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Old 21-07-2004, 19:22   #171
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Nice stories Tarly!

I think I'll wait with my turnlog until you are finished..

I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 21-07-2004, 20:06   #172
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Posts: 298

Sumeria Continued.
Ur pike-MI.Akshak.Barracks-MI.

Turn 8.610AD.
Those Egyptian knights are going to get a nasty shock when my army has healed in Ur.
Science turned down to get cash for walls when buffer cities are built.
There are no battles on this turn but there are 24 lurkers surrounding us and,methinks,not wishing us well.MM Ur to 21 spt,can now produce MI in 2 turns.Our workers are slogging away at the jungle.We're a bit short of units in the south but our army is stationed there.

The north heats up again.Kish pike-Pike.

Turn 9,620 AD.
N.front.Agade,bomb LB,2 hits.EMI kills LB.I do wish that they'd start fighting each other and give us a rest but we need the combat for leader fishing.
Lagash bomb chariot.2 VMI kill chariot after retreat.Zabalam.Bomb horse.hit.VMI kills horse.
S.front.Army kills MI.
sumeria 2-incompetents 0.

My secret plan to enveigle the AI to attack my E inky comes to fruition.Lagash,Elite Inky kills knight,MGL produced.Ain't that just tickety-boo.Pike kills knight.north of Agade,LB kills pike.serves me right for putting MI and covering,unfortified pike out in the open just to kill a LB.Ur MI-MI.Lagash pike-pike.
Turn 10.630 AD.
Meskiaggasher builds army,stuff with 3 MI's.We can now build the Pentagon which should be rushed with the next MGL.We now have 3 armies,1 holding the fort down south and two up north to put some stick about.
Lagash.Army kills 2 MI,promotes.
VMI kills MI.Agade.vengefull EMI kills LB.
S.front.Richborough.bomb 1 MI + archer.2 hits,1 miss.Esw kills archer,army kills MI,8/13.
W.front.Erech.bomb MI,2 hits.EMI kills archer.EMI kills archer.Bomb spear,1 hit.EMI kills spear.
Sumeria 9,losers 0.

IT.north of Agade knight kills pike,the ratbag.Sumer pike-pike.Agade settler-pike.Zabalam,MI-worker,no growth.

Turn 11.640 AD.
N.front.Lagash.Bomb knight,1 hit.bomb archer.2 hits.Army kills kills 2nd knight but suffers reverse-now 5/14.VMI kills LB.VMI kills Numerc.promotes.VMI kills LB promotes.
W.front.Erech,bomb archer and spear,2 hits.EMI kills archer.
S.front.Richborough.Bomb MI,2 hits.EMI kilss MI.* MI kills MI.Esw kills MI.
Sumeria 9-cabbages 0.

IT.3/4 knight v EMI out in the open after chasing a LB.retreats,A bit of luck but I'm getting careless.Kish pike -pike.I've produced only pikes in Kish for the whole of my turn.

Turn 12.650 AD.
N.front.bomb horse.1 hit.VMI kills horse.This front is now secure.
W.front.Zabalam/Bad-Tibira.bomb MI 2 hits.VMI kills MI.VMI kills archer.VMI kills horse.bomb Numerc,hit.VMI kills Numerc.
I see a crusader to the west and a Byzantine musket parked on Egypts iron,I wonder if they're at war?
Sumeria 4-AI SFA.
I'm all tuckered out,said the bloodied but unbowed BB to Bollock.I've got just the thing to revive you,master,Hemlock wine.
Givvus a pint ,then,you smelly nonce,said BB.
With pleasure sir,said Bollock ,who watched with great interest to see BB roll on the floor in agony.
Ain't it just the way,BB was impervious to the hemlock,smacked his lips and asked for more.It is said that the devil looks after his own.

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Old 21-07-2004, 21:30   #173
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AW Summies

0: 650 AD
12 eneny units at our northern front, including a settler.
7 at our western front.
4 at our southern front.
No Celtic forces visible !?

Alter a few cities to produce more shields.
Change Der from walls to worker.
Kill 2 Iroq med inf between Erech and Umma.
Upgrade elite enkidu in Lagash as it has already produced a leader.

The famous enemy unit shuffle... injured units retreat, healthy advance.

Total losses: 0
Total kills: 2

1: 660 AD
Kill 2 Egyptian invaders.
Our southern army scouts the border and identifies the Celtic city Lugdunum south of Kissura.
It is only defended by a regular pike.. hmm..

Egyptian longbow attacks a fortified vet pike accross a river and wins

Total losses: 1
Total kills: 4

2: 670 AD
Bombard the shit out of some units near Lagash and kill 3 intruders.
Kill 2 pikes in Lugdunum with our army, taking no damange Razing Lugdunum gaining 2 slaves.

Egyptian knight dies at the walls of Lagash.

Total losses: 1
Total kills: 10

3: 680 AD
Started the turn with the usual bombardments..
Lose an elite med inf attacking a wounded knight, but kill 9 units after that!

The Byzantines move a stack of 5 longbows towards Agade with Egyptian knight and Carthage Ancient cav support.
The western front is under attack of the French, Spanish and Iroq coalition... 21 units total! yikes!
The Celts want Richborough back and send 3 med inf and a settler/pike pair.

Total losses: 2
Total kills: 19

4: 690 AD
Not a bad start.. kill 11 unit including the celtic settler pair (netting 2 more slaves)
Pillage the Egyptian Iron supply... no more Iron for them!

Lose a med inf to a French longbow in the west. This was the only unit I could not cover.
Iroq med inf dies to a pike near Bad-Tibira
An Egyptian knight and an Ancient Cav are forced to retreat at the walls of Agade.
Carthage lands a NuMerc at Akshak

We learn Invention!! start Gunpowder, due in.. 29

Total losses: 3
Total kills: 31

5: 700 AD
Lose an elite sword to a wounded Celtic Med Inf and an Med Inf to an Ancient Cav.
13 enemy corpses are burried. The enemy western invasion forces are almost wiped out!
Still way to many troops at the northern front to send our settlers though.

To be continued tomorrow...

I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 22-07-2004, 17:53   #174
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... Continued from yesterday

5: 700 AD
Lose an elite sword to a wounded Celtic Med Inf and an Med Inf to an Ancient Cav.
13 enemy corpses are burried. The enemy western invasion forces are almost wiped out!
Still way to many troops at the northern front to send our settlers though.

Byzantines start Copernicus.
If Spain gets Astronomy they will be capable of building conquistadors!

Total losses: 5
Total kills: 44

6: 710 AD
Crush the entire Byzantine Longbow stack (5) like eggshells along with 3 other units.

We are gaining ground at the northern front.. only a stack of 5 med inf from Carthage and 1 Egyptian knight are visible..
Time to prepare a dessert settlement.

Iroquois are moving quite some troops from Gayagaahe over the mountains to Erech and Umma. I have to do something about that.

Total losses: 5
Total kills: 52

7: 720 AD
Bang! And that was the Carthage med inf stack..
Northern front looks quiet with more of our units that theirs.. only 4 enemies in sight.
I get rid om some Iroquois at the mountains and kill some French and Spanish invaders. 6 total.

An Iroquois med inf kills a pike covering a wounded med inf.
An Iroquois med inf dies trying to kill a pike covering a wounded med inf.
Yikes! That longbow is Spanish! lose a med inf.
YIKES! Where did that Egyptian knight came from? It attacks our army, redlines it and then dies! phew... MEDIC!

Total losses: 7
Total kills: 65

8: 730 AD
The Iroquois forces have fortified on the mountains.. they are safe.. for now.
They have also founded Goigouen near the ruins of Lugdunum.
Kill only 5 units this turn, mainly because most of them are already dead and the armies need to heal.

5 Iroquois units leave the mountain protection and move towards Umma.
Carthage moves 3 units on my prefered settle spot. No sweat.. need to build a road first.

Total losses: 7
Total kills: 70

9: 740 AD
5 Iroquois and 3 Carthage units killed. Hehe.
Total remaining enemy forces at the Northern front: 2
Western front: 5
Southern front: 4
And there is one damaged galley at our eastern front.

!!! Forbidden palace build in Bad-tibira !!!
Bad news.. there is a unit visible we have not seen before, and it is riding a horse...

No.. it is not a cavalry.. it is a Mounted Warrior!
An Iroquois med inf dies trying to kill a pike covering a wounded med inf.

Total losses: 9
Total kills: 79

10: 750 AD
Kill 4 more units.
Move settle stack into position.
The stack can be attacked by only one Ancient cav, but the settler is covered by 3 pikes, 2 med infs and 2 trebuchets.
You can move more troops from Lagash if needed.
A big stack of workers is just northwest of Sumer (covered by 1 pike)
One army is healing inside Sumer.

Total losses: 7
Total kills: 83

Kill summary
Sumeria: 2 Pikes, 4 Med infs, 1 Sword (7 total)
Carthage: 3 NuMercs, 1 Longbow, 2 Ancient cavs, 1 Horse, 10 Med infs (17 total)
Celts: 5 Pikes, 6 Med infs, 1 Settler (12 total)
France: 2 Crusaders, 2 Longbows, 1 Spear (5 total)
Egypt: 5 Knights, 5 Longbows, 2 Pikes, 1 Med inf (13 total)
Spain: 5 Longbows, 2 Med infs, 1 Spear (8 total)
Iroquois: 16 Med infs, 2 Archers, 2 Spears (20 total)
Byzantines: 6 Longbows, 1 Musket, 1 Spear (8 total)

And the save...
Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] AW_Sumerians750AD.SAV

I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 22-07-2004, 18:43   #175
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The northern front:

As you can see it is nice and quiet with only 4 enemy units in sight.
That will probably change soon.

The settle stack is in the pink circle.
The red square are floodplains needed by Agade and Sumer.
The black square are floodplains that can easily be shared between Lagash and the new city.
Therefor I think the current settlespot is the best.
We need to mine the normal dessert for shields though.

This is the western front:

The red square is in great need of improvements! maybe it is more important than clearing the jungle!
With at least roads on those plains we can move more freely and handle any intruders with ease!

I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 23-07-2004, 02:20   #176
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Terriffic stuff,Banzai,I'll look at save manyana and comment more fully.No MGL's,thats bad news.
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Old 23-07-2004, 10:06   #177
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Some additions..

In this game somehow I do not have any leader luck, so I started the construction of the Pentagon in Ur. 9 turn to finish.
Also the construction of the Forbidden Palace was a great boost to our economy. Gunpowder will be researched in 8 turns now, still gaining some gold.
We have a galley waiting to kill Dromons in Agade, but I have not seen any dromons in my turn. Maybe we should use it to scout the area and locate some horses.

I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 23-07-2004, 17:23   #178
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Byzantium should be our N0 1 target.They have £6814 in the bank,that would fuel top research.They've got horses as well.I agree with Banzai,slip our galley over to the coast to see what we can see.The Iraquois also have horses.
Perhaps we could capture or raize the two Egyptian cities to our north,Elephantine and Heirenacopolis.
We still need more cities as leaders will surely come.
Excellent turn,Banzai but do try to do better,as in leaders.LOL.
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Old 24-07-2004, 22:10   #179
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I'm up right? I'll take it tomorrow (or tonight if I cant sleep)
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 26-07-2004, 21:47   #180
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I hear the cry from the crowd."wherefore art thou.Propain?"
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