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Old 04-07-2004, 13:17   #131
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It might be worthwhile building a new city,west of Erech,next to the iron,to stop Spain getting their nasty little hands on it.
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Old 04-07-2004, 14:06   #132
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0: 330 AD
Change Akshak from walls to temple, as it is size six and about to grow.
Save Agade from starvation.
Everybody has the Republic, and the Byzantines are Religion ahead of us.
I use some unmoved troops to kill a Spanish and Iroq archer in the open.

More enemy units invade.. I count 31 troops at out borders!
18 of them are at our northern front.
4 at the western front
1 east (dromon)
8 at the south-east, including 3 gallic swords.
The south-west front is quiet.

Total kills: 2
Total losses: 0

1: 340 AD
Bombard and kill 7 units, but lose an elite sword to a redlined med inf.

Lots of troop movements, but no combat.
The Byzatine land an archer in the east
Carthage sends a stack of 2 ancient cavs, 2 med inf and a sword.
The Celts try to penetrate at the southeast

Total kills: 9
Total losses: 1

2: 350 AD
Kill six more units, all of them at the northern front - including the archer. No units were lost.
Lagash expands its border, which is great! - more breathing space.

An ancient cav kills an enkudi covering a wounded sword, but another one dies to a pike in Lagash.
Spain builds Hanging Gardens in Santiago

Total kills: 16
Total losses: 2

3: 360 AD
Again six enemies die, including the entire invasion force of the Celts - 3 gallics and an archer!
Manage to upgrade 5 swords to med inf.
Carthage will problably attack Lagash again with 2 reg med inf, but it is well protected and across a river...
There are currently 23 enemy troops near our border, including 2 galleys

Only one med inf attacks.. and dies
More Celtic troops apear
Egypt is becoming anoying as it lands a med inf in the east
The palace expands!
Agade builds a temple and starts a galley

Total kills: 23
Total losses: 2

4: 370 AD
Lose a sword attacking a Carthage sword.
Seven enemies are beheaded.
I'm thinking to start offensive moves against the Celts again... I'm bored fighting defensive all the time.

Totally nothing!

Total kills: 30
Total losses: 3

5: 380 AD
Only 4 enemies killed this turn.. my ratio is going down!

Spain is becoming more active. This is not good as the south-western front was nice and quiet.
The Celts are sending Med inf now.

Total kills: 34
Total losses: 3

6: 390 AD
Again only 4 kills

Whoa! A wounded Ancient cav tries its luck attacking a veteran pike in Zabalam, redlines but wins! grr.
Noticing Zabalam is now weak, more troops move that way.

Total kills: 38
Total losses: 4

7: 400 AD
Lose a veteran med inf attacking a redlined med inf.
Troops are healing and repositioning.. Kill only 2 units including a Dromon!

Carthage loses a sword attacking a regular enkidu lure
Celts build Great Lighthouse in Verulamium.
Spanish build Temple of Artemis in Madrid.
French build Great Wall in Orleans.

It is getting busy at the western front!
Egypt is sending more troops too.

Total kills: 41
Total losses: 5

8: 410 AD
Killed eight units, but there is still pressure on the western front.
Our army had some bad luck attacking a wounded med inf and is in bad shape.. lets hope and pray!
Moving attack force to the Celtic jungle town Burdigala, only to notice it is completely surrounded by jungle.. our trebs cant reach it
There are also 5 Celtic med infs near the town.

The army is not attacked, but this time my lure regular Enkidu is attacked by a NuMerc and actually loses!
Smart AI moves, as one injured Ancient cav retreats, making room for a horse from France to move in and kill a Med Inf! that med inf was normaly not in reach of that horse

There are 8 enemies in our territory at the western front! a record!

Total kills: 49
Total losses: 7

9: 420 AD
Lose a med inf attacking a wounded NuMerc, promoting it.
Kill 3 units. I do not have much luck lately.

Spanish archer dies attacking a pike.
F*CK! Carthage has all the luck in the world as the wounded NuMerc I failed to kill last turn attacks and kill another med inf. not good!

Total kills: 53
Total losses 9

10: 430 AD
Killed 3 units. Without losses this time.
I'm not very happy with the situation.
Our army needs to heal and moved into Sumer this turn.
Agade is under big pressure by Egypt and Byzantines.. 12 units in total.
Carthage is harrasing at Lagash with 3 NuMerc
The Celts are moving Med Infs through the jungle to Isin and Akshak!
Spain is a pain in the ass at Bad-tibia.
France is moving horses to Zabalam. Be carefull for the Ancient cav overthere!

almost forgot.. I have 9 units next to Richborough to harras the Celts!

Kill summary:
We lost 3 Med inf, 3 Sword, 2 Enkidu, 1 Pike - 9 total.
France lost 6 Horses, 1 Archer, 1 Spear - 8 total.
Byzatines lost 7 Horses, 3 Archers, 1 Spear, 1 Dromon - 12 total
Iroq lost 4 Archers, 2 Warriors, 2 Sword - 8 total
Spain lost 2 Archers, 2 Spears, 1 Med Inf - 5 total
Celts lost 4 Gallic sword, 4 Archers - 8 total
Egypt lost 3 Archers, 6 Med infs - 9 total
Carthage lost 1 Ancient cav, 2 Med Inf, 2 Sword, 1 NuMerc - 6 total
Total kills: 56
Total losses: 9

I left Robin Hood unmoved for ProPain to play with


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I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 04-07-2004, 15:20   #133
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Excellent play,Banzai.I particularly like your turn log style and I'm going to try to copy it.I feel you had some bad RNG combat luck but it's all swings and roundabouts and it all evens up in the end.
We have to try to break out and pillage/explore for horses.I know this is bloody nigh impossible with all the AI at our gates,another MGL would come in very handy.I think we have enough cities for 3 armies.The heroic epic will be finished soon and increase our chances of MGL's.
The kill ratio of 56 to 9 just shows how difficult it is to get a high ratio.
We should try to pillage the Egyptian iron,that would put a stop to egyptian MI's and build a city west of Erech,to forestall spanish iron.Build the forbidden palace,anywhere,it makes hardly any difference but gets our corruption down making for more production and more doller lolly.
Not much to do,Popain,you can handle it but you'll probably do your own thing,anyway.
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Old 06-07-2004, 19:20   #134
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Thanks Tarly

This is our front at the north north east:


We have currently no healty offensive troops in the area, but Agade will build one next turn.
The trebuchets will have to hold them of until the army is restored.

This is our front at the Celts:


See the stack at Richborough?
I think we can capture the city, but it will not be connected to our empire. For that we need a road on one of the red lines.
The one heading south is the fastest to build, but the most dangerous for enemy attacks.
The one on the hill will take longer, but is safe.
We will probably need to send reinforcements too.
Once we capture Richborough the city north is completely isolated and when those Celtic troops up their are dead...

Go get it ProPain!

I see your face when I am dreaming.
That\'s why I always wakeup screaming.
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Old 10-07-2004, 17:25   #135
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Come on,Propain,play up,play up and play the game.Your holding everything up.Players are beginning to lose interest.
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Old 10-07-2004, 22:44   #136
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Playing now.

On the road issue. We can connect the road by building a road on the rubble. Safe and short.
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 10-07-2004, 23:20   #137
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From what I can see we're doing quite ok. No. 2 in score but unfortunately our neighbours the Celts are no1. They have lots of troops on the road, they look like a pain in the rectum.

No 2 AI : Egypt, also close. We didnt really luck out on that.

Lots of AI movement, strangely some healthy Celtic MI decides not to attack a city but move further to our core. They move N to a useless jungle tile. Great move Brennus.

We finish the Heroic Epic in Ur, start MI. We finish temple in Umma, start MI. Agade finishes MI, start a new one and mm Agade as it's working mostly sea tiles.

Turn 1 - 440 AD
Bombard some units, take out 2 MI near Sumer. No losses but I have to use the army which will not heal again this turn.
Bombard Ancient cav near Zabalam, kill it with Robin Hood.

The Richborough Offensive
Bombard twice, only one succesfull. kill full health pike with vet MI (loses 2 hp). That leaves the wounded (2/3) pike as best defender. Not too shabby! Attack with Elite MI. Win, lose no HP and...... military leader!!!!!!!! Hello army no2. Unit renamed to Manu Chao. We take Richborough, get 3 resistors and there's spices just outside the border. Excellent, we need luxes.

Our new conquest


We : 0
They : 5

Lots of AI movement again. Mostly wounded units moving out and fresh ones moving in. Celts move units out of territory towards Richb. One MI appears out of the fog and attacks our pike thats defending the trtebuchets and the wounded MI. It wins losing only 1 HP. [grrr]

We : 1
They : 5

Turn 2 - 450 AD
We're forced to take a chance near richb. Troops are moving in so I have to fortify inside the city. If it flips we'll lose a lot of units.

Kill 2 iro archers near Kisurra. Bombard some MI near Agade and kill one of them with vet MI. loses no HP and promotes to elite. Bombard a wandering solo spear near Sumer. Bombard CEltic MI near Isin, take of 1 hp. Attack 2/3 MI with 5/5 sword. Sword doesnt take hit from defensive archer nut loses to 2/3 MI without taking of a HP. Second 5/5 sword wins from MI but loses 2 hp.

Upgrade elite swords to MI. I dont like upgrading elite units but we need the attack strength in Bad-tibira.

We : 2
They : 9

Lots of Ai movement, lots of it stupid. Ai is passing up on attacking in favor of trebs that are in the open but out of it's reach. It leaves 2 french horsies exposed for us next to Bad-tibira!
French finish Knights templar in Paris.


Turn 3 - 460 AD
Bomb some units. Kill the 2 Bad-toib horsies, lose nothing. Kill 2 archers near Agade, lose nothing. Kill wounded MI with army, love those extra movement points, now I can retreat to the right side of the river too. Kill MI near Richb.

I start irrigating some tiles that are now still mined. We need the water to reach our second ring western/southern towns. Also we need some more workers. I set Erech to worker as it isnt growing any more. I'm letting all the temple builds finish but am changing to MI right after it. I;m not starting any new temples as we need mil more than happiness.

We : 2
They : 15

AI movement, no battles as they move to trebs and workers. Byzies finish the Mausoleum in Adrianople.

Turn 4- 470 AD
Mass bomb. Kill MI near Richb. Kill MI + Ancient Cav near Lagash. Kill a horsie near Zabalam. Second 2/3 horsie wins from 5/5 Robin Hood. WTF, I lost Robin. SORRY GUYS!!! Kill the culprit anyway with a MI that was supposed to move elsewhere for an attack next turn. Kill spear near Agade.

We : 3
They : 21

lots of iro troops move towards Kisarra.

Turn 5 - 480 AD
MOve troops, no battles. Bombard some.

We : 3
They : 21

The usual.

Turn 6 - 490 AD
The situation concerning richborough and Kisurra is not looking swell. lost of enemy troops.


Kill 2 MI near Kis with our army. 3rd one with an MI. Kill archer with MI. Rush rax in Kis for 32 gold. I use our second full health army as a shield for our workers to road to richb. Ai usually doesnt attack full health armies. If it works out We'll have the road in place to defend richb.


Num Merc near Lagash survives a triple bom without dmg and kills one MI before it succumbs to the next. Kill archer near Erech

We : 4
They : 27

Pike wins from an ancient cav. EGYPT SENDS A KNIGHT, BAD NEWS!

We : 4
They : 28

Turn 7 - 500 AD
BIG MISTAKE! The rubble is on a hill so the road will take 2 turns. What are we gonna do now. I kill 3 lose units. Bombs are missing a lot.

I come up with the following solution. I'm not gonna defend RIchb. Instead Im gonna move the army West of Richb. The MI that was WestWest last turn moved there, hope I'll win that battle without to much problems and move all my units in RIchb on the army. Gambling again that the AI wont attack the army. Army takes MI with minor losses. I press enter.

We : 4
They : 32

FUCK forgot to kill of some wounded horsie, luckily it cant reach anything. Knight attacks MI and retreats, MI attacks same MI and Dies, WC attack same AI and now it dies. Impressive nevertheless

The army trick works, celts take richb and move N again, even leaving Richb virtually undefended it seems.

we : 5
they : 32

Turn 8 - 510 AD
We recapture Richb with our army, killing a MI and an archer in the process. Kill knight and horsie near Lagade. Kill other units.

We : 5
They : 41

We lose a pike to ancient cav but one of our MI wins from a longbowman,

we: 6
they : 42

Turn 9 -520 AD
kill ancient cav. bomb a NumMErc down and kill it
Kill 5 MI near Richb

we : 6
they : 49

Army in Richb kills MI. Civil disorder in 2 cities!! Crap!

We : 6
They : 50

Turn 10 - 530 AD
Kill some more units. MOve some trebuchets.

we : 6
They : 54

Done. Will post save and more pics tomorrow.


I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 11-07-2004, 00:19   #138
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My word Propers,what a turn up for the book!!! Heroic epic and immediate MGL.A 2nd army must make a big difference.We might need them for defensive duties but if possible should be used for Pillage/find the Gee-Gees.I think building the FP would also help a lot but if there's another MGL soon,perhaps build a 3rd army instead of rushing the FP.With a 3rd army we should be bullet proof and able to make real headway into foreign lands.
With your Inca golden luck we should see great improvement.
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Old 11-07-2004, 01:40   #139
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The save

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Final Remarks:
- I think we should try and build thelib in Richb asap, if we manage to get the spices in our territory that's one more lux.
- I started the FP in Bad-Tib. I think we should finish it there as we can do with less corruption.
- We're still strong compared to everyone but losing terrain. I suspect our slow tech pace and bad government are to blame. Best thing to do imo is trying to take out an opponent. CElts seem a good candidate followed by iros. That might secure the southern front. Iros are huge however judging by their city list.
- We need horses badly. The lack of horses means we cant build fast troops. This makes us less flexible. If we can take horses from someone, I think we should try to move em upwards on our target list. Celts and iro's dont have em (I think, celts I know for sure) so if the opportunity arises yo might wanna drop em from the conquer top 2.

I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 11-07-2004, 01:48   #140
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few more

- most troops are in the south. both armies too as I used them to ferry troops and protect workers to secure Richb. Taking the 1 pop celt city should be too difficult as I killed heaps of MI that where North of Richb and now I only see archers. Kisurra has a settler in it that can be used to replace the isolated Celtic city
- If we can spare an army later on we can let it do worker protection duty and road the north. That would make it a lot easier to kill incoming troops and run for cover with our armies (and horsies if we ever get em)
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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