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Old 15-09-2005, 12:26   #1
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Default 1st Game Challenge

I remember my first game of Civ3. I struggled at regent level until teh late industrial age, and probably gave up (I forget how it ended, but i definatly did'nt win)

I never relised the impotance of luxuries and resources, I never knew about the different values of techs. I never traded resources or luxuries, I probaly made bad tech trades, not relising that they all had specific values. I probably irrigated all grassland, ala Civ2 style. Before the end of the game I read a few spoilers from Sirians webpage (before i knew of civfantics, and this place did'nt even exist). Sirain gave some great info on trading, luxuries and grassland improvments, however, my game was in a situation where i was last in tech and all resources were traded between AI, and AI's hated me anyway. Try as i might i was'nt able to recover from the situation I had put myslef due to lack of knowledhge of the new rules.

For my first Civ4 game, I will challenge myself to beat king level, with only the use of the manual (no help from other players, game spoilers, tips).

Has anybody else set themselves this challenge? perhaps even a higher level (I am only an emperor player any ways)
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Old 15-09-2005, 12:29   #2
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I ve challenged myself to resist the temptation to buy c4

Great story btw
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Old 15-09-2005, 13:11   #3
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I'm definately not starting at Chieftain ... I couldn't get off of it for a year or two. Now with CDZ and other civ-sites, I should be able to learn it much better.
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Old 15-09-2005, 13:31   #4
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I remember me playing civ2 for the first # times (say 15+) without knowing what the game was about, how to play it and any manuel or what. I found it on some shareware CD when I went through my (old!) CD's looking for something else. I remember I liked the exploring and the music but found the gameplay very irritating. After some trying I put it away but then read great things about it (about the exploring, addictiveness and history accurancy) so I picked it up again. I learned myself the game and gameplay and got addicted. Only later I found civfanatics - by that time civ3 was already out. In that period I found out about civ3 (+ civfanatics) through stalking the MOO3 forum. I was awaiting MOO3 but got consumed by civ3... That's rather strange as on the MOO3 forum people were very negative about civ3 - I didn't listen and bought civ3 anyway. Never bought MOO3

I will buy the game as soon as it hits the shelves over here and prolly will play Emperor level in my first civ4 games..., and I will read the manuel a bit. I already read the civfanatics aricles on civ4 and got some knowledge on the new important things in the game...
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Old 15-09-2005, 13:32   #5
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I remember my first games of Civ1 and Civ3, not really of Civ2...

Civ1 : Got the game on our Atari 1040 STE for Christmas '93, and was impressed by the scope of the game (build a civilization, etc...). Can't remember how I had heard of it, maybe my father told me about it. So I started a game, and there was this settler thingie on the screen, and lots of black fog. Guess what, I must clear this fog !! So I moved it endlessly around the map, perfectly knowing that there was surely something better to do, but hey, I'll try to figure that out in a future game... On some turn an AI didn't like it and killed my unit, GAME OVER.

Civ2 : Got the game for my birthday in April '97, I'd say (though I find it a bit late today ). I remember a few months before someone telling me about the game being out and I wasn't aware of it ! I surely played as the French, as usual, but I can't remember the game, maybe that other small continent with many wheat plains and no river ? I had purchased a box with Civ2 + the 2 XP packs (historical and fictional scenarios).

Civ3 : The game I played most, without any doubt. This time, I closely followed its creation on the Internet. I remember answering to that Civ Trivia thingie on the official website. But because of the lack of a decent computer, I had to wait for more than a year before getting both Civ3 and PTW for Christmas '02. That was a bit after I got me my 1st very own PC. I played as the French, and of course I irrigated most grasslands... That was on Chieftain with Vanilla only. I didn't finish it, and started one on Warlord, and same thing, I didn't finish it (boredom and time). Then I started on Regent with my PC this time and with PTW, and I registered at CFC, etc... A few months later I reached Deity and eventually beat it (after crying at CFC that it was too hard ! ), and I started to lurk CDZ from time to time (summer '03). I had to wait for a DSL connection at home (January '04) before really entering the PBEM arena and registering at CDZ.

Civ4 : Don't know when/if I'll buy it. See, I still have the guts to say "if" ! What first game ? Probably an SP game with the French as Louis XIV on a middle level (like Regent in Civ3 : no bonus to the AIs nor to the human player).
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Old 15-09-2005, 13:52   #6
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Good reads, krys & ERIKK!
At CFC people were very negative about MOO3.

In the manual of Civ3 there was a chapter about what has changed since Civ2.
I hope in the manual of Civ4 there will be a same kind of chapter. Then I'll read that first and then play my first game of Civ4.

My first Civ3 game was on Warlord level. I played as Romans on a small map and had a histographic victory with 915 points. When I had modern tanks I finally attacked the other continent and came to the conclusion I should've done that when I had tanks.
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Old 15-09-2005, 16:36   #7
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I can remember my 1st games of Civ1. Must have been round 92, just moved to another student house and played around with this very compelling game that I didnt quite grasp. I was especially puzzled by the civil unrest that seemed to appear randomly and didnt go away so you had to build temple in time . When I was about to give up, I was talking to swingue who explained that I could actually adjust what my citizens were working on!

It started a habit that I never managed to kick.
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Old 15-09-2005, 17:24   #8
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my first game of civ1 was at anarres house when he was at uni, I was staying for the w/e and spent most of it glued to the monitor desperate to finish a game before I had to go! I had already spent many an hour playing colonisation before this mind you.

civ2 was largely the reason I bought a PC - once I had exauhsted the single player game I devoured all the expansion packs and user mods etc.

I had kinda ignored civ3 when it came out because of the broken MP (by this time I only played a couple of games at all and they were PBEM wargames). Eventually anarres persuaded me that they had patched PTW sufficiantly so I came here and started my PBEM with dan after just a couple of quick solo games.

My first civ4 game, well I'll probably play a solo game or two at emporer+ then I'll be stuck into MP. Hopefully the online and team game variations etc. will actually be implemented well, it promises much... (who's taking what odds on it needing a patch to play MP properly?)
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Old 15-09-2005, 18:41   #9
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Civ 1: Initially on a 10MHz AT without a mouse and unaware how to open a city screen other than waiting until it rioted iirc. Found out later that the TAB key allowed to cycle from city to city.

Moment of glory: a scouting trireme meets an enemy battleship and sinks it!

One more turn syndrom: Had been playing with a friend at my place and had to leave for a party. He told me he would finish his turn and leave as well. Guess who was sitting at the computer when I came back next day.

Civ 2: Played like shit initially but once I'd found a stable strategy it just become to much of the same for me. Recall that Leo was quite powerfull. Who knew btw that the price of spy missions in Civ 2 is related to the direction from which the city is approached?

Civ 3: The reason I became a CFC member. Still like the game very much.

Civ 4: Really curious how the new stuff will work out. It looks like culture is a neccessity now, lots of options and changes in units and an overhauled government model. Prob. my first game will be on mid. difficulty and a lot of experimentation with everything that's new.
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Old 15-09-2005, 19:53   #10
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I never knew civ 1 or 2. I was introduced to civ3 about 1 1/2 years ago after playing years of risk and axis and allies. So much more depth with civ.

I'll never forget in my first game trying to send a galley out to see if I could catch fish. First with a worker then with a settler..didn't work.....then I learned I could move citizens to the tile. My friends to this day ask me how the Zulus are doing and whether I've caught any whales lately.

Civ 4-I look forward to the new game especially for MP. I will read up, join an SG and play a SP first. What I am curious about is whether someone will create a library of standard MP diplo agreements between teams. This will help to even further accelerate play.
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