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Old 08-02-2004, 03:11   #11
anarchist butcher
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Can we see the minimap? Also what is your current tech strategy?

You seem to have a good plot of land, I presume you are planning a war soon for a GL to build the FP?
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Old 09-02-2004, 16:57   #12
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And so the news is out. I have one luxury while Sky has 4 (domestic). This is by no means intended neither by the players or the Mapmaker and was just a mistake.

There is no way I will quit this game now!!!!, even when it turns out to be a sitting in the dark till the nukes drop game for me. Sky still has a decent chance and if I am to sit by I will do just that.
Besides, I am not a quitter and I still see chances.

So what do we do next? What does it mean to have just a single while Sky has 4 is a question that is not that hard to answer. It will allow him; bigger cities, more trading, more whipping, more WLTKD, more commerce and probably more important, a 100% luxrate or taxrate.
I have now ended the landgrabphase (except for the capitol) and my cities require a 30% luxrate.

As requested, the minimap:


So what else happened and what are the cicles doing there?

I have met the French! They are probably near my continent as I spotted a French curragh several turns after Joan completed the Lighthouse. The French are advanced but that is no big deal. My techcosts just got cut in half!!! I bought 3 techs from the Iro's for a total of 100g+18gpt. I now have math (cata's!). I have no writing however and thus I have no idea if these clowns have war, though I doubt it judging from the direction the curragh came. I estimete the french being in or near the Pink circle. Obviously the Iro's are in the purple circle. The White circle is a very nice Nuevo Zembla where Montezuma will order Nuclear tests (once we can get there without sinking).
Also, I send a curragh south and the Captain DID IT. survived 5 turns of heavy weather finding the BACKWARD egyptians. Cleo is in my age and only leads by Mysticism, Writing and IW. She has no currency!!! I am not able to buy yet though.
Here is the pic of the boat that made it:


Netx turn will be crucial because if the boat makes it again...well, then we have a new continent to explore, and maybe meet Cleos neighbour, if she has one (probably not seeing the techrate)

Domestic issues: I have to MM everything to keep the people happy. As can be seen here it is touch and go at the moment.


That is all for now, the next update will come soon.

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 09-02-2004, 17:43   #13
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So you have a clue if the Iro's have some luxes you trade/war for?
I fed my Dog the American Dream
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Old 09-02-2004, 18:21   #14
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@Kingreno: While following both your and Skyfish's spoiler it soon became very aware to me that something was wrong. I never expected that the game would advance as it did (both of you got far more land than I expected). So I stopped checking things outside your immediate range. As it turns out this was a mistake and so far it appears to be the only biggie, which makes it even worse for me. Sorry for the unbalancing situation

EDIT: I see that I even made a huge mistake (regarding luxuries) on the original landmasses
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Old 15-02-2004, 16:15   #15
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We have passed the one-hundred-turns-mark!

That by itself is great and due to our ever-present Aztec Intelligence centre we have knowledge that sky is nearly a republic. Something very very good. For him, and perhaps when we meet and talk about things, it is probably ok for me too. I will never be a republic and therefor have not pursued it from the very beginnings of the game. I have problems with keeping the crowd happy in despotism with the one lux, let alone the huge trouble (a war in) Republic would give me. So, the goal is now Feudalism. Whcih is still a damned bit too far now.

But heads up troops. First, the area:


As can be seen, the randstad is full, very very full. But not so full that a few more cities won't fit. []
Also, the vast majority of cities is to full military production now. I will soon reach the unit limit and that will mean decisiontime, to get an idea of how things look, the F3-screen.


well, enough workers! 34, it is off the screen. That kind'a helped getting up in MFG and is the ONLY reason I continue this game. But these workers will soon be left without any relevant business to conduct and some will be joined to cities, depending on other factors.
For the rest, horses, spears and cata's now. I still need to decide upon the time of attack. The good thing is that Hiawattha recently opened an embassy in Tenochtitlan so I now know: He is at war with the French! Good: Troops on other side of me, Bad: Build troops cheap and many. Good: Golden age for sure!
Also, it allowed me a look at his capitol from a distance and, in the Fog:


First, it is just as productive as my lands and horses on his *** doorstep. Goodluck Jaguar-pillaging party
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 15-02-2004, 16:36   #16
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I'd disband those ordinary warriors if I were you and replace em with some decent units when you reach unit limit
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 16-02-2004, 13:03   #17
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Some curraghs got lucky! I met the Otto's, who in score are a lot smaller then the rest of the AI. Later I also met a Mayan Curagh:


Sky is, as expected in the Middle ages and also in anarchy. Ass.
we debated on Msn on what will happen now. I still do not know. Continue normally will mean a very impossible mission for me. Sky has an easy republic with 4 luxes and may even be able to get into the Industrial age without problems. I have to get into some kind of war. If sky gave me X, then how high should X be to call it "even" meaning compensation for the unbalanced map/lux?? So if say, sky gets me all his techs, is it a fair game then?

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 16-02-2004, 13:17   #18
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I think giving you all the techs would be fair, but you should also get compensation for the luxuries. But who am I to comment

I assume that you both want to continue and play on in a relatively balanced game...
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Old 17-02-2004, 13:17   #19
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And time for an other update. As said, Sky is way ahead of me and we agreed to make a deal, he brought me in the MA for 30gpt. Considdering circumstances a fair deal for 7 techs. I thus have all ancient techs and am now motivating a single scientist towards Feudalsim, only 43 turns to go. The choice on gov was not easy, feudalism requires a very different playstile, it has warweariness and worse, my experience with feudalism is near zero. But there is no other way to go. I have 28 cities, 23 of which will never grow beyond size 6 if I do not get at least one extra lux, that is including the luxslider at 30%. Doing the math, 23*5+5*2=125 free units, in despotism, that is 112 (28*4) in Monarchy 23*2+4*5=66. So feudalism is better IMHO, if anyone disagrees I would be more then willing to hear arguments, though the word republic may be forgotten.

As for the situation. I know 7/8 of the civs, with only Korea not on my christmascardlist. The Koreans are doing okay however and are very likely Sky's neighbours as he has a Korean worker for some time now. Sky does not know I do not know the Koreans and he delivers decent info on them trough MSN, like them starting a wonder.

I currently am paying Sky and Hiawattha gpt-deals, the latter being done in 5 turns, which will mean war. I have no other choice and hope to get a leader (5 would be okay). Hia is still very much busy with Joan, so that is a very big plus.


The area looks as it has looked for ages now. My top 8 cities have rax and markets now, mili all the way. The FP is slowly getting their, though often starvation is the only option for the (lazy) constructors.
In the western "pass of leaders" the main military resides, ever ready for an attack on irolands.


Tlalmanalco has rax, a temple and will have walls in 7. The mountain range will be fortified to provide Zone of control and extra defence. I am still in doubt if I will add baricades. I could put one in the grassland before Tlalmanalco, but if that falls, I will be attacking Iro-units protected by the same probably that will not happen.
Idealy I will get feudalism very soon so I can upgrade teh spears to pikes. With enough arty support they should be able to kill many.
My Military:


As seen, I am already exceeding the free number of units, but SidSod's (new word?) are not to be underestimated...

The civs:


Two wars going on here, with the Iro-Franco being the vital one, for me. As for techs, I am par with India, the rest is up Mon,Rep,Feu,Eng,Inv and Gunp. Some have Mono,Theo. Sky has rep and probably one MA-tech.

To show yoy that the AI's have not been downgraded too much, take a look at the French Capitol of Paris:


With 6 Bonusgrass, some hills and 3 cattle, and all on fresh water and the sea.

For now, we prepare for war.

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 17-02-2004, 13:39   #20
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stupid joan shoudl build a marketplace instead of that almost useless great lib.
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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