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Old 06-12-2004, 01:10   #21
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Posts: 901

As seen in pics above, Babylon now has muskets!
So any further assaults would be suicidal. I looked
what I *could* get for peace (didn't actually sign untill now (133)).

Quite amazing, since a human with half a brain would ask me for 19gpt (+) given the imbalance of power (I have 12 horsies left, they have Crusaders, Knights, longbows and muskets).

66.72 KB

65.85 KB
that compared to feudalism as it is traded on the free market (that's all my current spare gpt except for 30% lux tax)

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the bottleneck area under new management

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I think I will sign peace on the next turn (but note that Korea took a core city of Babylon!).
Goal of the war has been reached, Babylon is down to 10 cities, I have 17 (18 next turn - resettling on Shuru ruins).

And now to some not-so-meek-anymore demograph data.

I was #2 in GNP/MFG for a long time, now I'm leading for the first time in all important areas. And the gap in spt seems more than 20spt! Obviously some AI GA has just ended. (not Babs, their (peaceful) GA is long gone)
Beam and I are somewhat equal in pop (F8), yet he told me I was his top rival. He's ~55 points ahead in score (still wondering if he has 3 native luxs).

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Old 09-12-2004, 18:23   #22
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Yippie, a brave horseman killed a redlined knight
and finally spawned a GL (136)!!!

The Babs didn't show up with a stack recently, just single units (not even muskets), thus I lived with
few casulties and didn'T sign peace (which would
break the MA with Korea).
I formed a horsemen-army. Not too great, but it should
be able to pick off approaching units.

other stuff:
Beam caught up in tech, he'll likely get ahead of me.
SunTzu's was completed in Hattusas (apparently on Beam's
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Old 09-12-2004, 18:26   #23
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Also note that the dumb Babs really want a mine on
that hill... yet again 2 more slaves.
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Old 11-12-2004, 05:43   #24
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quick update (141 turns played):

My furious neighbour apparently traded a horse to
Germany... hehe.
Pillaged the Akkad horse with my army and Bab's troops
could use their feet from then on.
And a tile N of Akkad with spices was revealed.
Also, no left over knight was sent out anymore, just
2 longbows within 5 turns that did not even attack.
IBT 140, Korea signs peace, them breaking our MA in the process.
Weird, in turn 136, I thought I'd only be able to
defend myself with a horsemen army, always looking
for a peace deal in emergency case (which would have
trashed my rep), sort of duck&cover. But nothing to duck from, so I went mad about 'wasting' my leader.
The army attacked a longbow only to enable HE, but the army was not really needed per se.
So what to do with it other than attacking Akkad?
That resulted in nada (!!!) losses; my army killed 2 muskets and another horse took care of the remaining longbow. Very poor garrison.
I dunno, you get *some* (?) army bonus (50%?), but I never expected this outcome. Just checked combat calc,
it says an A=3 unit with 13HP has a winning chance of 94% against 1 fortified 3HP musket. Shit, I think I missed some opportunities in the past.

Anyways, the situation is really fine now:

123.99 KB

WW just kicked, so lots of stuff to do.
Beam has contact to Korea since 138 IIRC who now (141)
know feudalism...
Re-checked all screens, tech trade costs etc. I was
still lacking any MA tech except engineering. Some gold
has been already invested towards feudalism. Babs would
give it away for 7 gpt within the peace treaty; but mono
for only 4gpt! (compare: @20% science, feud ETA 8, mono
ETA 16; both techs spread on my coninent; hence Beam does
not know feud, but mono).
Babs only had 23gpt spare/2g lump, so I made peace with
the mono option. Beam indeed knew it.
Bought feud from annoyed Korea for 53gpt (cautious Bizzy
wanted 57gpt, WTF?), Beam lacks it. (made a 33gpt selling
offer, but I guess he's about to have it sooner/cheaper)
Babs have a monopol on Chivalry, they would not accept 100gpt. Damn highway robbers.
I then got wines for 20gpt from them. Lux down to
20%, some specialists hired, chivalry in 19 @20% science,
28gpt surplus. The deal should really kick in with spices
hooked up (ETA 10). After ending the turn, research
time dropped to 17... maybe I should trade horses to Babs
ASAP to get 'my' gpt back.

A settler sitting on the hill, originaly brought
to plop a city right there, moved on to grab the spices
ASAP (will need a border expansion). Flip risk is quite
an issue, though (4708:962 culture, 11 tiles will not be
owned right after founding spice city).
Rushed another settler to fill the the cleared spot.
(edit: I razed Akkad, of course)

Assuming the continents are somewhat equal, the positon
of the spices lets me guess that Beam certainly has 3
luxs online for quite a while.
The fact that he contacted Korea indicates he knows some
other route, possibly from the western side. But
since I'm still strong compared to Beam and preparing
for the next war, I feel somewhat safe. I will deploy 2
galley watchdogs, though.
Also, I expect the AI are finally not much of a threat

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Old 11-12-2004, 19:51   #25
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142, I sold horses for 14gpt and 94g to Babs. I really
hope they are dumb enough to renew their German horse
deal. Sure thing I could not buy in Germany vs Babs in
the next war, but their help will (likely) not be
essential anymore.
As expected, Chivalry makes the round, Germans know it.
City of Brest founded, I have now jumped to #6 in land
area; still leading in pop, GNP and MFG (103spt, #2 has
78spt), gotta love the French traits.

Beam denied the proposed tech trade; instead he knows feud now.
We seem to be equal in tech and AI tech pace has slowed
down seriously. Well, no surprise here on my continent due to the war, but no wonder completion messages from Beam's world. I cannot imagine that Beam is involved
into a (hot) war, since China seems too weak. Although if
he controls a similar chokepoint, he shouldn't be in
trouble with a somewhat small military (walls don't
always suck).
Chinese culture is on the rise (due to libs I guess) and
I bet he aims for Chiv actually (fits to feud as recent
target). OTOH, from his POV, edu would be very
interesting, too (>put limit on TGL abuse).
Whatever, I must somehow get ~1800g for upgrades.
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Old 18-12-2004, 00:35   #26
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update to turn 156:
France & China:

Beam knows all civs on my continent, he's currently admiring the French Riviera.
The Chinese tourists wanted to share a secret!
Yes, we made a deal. I bought theo for 45gpt from Beam. He's still weak, but got ahead in techs, thus he probably accepted. Maybe not for love, but for money (>upgrades, AI catch up).
My motivation here is to get to printing press ASAP (improve chance of contact gaining). Actually noone has it here, so I now research it. My suicide ships all drowned, while the Babs now travel sea tiles with their galleys. Chances are they meet someone, I surely don't want to miss that opportunity to gain contacts before trying the TGL raid.
Education is yet unknown to Germany/Korea, but I'm sure Beam will lastly adjust that as soon as he spots a war on F4 (ETA 10-15 I think).
Doing still very well on F11; after some expansions, I'm even #2 in land area now.
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Old 01-01-2005, 19:11   #27
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Weird, I know all civs since turn 159 and I did nothing to achieve that.. Either Beam or someone else traded all contacts around.

Of course, techs spread around in the process, which leaves me as the most backwards civ on the planet.
OTOH the contacts are just fine with respect to the nearby TGL. The raid
will be delayed a bit since I dont have enough money yet to do all the upgrades (spent to much on printing press research which now appears to be worthless).

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Old 02-01-2005, 22:43   #28
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I forgot to turn off auto-deal-renegotiation the turn before, thus Hammurabi knocked on the door to renew the peace deal. The deal included a mere 4gpt from my side (I originally assumed the deal should silently go on with auto-negotiation off in case I give the gpt; dunno if this assumption was correct in case I had turned off auto-re-neg?).
Since upgrading has not been done so far, I didnt take the risk to deny the peace deal. Now I have a new peace treaty with Hammurabi in place... d*oh.
(Additionally, I renewed the wine deal with him, but scrapped the horse deal.)
Anyways, now that I punked myself [crazyeyes] (and other gpt-give-away deals ran out), I opened a new tech trading round in turn 162. It appeared that Korea charged the cheapest prices for all techs in question, so I buy invention/gunpowder/chemistry for 43gpt/44gpt/38gpt&horses from them. Except for chemistry (not known by Hittites), these techs were spread all over the world; I exchanged newly gained chemistry for printing press with Hitties (btw, they would have exchanged education for chem).

Beam was quite surprised how it was possible to catch up with 4 techs in one turn, but IMO the deals were not unusual given that almost all techs were known to all civs.

In 163 I noticed that Germans have gems to offer for 24gpt; I still ran 10% lux tax and turning it down resulted in a better surplus than 24gpt, so I bought it; I had to re-adjust some specialists and now I run 100% tax with 50gpt surplus left (4 taxmen are also present). My FP will be ready in Marseilles in 4 turns (delayed by one turn due to clown-hiring - no market there).

Gunpowder says there's no saltpetre within my borders, but there is a source a stone throw away in Babylonian area (city of Nineveh). So it may be possible to first steal the saltpetre, then grade up to cavs and go for Babylon. OTOH question remains if the delayed TGL raid is still worth it, meaning that Beam might finallly decide to attack his neighbour, pumping up his empire in a GA while I sit and wait not trashing my rep (this game *might* very well see a diplo victory).
Anyways, a great TGL abuse with 5(!) scientific civs -possibly all in industrial age at that time- is very tempting. Hence I did not exchange chemistry for education.
Intel suggests that Beam now builds military. Note that he has ROPs with every AI civ!

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Old 03-01-2005, 03:48   #29
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Some impressions of tonite's session (actually 168 turns played).

The birds don't see that much of a difference looking at France from above, yet this state of expansion is enough to hit #1 position in land area. The mentioned source of saltpetre is found on Shiny Stardust Hill near Nineveh. Cultural expansion levels may be an issue to grab it at once, but I plan to resettle the area being really in awe of their culture. Speaking of culture, Beam's neighbours, the Greeks, even top the Babs in total culture.

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Here you can see I didnt get the party invitation... I feel sort of excluded looking at Mr Passage and his network of ROBs (166). Now if only someone abuses the beaming rights. Beam seems to squeeze out every possible source of money (safe bet he's bigger in territory than every AI).

93.29 KB

The French propaganda department proudly presents cute demograph data of turn 166:

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Note that the French propaganda department burried F8-culture comparison in some forbidden place ...

...which is not to be mistaken with this one (167 - Yay!):

58 KB

It doesn't look like that much of a boost on F11, but after completing the FP, re-joining not needed native workers and constructing some more markets/courts, I now get 130gpt @100% tax. From Beam's surprised reaction on my the tech deals with Korera a few turns before, I guess he guesses (lol!) I'm completly broke. Hehe. Anyways, here's the data after FP-completion (167):

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We had quite some conversation recently along with the turn exchange. I told Beam that his (suspected) contact tradings (around turn 159) were quite a good move at a well chosen point of time, because shortly after I gained the contacts, a galley ironically could make it over the ocean (no spoiler during conversation since Beam noticed my galley in Hittite territory arriving anyways). Beam of course confirmed the contact trades, I am eager to know the price he could charge. Here's the galley exploring towards China, it seems that both (?) continents are equal in shape (167):

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And, finally, the mini-map (167):
(edit: replaced by enlarged mini-map, since the map is visible in the pic above... enjoy and get lost in this enlarged one then)


some other info: Bach's is on Beam's continent. Beam's military is now classified 'avarage', which means he's as weak as I am.
Funny game, I delay the next war now and then again, Beam doesn't apparently start any action (maybe soon?) and the AI gets fat. Good thing that both Greece and Babylon compete themselves for 100k, lol.
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Old 03-01-2005, 10:29   #30
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If you get to cavs it seems a good idea to head for Babylon (the cap is magnificent). Are you allowed to make MA's against the AI? Allying with your other islanders against the babs will certainly kill them.

Good spoiler btw!
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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