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Old 02-05-2004, 13:14   #11
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Great stuff !
Get him, kill him, mince him, lynch him
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Old 17-05-2004, 21:13   #12
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Default plan to get (even close to) ToE has Failed. Anarres was apparently a lot sooner to the technology then our prophets thought. Stupid them. There are even horible rumours that he has chosen AT and Electronics and some Moron claimed full responisibility for this and was reported as a "Scientific Great leader".
Naturally...Us Carthaginians renounce this concept and even more so because a few years later this guy "suddenly" builds a great dam, names it after a "president" of a Civilization This world has no knowledge of and then disappears!!! Such lies!!
So? Is this a time for giving up??? No way! Lets look at some other aspects of the world. Anarres...had conquered the Netherlands! At least, their main island! Stupid William had all his units in England. In a few turns, bye bye Rotterdam, bye bye Utrecht, bye bye EINDHOVEN!!! Now he has done it. One does NOT RAZE MY HOMETOWN!
Techs. he leads...AT, Electronics, Repparts, ScI Meth and Sanitation over me![]. He has inf and the landing in 15 turns will mean inf on my continent!. Also. I have no inf yet, though I will get it before the invasion.
This would mean give up KR, or are you stalling, where it not so that Carthaginian Scientists have for long kept a VERY dark secret from the known world; WE proved in turn 197, now 8 turns ago, that IRON CAN FLOAT!! The new tech Ironclads is seldom researched but in this mad islandworld where sails still think they rule there is One King of the seas: The Carthaginian Ironclad. I could easily do 4fer with this technology netting me Repparts, sanitation adn sci meth but I simply cannot let Anarres get Ironclads ANY turn sooner then needed. They Upgrade from nothing (but TO destroyers!) so he should not be able to have many of these monsters by the time we go to war. may I also add that Ironclads are better in c3c, with 5(6).6.3 as the stats, add one movement for seafaring civs and we have a very big boat, a bit slow, but very sturdy!
I expect to have around 25 of these in 15 turns!

The strategic concept. Main rule, I invade him, his fleet gets a look at the oceanfloor, along with the inf in it.

The maps:


My island has RR at most important places, the rest are mountains and some adjustments to irrigated plains to mine for more production. I am, mobilized, number one in MFG and 2 in other important stats.


The plan: there are two fleets that consist of galleons. One is now to the north of my lands and will head east. It will hold a bit north between Anarres' two islands. They will move to a point where they can strike both islands. Anarres will very likely place galleons between his lands, loaded, so he can enforce the island under attack. he will also send his navy north. My galleons will arrive in 10 turns. These Galleons are empty.
A second fleet housing 20 cav and 8 rifles has gone south. It will go south of india to the east and will hold within 2 or 3 moves south of contantinople. Ironclads are on their way to shield them. It is imperative Anarres does not see this fleet, and is also the reason it left now. I expect his boats to come and scout my islands any time now. I will also send 10 Ironclads to the area between the islands and tehse can effectively block the searoute there. He MUST unload the troops in a city to be effective the same turn. If he cannot, I believe I have a chance.
A second number of Ironclads, and this depends on confidence since I will need a number at home will head for constantinople for bombing. I tested it and it is very effective with oen out of 6 hits getting a population point!

We will see, in 15 turns.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 24-06-2004, 13:14   #13
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The game is now on turn 119 which I just send to Anarres. He will have first strike on turn 220, but I do not expect an invasion of my lands just yet. I have forced Anarres into a defensive position which will not be easy for him at all.
I never expected 30 turns ago that the newly added Ironclad tech would be this crucial in this (or any) game. I have withstood many tempting offers for it and still hold monopoly!


As can be seen, Anarres now holds 3 islands. His starting island is naturaly the most important one and will be very heavily defended. To the west of that is former Dutch terrain rich with resources and semi productive. It also holds Magellans in Amsterdam. To the Southeast a tundra island with two luxes for him. No production.

This in many situations would be a very good position indeed. But not so when your opponent has:


And please remember that the best boat Anarres has is a 2.2.7 Frigate. I will have 12 more Ironclads in 4 turns. My plan is to use this fleet for seadominance and bombardment. I will land 28 units soon too. But I will wait a bit to see what he does.


East of Ohrid, dummy invasionfleet threatning two islands, SW of spetum, the 28 Carthaginian heroes. Everywhere: Ironclads!
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 24-06-2004, 13:45   #14
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Interesting game
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Old 24-06-2004, 14:18   #15
Lt. Killer M
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hm, does any one of you have an intelligance agency?
if I was him I'd get one and try to see what's on that fleet - it is a tiny bit obviously positioned. I'd think 'trap' if I was him.....
One more turn..... just one more turn... one MORE!
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Old 24-06-2004, 15:28   #16
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Very interesting. I think I've never seen a good naval strategy in PBEM. Make sure to keep us updated as much as possible and good luck!
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Old 06-07-2004, 08:12   #17
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I Gave up the game.

Anarres played an awesome game and used far superior strategy, rightfully sending me further down the ladder.


Naval Bombardment utterly SUCKS!!!

Why? here's why!

When bombarding a city with, say, 15 Ironclads, the enemy ships in port are ALWAYS targeted first, then ALWAYS the garrisoned units are targeted, only when ALL units are redlined, pop and buildings (which is what we want) are hit.
This is horseshit! And so easily defended against!!! Just put two galleons, an obsolete frigate and two cav in the cities that are about to be attacked and you will suffer NO damage at all. The hitpoints heal the next turn. In our game, Anarres could have easily waited for he researched destroyers and meanwhile suffer only minor annoyances from my bombing.
I feel seriously disappointed by this. The logic is also completely gone. I have a fleet of 70 Ironclads, as turn 220 approached (end of peacedeal) I tell Anarres this (why not? hehe) and he is obviously not too happy. However, once it is clear he will (worst case) lose only a few Railroaded Grasslands, which are repaired the next turn, he can outtech me with ease, and no need for a huge military at all.
Logic. This is a game but if Infantry are in a city, which is bombarded, would they always die (but not completely) before the temple/harbour/rax/cath/ect is hit? So the troops in civ actually are a human shield for the buildings (...they are supposed to hide in in the case of bombardment). Also, the ships in port are naturally hit first (but never sunk!!!!). Just some holes in the bow, a damaged rudder, no more sails, but hey, just when they are about to sink to the bottom, lets target those cavalry.

I did make some errors in this game and I would never hide behind this bombing to explain a loss. I just like the way it worked in civ/vanilla better.

So, for Anarres, and a lesson learned for KR: use boats for fishing and Inbading.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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Old 06-07-2004, 08:44   #18
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KR, sorry about your loss. But the naval bombardment works exactly like artillery bombardment afaik. Arty will also target ships first.

There's actually one early boat with lethal sea bombardment: the dromon. That's why you don't want to upgrade them.
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Old 06-07-2004, 15:34   #19
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ah, artillery will NOT redline all units before anything else in any version up to patch... 1.15 C3C? I fell for that one also

sorry, KR, you had a great strategy there!
One more turn..... just one more turn... one MORE!
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Old 07-07-2004, 02:27   #20
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It's a shame you gave up KR, I was really worried about your ships bombarding my *tiles*, not my cities.

Still, I will post my (HUGE) spoiler update tomorrow. FWIW I went not just for OCP but for 2 islands, both highly productive. Just before KR gave up my capital moved to the Dutch mainland with size 7+ cities and fully developed land.

My main island actually had my smallest number of units, as I was expecting an invasion of one of my other islands. The 20+ Cav that landed next to Constantinople very nearly took it out, and was only stopped by the 10+ drafted Infs. If you had gone to the southern city, that only had about 6 defenders in total, and you would have probably taken it...
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