, is that known or just coincidence but armies quel resistance very fast!).
Theodora had little to say. I captured a prize, though it comes too late to be of any real use. I'll have nukes before Modern armor and probably nukes before mech inf too. But anyways, we may capture a Catapult or something.


The rest went as well:


2 More cities. The mountains make it too hard to do both in the same turn so 2 turns it is. Then, the byzies will meet their end.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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