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Old 31-08-2006, 16:06   #11
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We are sending them trough msn and chat while playing, trying to get some info out of eachother. So we can play some turns every day like that as long as everything is going fast.
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Old 31-08-2006, 21:59   #12
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Turn 84 now:


The numbers on the cities are their distance rank from the capital. I numbered 17 cities, those are the potentially productive cities. At this moment, city 13 is 50% corrupt. When the FP is done (city 6), that should move to city 15 i think. All cities before that are less than half corrupt. All new cities to be produced will be at a distance no closer than city 17 so that none of the first 17 cities will lose their rank.

The FP will be done in 12-13 turns. The Collosus (city 5) for my golden age will be ready in 12 turns.
The pyramids were completed in city 3. City 2 now took the BG's in the area and is preparing a new wonder. As you see, that city has a pretty nice production already. When i will ave my golden age, it will be more than 30 shields per turn.


KC just produced the Mausoleum of Mausolus. Until turn 80, there were no wonder builds on F7, so he used the palace for prebuild. He tells me he is using it now as well and there is one wonderbuild in the F7 screen. So he has 2 wonder builds going, both just started after turn 80. He is telling me he doesn't want to research Monarchy, but i suspect he is aiming for the hanging gardens (golden age) and Leo's. I am gonna just let him get those gardens, but not Leo's. And in fact, i don't want him to get any MA wonder all together. With my golden age boosting my city beyond 30 spt, it should be easy enough to deny him one wonder that i choose, but i hope i will be able to snatch multiple wonders.

Therefore, i am planning to start a wonder build in city 3 after it finishes its library. This is supposed to become Sun Tzu. When city 2 is done with it's wonder, it can probably start another build for one of the later MA wonders. Maybe i will also set a city to build for Bach's. But i am in doubt if I am gonna pull it off to snatch all wonders from KC.

9,10,11 Are strugling for tiles to use and need the production badly as the all need a library, aquaduct and harbor. The golden age should help them out, maybe i will add some gold for rushbuilding.

Next turn i will enter the middle ages. On my own, i'm on the edge of 4 turn research, but with KC clearing the path for me and reducing research cost, it will be real easy. Ain't it beautiful, KC is doing everything to try hard and research as fast as possible. I get to follow cheaply and meanwhile i can build all wonders i want and have more population.
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Old 02-09-2006, 20:14   #13
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Turn 102:
My golden age kicked in a few turns ago. Due to the golden age, i am now doing 250 science per turn at 40%. My 2 most productive cities have around 30 shields per turn each.
Non wonder building cities are mostly just completing the following list of structures:

KC started his golden age with the haning gardens last turn. He has researched monarchy for this. The result is: I am no longer really behind in research. As my research of Invention completes, there is no tech available that is made cheap by KC's research. I choose to research Theology.

Just this turn, i built Leo's workshop. If KC didn't lie to me, he should have 600 shields on his prebuild within few turns now. I have 2 more wonder builds going, but i will not beat this prebuild of him. The good news is, it is his only prebuild. I expect him to build Sun Tzu.

Now i have 2 wonder prebuilds going, and i am not really sure yet what they are gonna be. I am interested in the science wonders, in magelans, bach's and even sistines.

I am just thinking about what is gonna happen when we both get to sail the oceans. I don't think it's gonna end there. I have never really fought wars in the industrial age, and i'd dying to use all those beautifull units for the first time.

This naval war would cause huge losses for both of us of course. So i need to get an edge. Magelans should give me an edge in naval warfare. Strong happy wonders may give me an edge in defeating war weariness. Thats why i am actually thinking about sistines and bach's. The science wonders are an obvious choise of course.

The problems though:
-Combining the production of rediculously expensive cathedrals with the production of units, espescially naval units in the coastal cities. These cities all have a rather weak production.
-When we go to Industrial age, KC will have a free tech and will thus reach Sci meth faster, get 2 free techs and possibly build the Hoover dam before i get a chance to do so myself.

I am gonna think about these long term plans a bit more now.
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Old 02-09-2006, 20:20   #14
Rik Meleet
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Any idea where on the map Killercane is located ?
How are you going to explore on the sea (I mean: what route) ?
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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Old 02-09-2006, 20:50   #15
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Well, since i am on the top left, i assume hes on the bottom right. You don't have that many options where to place us when you want us to be at navigation distance Exploring is not really my biggest worry. It can wait until i can safely cross the ocean.

Basically, i see the following possibilities for both me and KC:
-Fastest possible attack. Str8 for navigation and drop horses. Possible in (4 techs) 16 Turns.
-Slower attack. Navigation and MT. Drop cavalry. Possible in (8 techs)32 Turns.
-Get to Industrial age first and hope to get ToE and Hoover first. Possible in 40 turns. (10 non optional MA techs to go)
-Go for Frigates and start a naval war. Possible in 28 Turns. (7 techs) 8 more turns will add cavalry.

So now i have to decide what is the best counter against each of those, make an expectation what KC is doing and try to influence his choises in our MSN discussions.
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Old 04-09-2006, 17:48   #16
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It is turn 118 now. I feel rather stupid for what is happening to me. I do have quite some experience against human players from other strategy games, and i do know you can't get away with few units when your opponent might choose to go for aggression. In fact, i know that normally the correct strategy is to build nothing but troops and rape the opponent as hard as you can.
However, i made some misjudgements. With the same experience from other games, i learned most players have a tendency to build way to little troops.

In naval landing games like these, the defender has an advantage. He has the turn after landing to attack the troops in the open (of course you close hills and mountains against landings)
In this game, horses are best used for defending and pikes are best used for attacking. The defender does however need to have a LOT of troops. The defender also has the advantage in that the attacker needs to build a large amount of ships and loses time on transporting his units. On top of that, the attacker will lose more troops and thus suffers more war weariness.

Now because of these advantages for the defender, i decided to delay my offence until after the middle ages. I have a very agressive reputation in civ and thought KC would expect nothing else than a full force attack from me. I judged KC would be smart enough to build horses for defence. I did not think he would choose the offence, certainly since that appears not te be the nature of most players.

Since i have had only 2 units for ages, i was never worried about being military weak compared to KC. Only after i started producing horses, as i build more and more of them and kept hearing i am weak compared to them, i started to get more and more worried.

Now it is turn 118, and i'm afraid i'm scrambling for survival. Last turns, i typed a little per turn log while playing. Sorry for telling things double (or triple), i was typing it while playing and now after providing a sumary, i include the text unaltered. some pictures should be uploaded soon.

The log:
It is now turn 113.
I am 1 turn behind KC in research. We are both researching the same path. Theology-Education-Astronomy-.......

We have been talking about who's gonna get copernicus. This turn, he has researched Astronomy, but not completed copernicus. I will research Astronomy next turn and copernicus could complete the turn after.

Meanwhile, i am building mounted warriors to prepare for possible meetings. I have produced 18 now and am still weak compared to him. As offensive points count twice as much as defensive points and MW's have 3 of em, he must have quite some troops already.

He has been telling me that he would defend himself and try to prolong the game, insinuating that he is expcting agression from me. We also spoke about completing copernicus.

Finally, culture growth tells me i have more libraries than him while he is actually scientific.

Therefore, i am expecting a huge invasion from him when he researches navigation. I can only hope he does not have the galleys to bring them all at once. If they come in waves, i may be able to handle them. If they come all at once, there will be way too many for me to kill and i will lose cities.

Still, that does not mean i should lose hope. I will kill his invaders with great efficiency. This will cause him great war weariness. This war weariness will allow me to research into industrial age and beat him for universal suffrage and ToE.

Turn 118:
I keep building horses and he keeps being strong compared to me. He is telling me he is building universities. Obviously i don't believe him. He researched Navigation. His first boat is getting near.
I hope am gonna survive trough this. He did talk about researching Chivalry and sending knights. I am not sure if that was cowpoop or if he really is gonna do that. If he does, he has been researching 2 optional techs and i will probably research MT to fight his knights efficiently.
I am not gonna build a large load of vessels. First of all, i need to invest most of my production in horses to stand a chance for survival if KC attacks me and second, they cost too much upkeep and i figure in these island battles, defensive units are best for attacking and offensive units are best for defending.
So what i really hope now is that he is gonna be sending me horses, not pikemen.
If he is smart, he does have the opportunity to kick my ass. If he spends all his production and gold on building and upgrading for many vessels full of pikes.
The only advantage i have is that he will need a massive load of vessels to send me his attack force if he chooses to attack me and that he loses time in travel. Time that i can use to build more troops for defence.

Turn 119:
He dropped 2 horses and a pike on my shore. Couldn't get there in time. I am forced to disband 6 of my ICS cities. Worse however is that by moving my boats 2 tiles into sea and back, i spotted 16 more boats comming for me, that could be 48 units. They can land in 2 turns.
I have 33 Mounted warriors now and with some rushbuilding, 10 will be ready next turn. I have 4k more gold so i will be spending some more next turn. I must survive this attack and hopefully harm him with loads of WW.

He thinks i haven't seen his 16 boats.
The units he landed last turn were landed on the south east. He has boarded them again and send the boat north. He took one of his 16 boats and moved it into my obvious vision in western direction. The 15 remaining boats he is moving around trough the ocean "out of my vision" Of course, i have a perimeter of boats to move out into the ocean and back every turn so i know his every move.
I have produced some mounties and i am rushing more of them. Some mounties i sent to the single boat in the east, the rest of the mounties are following the big stack of boats moving to my core. I will keep adding more mounties as i want to decimate his stack in turn. Even if i can't do it in 1 turn and i happen to lose a core city, the damage for KC in war weariness should be worse i think. A city can be rebuild, WW is not so easy to repair here. Certainly not if it is gonna prevent him from beating me to Universal suffrage and ToE. (Also time to do research on communism)

He has landed 6 units. I kill them 6-1. One of my MW became elite in the battle.
Last turn i was military average with 43 mounties. I am now still average with 50 mounties. I'm gonna gonna lower the gold spendings on rushbuilding a bit.
The bastard did research Chivalry and is now building Knights templar. I will go straight for MT to upgrade for cavs. I must say i am not really thrilled to research MT as i really want to beat KC soundly into the industrial age for the important wonders and the race for bombers. But i will have to do this to keep fighting efficiently. Unfortunately i will have MT just a little late and KC has a few turns to attack with Knights while i have only MW to defend.

I have done some research and learned the following facts:
-Universal suffrage has only a minimal effect and is not really worth building.
-As my empire is now, communism would not help my average corruption. Unit support makes up for the lost commerce bonus. Commy allows more cities to be added, but those would have to build tons of buildings before they are usefull. Not counting the WW aspect, i think republic and commy are eachothers equals for my empire.
War weariness is the only real profit for swiching to communism so i hope i can delay the anarchy period as long as possible.
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Old 04-09-2006, 18:28   #17
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118 The first KC sighting. Note the ring of boats i am building around my island. I start moving some horses, but i know i will be too late.


119 The eagle has landed.


120 Unfortunately i had to disband 6 towns since the razing of a town causes huge WW. This picture also shows the path of KC's boat after loading back the units. It was out of my vision at the beginning of my turn and i made sure it was out of vision at the end of my turn again.


120 Here you see the stack comming. This was out of vision as well. Before the end of turn, i move my boats back to safe coastal waters.


121 He has landed 2 boatloads, rather easy to dispatch. I am building new settlers to replace the lost cities.
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Old 04-09-2006, 20:12   #18
Rik Meleet
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Getting interesting.
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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Old 04-09-2006, 21:01   #19
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it is very
the sooner you fall behind, the more time you\'ll have to catch up!

CDZ Cup Champion!!!
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Old 05-09-2006, 00:54   #20
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His 15 boats are at my shore, but exactly where they cant unload. I do a last round of rushbuilding, even regular mounties in the ICS cities near the landing zone.

He dropped al 45 of them. Fortunately it is mostly horses and not so many pikes (about 8 pikes, 6 endiku, 30 horses, 1 settler)
With 62 mounties, i attack his stack. It is close, but i have just enough of them to kill the whole stack. I lost 8 mounties in my attack. WW be awefull for him now.
I calculate 101 WWP for KC and 19 WWP for me. Every 30 WWP is a level worth 25% unhappy citizens.
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