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Old 22-11-2004, 01:50   #11
Join Date: May 2003
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Seems like Beam's galley drowned. What a pity.


although I have to recheck this next turn, because
I don't know if AI make their moves before or after the
galley sank (if it did)
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Old 24-11-2004, 16:01   #12
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Republic has been established. I'm actually #2 in GNP, MFG and pop (Babs are probably #1 in these areas).
During revolution, a taxmen-horde squeezed out as much gold as possible, so I could opened an embassy in Beijing:


No granny?
Mr Beam has 3 luxs, I wonder if these are native.


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Old 27-11-2004, 19:47   #13
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55.15 KB


Since the Babs refused to demand tribute recently, I declared war on them myself. On the past turns, I used a horsie to inspect the best defender of the nearby city of Nippur. It was a bowman and I didn't want to wait for a pike showing up there.
I bought in Germany and Korea which was amazingly cheap. Germans get 3gpt and Korea poly (well, K certainly made the better deal with this). Korea gets engineering as free tech. I had hopes my on mono or feudalism, but I buy it for 27gpt/republic. They revolt.

I'm not sure if the Babylonians have pikes or even knights (they do have chivalry>Templar construction). Sure thing is that Babs must be hit hard until the pop, tech, wonder (and of course the mineshaft) gap increases. Untill now, there's 5(!) wonders in Babylon (Pyr, MoM, TGL, HG, Leo's).
Anyways, I could score in the first round, Nippur has been razed and 2 slaves will serve for France now.

110.27 KB

Alas, a trebuchet was destroyed in the cause.
On another 'front', which is at the Babylonian-Korean border and featured by a sole brave warrior, a third slave was captured.
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Old 27-11-2004, 20:00   #14
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Looking pretty good Grille, and with uber-city Babylon in your possession (soon...? Hopefully they do not have iron?), things can only get better of course!

Can I ask, does Beam have contact with the Germans now? According to game rules he should have been able to have contacted them (using ctrl-d, not F4), but in my game with Skyfish the same thing happened with regard to being next to an AI border, and not being able to contact them.

Strange thing is, later, in a replay of the chain of events, I was able to contact them, while I'm pretty sure that during the "live" turn I was not (though it is impossible to be 100% certain about that of course).
<b>\"In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die\" </b>
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Old 28-11-2004, 02:25   #15
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To be honest, my military is somewhat weak. Or better: it became relatively weaker than pre-anarchy, though I have absolutely more horsemen around now.
Babylon has indeed iron and horses, it's just that I did not see pikes/knights yet. I figured that time is not on my side with Babylon in peace.
Also, I don't know much about Beam. Except that I'm leading in tech (Beam now has poly and HBR) and possibly slightly leading in pop/mfg/gnp. He has apparently 3 native luxs and based on score (Beam is 50+ ahead) and power (equal while Beam's military is weak), I suspect that he covers more territory with more potential on the long run.
So I decided to better act ASAP; if things work out well, I may secure the Akkad bottleneck (see zoomed out pic in post#12) and then halt there. That's my main goal for this war and capturing/razing Akkad is quite an optimistic estimation (I'll plop a city on the hill south of Akkad in case don't get that far). The city of Babylon is certainly still out of reach (plus, it's on a hill...). The flip risk would be quite high as well, so they should be wiped out in one go if I wanted to keep some cities.
This war is 100% depending on Babylon not having (many?) superior troops now (though respective techs/resources are present) and on my allies causing enough trouble on the northern front. Btw, I figured in that Germany and Korea already had a ROP in place.

Played turn 122 already, caught a worker, no other skirmish to report. I'll launch an attack on Sippar in the next turn.

According to F4, Beam does not have contact to any civs on my continent.
IIRC I had some similar weird instances in SP games: when detecting the first AI by touching their border (no units seen), the 'D' at the info box would sometimes show up and sometimes not.
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Old 30-11-2004, 05:00   #16
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Sippar is history since turn 123.

Note that due to a gfx glitch, retreated redlined horses are not seen in the pic at position x (the bug is somehow always present for me when marching in).
Injured units have meanwhile returned to Chartres for healing. As hinted in the pic, I'm actually pondering about a direct raid on Akkad with 12-14 horsemen while ignoring Shuruppak (see post #12 for pos). It may be too risky spending 2 turns in the field; they could be picked off easily and I should have at least 10 intact horsies available at the gates of Akkad.
OTOH, the Babs are now (125) accepting my envoy and I could theoretically even demand stuff for peace!

So far, I've lost 4 horsemen, a warrior and a galley (should be pretty much balanced RNG results).
Btw, does the AI attack with laden galleys??
3 elite horsies around now (2 from Babs, 1 from Barbs). Now I wouldn't mind a GL...

Interestingly, I was #1 in pop after razing Sippar; actually I'm #2 again and Beam is at least officially ahead on F8 (top rival was Babylon before).
Offered him construction for 480g (or 24gpt), but he denied. Heh, I would have flogged it for 400g counter-offer, I need da moola! Bummer.
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Old 03-12-2004, 17:49   #17
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Babylon has now 6 wonders, KT was completed in IBT 127.

The buggers showed up with pikes and knights a bit earlier than expected;
a friggin knight doomed 3 horsies (and a spear before).
Tse Germans have signed a peace treaty with Babs in turn 129 , so
they will possibly bring along more stuff to France. I'm not sure if I
should bribe Germany again, since I'm no way prepared for a longer war.
(and Babs would actually pay ~320g for peace)
I will try to plunder Shuruppak in the next turn, I have split my forces(130):

Further decision will depend on the result of the attack.

On a more positive side, I was listed #1 in pop on F11 during the past turns (Beam is closest rival on F8).
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Old 03-12-2004, 18:03   #18
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Is that horse near Akkad their only source? If so, perhaps you could still fight a longer war once it is disconnected, and pillaging it might be an option? With Babylon becoming more and more a tremendous boon for any empire to have, them fielding knights, and soon crusaders, against you must be extremely frustrating, good luck with the next turn!
<b>\"In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die\" </b>
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Old 03-12-2004, 18:43   #19
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They can back on a second source.
It's near Babylon, barely visible on the overview map in post 4.
(I do have a shot on HD when I opened the embassy, will dig it up)

edit: here it is.
hehe, dumb me, I didn't know wheel then, but marked the tile where the horse actually sits

126.06 KB
while looking back, quite impressive that the Babs got 6 wonders within ~60 turns!!
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Old 06-12-2004, 00:48   #20
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Here's a better view at the other source I know of:


On my side, the attack on Shuru (now on size 7) resulted in 2 dead horsies (1 elite), 3 retreats and two wins. It appeared that Shuru was defended by 2 pikes and 1 spear (1 pike was not fortified! thus likely rushed and no other defenders). 1 pike and 1 spear had been killed.
Since there was no harbor, I pillaged the road to Shuru (cut off iron) and brought the other stack into attack position (131):


Elsewhere, a reckoning galley morsed the positon of 2 easy victims working on a hill (no units aboard):


Second blow on Shuru, killed the remaing pike and a (rushed) spear at the cost of 1 horse (plus 1 retreat), got 3 slaves out of it (132):


133, my galley had picked up a warrior for the obvious naval assault (warrior killed by knight on IBT, but at least robbed 2 slaves):

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