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Old 04-02-2005, 15:56   #11
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Bah - I had an elite 5HP archer v 3 HP spear against Killer's capital and lost. c75% victory chance

Trust the RNG.
I can't be arsed.
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Old 05-02-2005, 13:39   #12
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Of course, it can still get worse.


My newly found city with only Iron resources I will ever get. That is if I connect them in 436 turns of hard Mountainroadbuilding. Mind you that me and Ceasar are trading. That is the mofo gave me spices for CoL. He was polite as well. Next turn:


Well, better lose this one then the one with the Mongolian Archer. Arnhem was razed the next turn. Ceasar also sunk a galley of mine.
There are now 4 Roman galleys entering my lands and if these are full of archers I qam dead. Oh, there are also some Mongol ships comming my way, and no I do not give up Groningen for peace. It has my single horses resource.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 08-02-2005, 10:33   #13
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Ok, new tactic: Don't own anything the AI does not have. Including techs, money and resources. It works!

I finaly was able to settle an acceptable peacetreaty with both Rome and the Mongols. Mongols landed units in my core and I had to kill them off first and in a rare moment where there were no enmies in my area I went to talk with them. I gave both Rome and Mongols Currency for peace. I then traded both Monarchy and gpt for a lux. They went to polite, both.
I myself had revolted to Republic and that was needed, my research 100% at Feudalism.
This also meant that all are now in the next age! This happened when brave Dutchmen discovered Currency first in the world! They sold it arround and several turns later Beam followed to the next age as well. Beam, being the only scientific civ in the world now had a monopoly on Engineering, which he decided to keep instead of trading to the AI! ooooopps.

A few turns was all it took for Egypt and the Americans to demand this tech from him and he refused, to both.


In the turn after that the Iro's also demanded Engineering and he gave in! Unbelievable from my PoV but I guess he did not need MW's at his party too. I was estatic OTOH as I grabbed a monopoly on Feudalism that turn!
This gave me a great opportunity to bleed the AI dry (as keeping it will not be allowed due to lack of military), not to mention beginning trade with the Iroquois gave me Engineering too! A tech most civs lack as well. I trade for cash and luxes:



A healthy financial situation:


I used a large sum of cash (700 gold or so) to rush four Libraries and a Marketplace. I plan on rushing more as a build-up of cash is simply not an option due to the lack of military. This, sadly, will not improve soon as I willnot get iron. For a very long time. This in turn explains my research on invention as that allows me to finaly build a dreamunit: the longbowman. Better then nothing but Horsemen just ain't gonna prove good enough if the AI land again, though I will build some of those too. After Invention I will go for GP. Muskets. yay. If I have saltpeter.......
I will acquire the upperhalve of the techtree by trading. My advisor says I am advanced.


My lands and beams land to compare. Massive difference in citysize!!


and Beam:


Though not a very clear view of his land, I guess the difference is seen easily. This results in the following stats:


Two adjustments: MFG is low because the Hague and A'dam are using lot of Coasttiles this turn. I reach place 3 in productive mode. This does bring GNP down to 3rd as well.
Noteworthy are population and landarea, 1st and last! Nice combo. This for some reason also results in the last place in military service, but that was expected []:


I do have 3 Roman slaves as well!!

Finaly to finish this spoiler:


I'll keep you posted!

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 13-02-2005, 22:25   #14
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As turns pregressed and the world got into more wars we keep pursuing the goal of Gunpowder. We still lack Iron and have no chance of getting that without Muskets/Longbows/(but actually Cav).
As fortune was with us we reached both Invention and Gunpowder first! This traded me Education and Chivalry in the upper tree as well as 100 gpt, that makes 140 gpt total


It also gives me enough luxes as can be seen, but there is however also very very bad news:



Do I conquer the world with Horsemen?

I do not get it at all

This also means no Frigates so no way in hell I will stop beams Dromons if they come to is also clear I have no chance of Coal (who needs that without Iron anyways???) as that will also be on some other shitty island. Oh, and forget a GA, that is a nono forever.

The lands...


Needless to say that I am solely waiting for a "we have discovered a new source of iron/saltpeter" to make this game even remotely winnable. I may even considder surrendering soon as I see no chance any other vic then Diplo is an option.

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 14-02-2005, 00:59   #15
Rik Meleet
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This sucks...
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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Old 18-03-2005, 09:54   #16
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After months of counceling getting over the fact that this Spoiler "sucks" we continue spoilering any way.

I am an evil whore. []

Several things happened, let's begin where we ended last time. WE got Gunpowder and lacked SP. That was expected a bit as it continued in the no-iron-too-way this game was in. Giving up was an option but I rightfully decided there is always a way. The worst case could be I would be overrun by AI, or worse, Beam, but I felt confy I could handle both on the diplomatic front.
As you know, having no military concerns whatsoever has the advantage that one can focus on building and diplo. When the possibilty of ememy invasion is neglectable (as I cannot prevent that with warriors and Longbows) science is the path that may lead to glory. here's how this whore kept himself in the game:
Beam. Whine a bit. Make sure I am inferior yet no glory can be gained by eliminating me. This was helped by constant AI-agression towards him. He has been (and is) at war with a minimum of 2 AI during the last 60 turns. This has both kept him on defence and also prevented him getting many luxes or great tech deals. Beam also whined back requesting a techdeal which I granted.
The AI. I monopolysed the following techs: GP, Chemistry, Banking, Physics (with abe, same turn, I got to trade it) and Magnetism. ToG was obtained by Abe first but he did not trade it. I easily whored all these techs to all AI so beam was (and is) a bit backwards. None of the AI are scientific, so at the start of teh Industrial age we were all equal except for Beam:


By itself doable since he is Scientific. However, I also Monopolysed Medicine! I picked this tech as I have no iron for RR any ways and my 6 AI friends (ALL gracious!) would pick Nationalism as a researchpath. The pick above is taken the turn I made this trade. Iro's and America have just researched Nationalism. All AI expect Egypt also have Democracy up on me.

I buy Nationalism from Iroquois for 60gpt, 170gold and Medicine

Sell Medicine to America for 120 gpt and 86 gold

Sell Nationalism to Mongols for democracy, 72gpt, WM and 5gold

Sell Nationalism to Inca for 88gpt and 174 gold

Sell Nationalism to Egypot for Furs (deal just expired, nice timing to renew it!) 16 gold and WM.

Rome is kept in the dark.

This balances to:


If I get Steam before Beam gets in this age...I can totaly neglect his free tech! 9 turns...
The units upkeep...I am annoyed that my little shitty mili costs me 34gpt!


some other thingies, the diplomatic screen:


Very hard for him...I do not know what happens if these nations start landing rifles near his cities...

My area:

Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague are all on 20spt. Eindhoven has 15 spt, Utrecht and Groningen have 10 spt. I have a lux deal with Rome that expires in 10 turns. In 12 turns I will have close to 30 cav, upgrading one horseman per turn. Rotterdam will start a Palace prebuild for ToE. Hoover is pretty pointless, so I will not go for that.

And my two Saltpeter islands, far away and vulnerable...that's why I got two:



Last, the minimap:


Sorry for the long delay in updates.

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 29-03-2005, 22:02   #17
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I will take back what is rightfully mine. This island was found by the Dutch and taken by Caesar. 3000 years later we took it back.


The Roman attack was planned very carefully and a turn later 16 Dutch Units, 13 cavs among them, landed near the Roman Core. This, and the fact that iron gave me access to Swiss Mercs, led to the demise of Roman cities, now halfway through their lands.


With cavs now in 2 turns in all cities Rome will fall soon. What? in all cities? yes, no matter the produced shields, we will buy what is not made by hand.

On the domestic front, Steam Power was obtained by us as first in the world and besides this good news we seem to have coal, and thus Railroads, we also sold it...


A whopping 695 gpt from the AI, netting 500 gold cash at 100% science! Electricity, in the GA, is now in 3 turns, and after that it is ToE. A prebuild in Rotterdam is already unde construction!

stay tuned!
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 29-03-2005, 22:18   #18
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Wow. Beam is prettier than I remember from the party pics

Way to get out of the dirt and back into the game man. Nice trading!
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Old 01-04-2005, 21:23   #19
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And the trading continues. remember the Electricity "gambit". Well...


That is massive.

In two turns some deals will end and it will all go back to an adorable 600gpt.

Rome is losing, though rifles on hills still suck.


American culture expansion has taken my Saltpeter, wel one of them, but the other one I was trading to America (the irony). I now cannot build Cav. bleh. I switched all cities to Hospitals.

to end:

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 02-04-2005, 21:46   #20
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Well done Beam! He traded himself back into action by getting a monopoly on Industrialization!!

He traded for all techs he lacked not even just parring with me but with me lacking Indus I am now suddenly the backwater civ of the game.

Not for long I say. As Beam got to trade I decided to sit on my Scientific Method Monopoly. Rotterdam needed 8 more turns to complete it (yeah I know lousy timing, but at the right prebuildtime the Palace was just 300 shields...). This gave me the chance to do repparts in 7 and just hope no-one got SciMeth. That worked and the turn before Rotterdam would finish I sold RP (shared mono with America and the Iroquois) and ScI Meth for Indus, The coorp and Ironclads.
I was happy to see:


I picked Steel and Refining as free techs and am just 7 turns away from Destroyers now.

Of course, as expected, we have no rubber.

This is a serious disappointment since I cleansed the Roman homeland and now have a chunk of the world large enough to have at least 3 Rubber. Well, there is one rubber unclaimed.[]


My 3 cavs proved too much for ceasar and next turn I got them. Romans eliminated

A slaveworker was sent to the Rubber and harbor-lib will make sure we have Rubber in Amsterdam, a welcome fact for many a visitor there.

This is a huge pic of Beams land:


At this moment he has just gotten his Iron connected so he's probably building facs everywhere, and RR. This last issue though is not so easy I think as clicking his tiles shows that many tiles are unimproved!! It looks to me like he has a sever workershortage due to the wars...not a nice time to have to build workers when there are so many other essential builds (Facs-hospitals-stocks-Policestations). I will keep a close eye on city sizes as to know what he is building.

To compare a bit, my lands.


Noitice also that the dense build of Beam is starting to counter him here compared to my very loose build. Former Rome has still a good rate of production and after buying CH and Policestation in Rome I will build the FP there asap.
The core, Hospitals are in all cities now (except Rotterdam due to ToE). I then bought Factories as soon as I got Industrialisation and one turn of shields invested. It is great to have some turns of GA left with factories! After that I am going for "perfect" cities in the core, even building Temples and cathedrals as size means I can use them (but do not need them), but focussing on Police stations and SE's. Wall street and Battlefield med will follow.
My cash counter still reeds 4000 gold or so and I plan to invest 3000 in infra in the core. I make 400 gpt as well, but that will be upgrade money.
The roman land needs heavy development and the FP is needed there. From there on it will be simple. Market/lib/CH/Fac/ps/harbor/rax and the such.

da mm


Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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