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Old 26-01-2004, 21:07   #1
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Default KoD_tourny game 1 spoiler 2 - All contacts

post here when you have all contacts
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 26-01-2004, 23:11   #2
c00l b33r
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Also a while ago, thanks to two curraghs not knowing how to commit suicide. What a lovely place you created for us PP! One curragh found the secret formula at his last crossing going home and is with the fishes now.

Col, you can't hide!

Things that happened before full contact:
- Germans initially were tech leaders and it took 2 gpt deals to stay on par. They don't know how to sail however and the Byz. have developed a nice, funny speaking colony W now.
- Germans even tried a limited war vs. the Byz. Close call initially but rushed Byz. Swordies convinced them to settle for peace + 160 Deutschmark .
- Willem gives a shit about pickpocketing, he does not even notice.
- Byz. connected to Ivory. Expect Zeus in this theatre soon.

And somewhere after full contact:
- Me was looking for a Medieval Age spoiler for some reason, just some place to celebrate a one-time techlead
That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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Old 27-01-2004, 09:37   #3
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Following a similar route. Rapid initial expansion, discovered lots of lovely iron and lux to trade later. Carracks crossed the gap following the sea tiles and explored the other contintent. Things going smoothly and col pats himself on the back and says how well he is playing when ...

the germans attack without warning. A shitload, possibly even two shitloads of archers attack us from the west. I've been neglecting my military and have lots of workers and settlers and a few warriors to kepp peace. We lose two cities in the west.

Rapid change of plan. We buy off the Germans and build up swords, spears and cats. We divide these into two stacks and head west, recapturing our lost cities, one of which decides to raze itself instead of welcoming our forces, and we decide to push on to Berlin. We are now in full military mode. Sadly for them the Germans dont seem to have iron and are no match for our swords one on one. The fight for berlin begins tonight. It would be nice to secure the back door.

I have a secret ambition to try and win this one by space without doing any research, by becoming an economic powerhouse. But first, we fight for the right.

I can't be arsed.
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Old 27-01-2004, 12:02   #4
c00l b33r
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Have fun and may the RNG be with you col! Would you mind giving an update once in MA and compare your Rep crushing approach with my peaceful AI ripping?
That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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Old 27-01-2004, 22:12   #5
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ROP raped the Germans capturing Zeus and the Hanging gardens. The Babs are down to a handful of cities. India tried a sneak attack but driven back by my trebuchets and horsies. Leipzig has flipped back and as soon as I can get chivalry I should be able to finish the Germans and Babs.

On the other continent, Holland is running amok. My rep is shot and I cant see how I can win from here but lets see if we can get all this continent. Starting to build my first dromons. i may even get a GA at this rate.

Still in Monarchy and pulling about 120gpt. I had a 7 turn revolt last time and I cant afford the unit costs of Republic.
I can't be arsed.
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Old 28-01-2004, 20:16   #6
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Its now 1100 ad. The germans have gone; the babs have gone and I'm cleaning off the indians so the continent will be mine and I'll be pretty secure from then on. The Koreans are hopelessly retarded and I'm basically ignoring them. If I get chance for a vote then a few pretty presents will bag them.

I've built Sistines.

I'm trying to keep the Incas and Dutch balanced and constantly fighting. Still in Monarchy and waiting for Demo to be avilable.

I can't be arsed.
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Old 02-02-2004, 09:25   #7
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Initial thoughts
Of course I have the advantage of knowing the map beforehand. So I decide to play deity level and go for the most difficult one. The field of efficient research is one of my weaknesses is in this game, in my SP I usually keep up untill start of Middle Age, fall behind and only manage to catch up halfway the ind Age. But then I get to do my own research which allows me to trade myself back by researching of the 'AI tech path' That won't work now.

What will be important?
Contacts : Getting to know all civs is most important. With the contact trading and map trading pushed back to middle age, here's a chance to keep up untill Printing Press at least I'll start building a warrior for scouting, a curragh for scouting and a warrior for defense

City improvements :
Libs, univerities etc. will be useless. Cash & military will be important. Because techs will be bought or beaten. So I'm gonna focus on rax, marketplaces and maybe temples and cathedrals later. Good happiness and WLTKD will generate cash and armies too.

AI Handling :
My guess is the AI will stay pretty friendly during the expansion phase because I'll be trading with them a lot. Off course this will chance when we run out of land and they'll start to pick on the
weakest civ or the closest. MOst likely I fall in the weakens category and for sure I'll be close to someone. So apart from landgrabbing I'm gonna make sure I build up a but of military to discourage other AI's to attack me

Victory Condition
Havent given real thought to vic condition in advance. My goal won;t be finishing asap, but just finishing. Seems culture is out as libs are useless, so that leaves the military option, UN and Space Race. Keeping a good rep is important to be able to trade techs so a UN might be feasilble.

mine cow, build warrior, build curragh, build warrior

3450 bc - I meet the Germans. Trade alphabet to the germans for warrior code and 10 gold
3250 bc - pop hut, get map of region
3150 bc - meet Babs.Trade alphabet + 64 gold for Ceremonial Burial
3100 bc - meet the indians. They have no tech to trade but give me 2 workers and 10 gold for Warrior Code
2850 bc - found Adrianople
2510 bc - buy pottery from the Indians for 90 gold and 1gpt
buy the wheel +3 gold from germany for pottery and 6 gpt
Just in time as my temple prebuild was 1 turn from finishing. Switch both towns to granary



2310 bc - meet the dutch in Eindhoven No trades possible
2190 bc - meet the incas. They even further ahead in tech. not good
2070 bc - koreans build collosus
1990 bc - meet egyptians. Thay lack alphabet. Buy Iron Working for alphabet, 2gpt and 11 gold
trade iron working and 2gpt for masonry and 6 gold

- MM a lot because some barbs are harassing me -

1725 bc - Incas build pyramids
1600 bc - meet the koreans. They lack pottery and give me a staggering 17 gold for it
1475 BC - I can do a little trade with Hbr, but seems minimal. Decide to wait 3 turns, some gpt will free up
I'll use that to buy maths of possible and do better deals
1400 bc - Dutch build Oracle
BUy maths from ghandi, for 14 gpt, 60 gold
trade maths to Bismarck for writing and 7 gold
Sell maths to dutch for mapmaking and 118 gold
Sell maths to incas for 195 gold
Sell writing to indians for myst and 135 gold
Sell Map Making to indians for hbr, 2gpt and 182 gold
Sell maths + 195 gold to Egypt for Polytheism
On my island no-one has poly, I'm in doubt to sell it. I can get 170 gold for it.
152 of that gold is from the babs, so effectively I'm giving it away. OTOH they might extort it
from me if I don't sell it. I decide to gamble, 150 gold is just not enough for poly.

BUild an embassy in Berlin, They lack both horses and iron. Berlin has no barracks
Build an embassy in Babylon, they have iron no horses. 3 turns from the Oracle, pity the dutch beat
them to it.
Build an embassy in Delhi. No iron, no horses.

1375 bc - gamble pays of. Germans discover philo and get construction for free.
I can only buy philosophy, not construction, pity. Get philo and 19 gold for poly
sell poly to babs for 153 gold
I can sell philosophy on the other island for 350 gold, but decide to wait and gamble again

1225 bc - sell philo to India for 5 gold and worker
1100 bc - no discoveries for a long time now. egypt, incas and dutch still lack philo.
germans and babs have CoL and Constr over me.
1050 bc - Incans finish temple of artemis
Egyptians have monarchy. To expensive, wait a turn and hopefully Cleo will sell it arournd
1000 bc - dutch have monarchy too. Buy CoL from germany for 10 gpt and 230 gold
Buy momarchy from the dutch for CoL, Philo and 95 gold
Sell monarchy to germans for construction and 215 gold. It's highway robbery, but I'll take it
Sell CoL to incas for 265 gold
Sell CoL to egypt for 172 gold



950 bc - Sell construction to dutch for 270 gold
875 bc - Inca have construction, sell it to egypt for 5 gold to kill trade opps
950 bc - Incas demand philo, I give in
900 bc - Dutch demand 76 gold, I give in. Decide to build embassies with the 1121 gold I have to avoid losing it to
extortion demands as much as possible.
Amsterdam - very food rich. has horses no iron
Cuzco, lots of grass and hills, good place. Has iron no horses
Thebes, extremely food rich, has 4 horses no iron.
Seoul, crappy city, but has both iron and horses
838 gold left
800 bc - I;'m being extorted on a regular basis. Babs build mausoleum of maus.
750 bc - WOOOT, my luck. The Koreans discover currency. Noone has it and Korea lacksPhil, CoL, MM,hbr, poly, constru,
in other words they lack EVERYTHING except currency
What to do?

710 bc - Wan Kong extorts me HBR
Dutch have Rep!
Buy currency+17 gold from Korea for Col and MM. Get feuda
sell monarchy to incas for 80 gold
Gift 100 gold to Willem, makes him happy. Sell Currency for my own 100
Willim is polite now. He's willing to do a straight swap rep for feuda! I take it
sell Babs currency for wines, he gets engineering. I do a swap for feuda
Sell currency to germans for 14 gold (but do the 100gold gift) Bismarck draws engineering
Do the 100 gift trick on India and sell currency for 31 effectively
I;m now the tech leader and all AI are cash drained. I draw 6 turn anarchy

690 bc - Wonder cascade. Germans build Great LIghthouse and statue of zeus. Egypt builds Great wall
That lighthouse is bad news!
630 bc - Egypt declares war on the dutch
570 bc - Sell egypt republic for 10 gpt and 200 gold, I guess a war chariot won a battle
510 bc - Sell babs dyes for 17 gold and 8 gpt
450 bc - Sell Feudalism to Egypt for 97 gold and 50 gpt! Thanks Cleo! I sell Incas republic for 33+100goft gold
Maybe they get rich in repubic too and can afford themselves some techs at Theodoras's shop
All the AI love me except Wan Kong, but who cares, he's alone and backward
I have 1315 gold and making 90 gpt at 20% happiness
430 bc = Germans discover invention. Mo way thet trade for it, I gidt korea in the Middle age, hoping they get
monotheism, but they get engineering Pity mmono would have made a deal for invention possible.
Upgrade 6 warrior to med inf, 1 spear to pike
410 bc - rush 3 rax for about 200 gold
310 bc - Wines deal expires, buy wine sback from babs for 14 gpt
290 bc - Babs have in ventio too now, it sells for 1097 gold and 41 gpt initially. With no trade opp I pas by on that
opportunity. I'll wait untill another island discovers omething worth while. Like Mono [grr] I want chiv
150 bc - Dutch and incas have monotheism, Incas lack invention
Buy invention from germans for 1383 + 8gpt. Germans have gunpowder too. bad news, muskets hold well against knights
get mono from incas for invention and 2gpt
Germans buy monotheism for 1075 gold and ivory
50 bc - Sell Engineering to egypt for 28 gpt and 4 gold after old 50 gpt deal has expired
The germans have chivalry, but no horses. They have monopoly and I cant buy it. The germans are just too powerfull
Their research rate is the highest in the game, they have to go
30 bc - Dutch now ave gunpowder too. Still no deals possible



30 ad - Dutch, germans and incans now have chiv and gunpowder. prices drop but no nice tech brokering possible
70 ad - Germans discover theology, babs gunpowder, koreans republic
Buy gunpowder from babs for mono and 420 gold
Buy Chiv from the dutch for 16gpt and 850 gold
Sell chivalry to the babs for 2 gpt and 443 gold
Sell monotheism to korea for 144 gold. maybe they'll break the theology monopoly of the germans
Upgrade 3 horsemen to knight
110 AD - The babs have lit , Gerries have lit. Dutch have lit and theology.
Buy lit+wines from babs for dyes and 1gpt and 267 gold
Looks like dutch know people on my island
190 ad - Cuzco builds knights templar
250 ad - Ivory deal with Germany expires. Renew it for 15 gt
Sell spices to india for 6 gpt
270 ad - sell dyes to india for 7gpt and 24 gold
300 ad - my 28 got deal with egypt expires. Stupid Cleo uses the money to but theology in the interturn.
I get theology and 3gpt for gunpowder
Germans and Incas already have education. First deity I play where the Great Lib is obsolete
before it is even built.
320 ad - Egypt and The Netherlands make peace
Dutch & germans have chemistry. Incas & Babs have education. Can buy edu not chem. Decide to wait
360 ad - Babs finish Great Library, what a waste of shields
390 ad - renew wines-dyes deal with babs
Germans have navigation as we can trade WM now! Copernicus is constructed by germans and incas
So incas have Astronomy too
I get TM of germany for WM and 15 gold
This learns me he's on an island with the dutch, so they have contact.
I see the germans have only 1 iron but it's very far away. Change knightbuild in Varna to dromon.
Send 2 pikes tp Varna. Will send the Dromon tpwards Bonn(near Iron). If I decide to go to war with the germans
They'll go on a pillaging mission
410 ad - Germans build Sistine Chapel in Leipzig
410 ad - Germany declares war on the babs. Thats what I call good news.
-- Figured out a way to see who's got contact with who!-- Just check possible mil alliances
Germans know everybody just like me, rest only know their island neighbours
420 ad - Germans take uruk from babs
440 ad - Incans have nav, can trade luxes
460 ad - babs drag indians in german war. Germans cancel ivory deal. Germans have horses
I can trade with dutch
Trade Iron for WM, chemistry and 14 gold
Sell chem to babs for 359 gold and 35 gpt
sell chem to india for 22 gpt
sell chem to egypt for education and 15 gold
buy metalurgy from the dutch for spices, WM, 425 gold and 75 gpt
sell metalurgy to babs for banking and 24 gpt
nice turn!
470 ad - Cuzco builds cop. obs
sell dyes to incas for 12 gpt
480 ad - War time. Germans have mil trad. Declare war. land pikes near iron. Drag in egypt and koreans for techs
That leaves incas as last trading partners
Conquer city near ivory. Abandon and resettle
500 ad - Pillage iron, bombard saltpetter. Bombardment fails
Conquer Munich. Control obsolete SoZ




Near Future
I want to hit the Germans as hard as possible. When things go well I might be able to pillage the saltpetter which should leave Bismarck without iron, horses and saltpetter. That means archers and spears.

At least I want military tradition for cheap at the end of this war. When I upgrade my knights to cav the babs are an easy target. They lack horses and contacts. Furthermore I'll focus the war on German cities with luxes, more luxes=more cash.

I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 02-02-2004, 19:07   #8
c00l b33r
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Going strong PP! Couple of things in the maps look very familiar.
That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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Old 02-02-2004, 19:53   #9
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Yup - a bit easier though on Emperor!
I can't be arsed.
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Old 06-02-2004, 15:27   #10
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500 ad - Pillage iron, bombard saltpetter. Bombardment fails
Conquer Munich. Control obsolete SoZ

510 ad - Defeat some troops near munich, Conquer dortmund. Trade ivory to Incas for 8gpt and 68 gold
540 ad - War weariness gets a sudden boost, grr. Turn up lux rate a notch
550/560 - Take Frankfurt, get a leader!
570 ad - Kill some troops, trade 520 gold and mettalurgy for astronomy with Egypt. Trade ivory to dutch for WM and 100 gold
580 ad - The germans are losing but turned to democracy alrdy
590 ad - Incans build smiths. I take ... big german city. Lose quite a few knights
620 ad - War Weariness is rampant, totally fucked up by C3C. Frankfurt flips. No troops in there of course. Take Frankfurt back. Found Brusa on spot of unknown German city. settler in place to replace frankfurt next turn and make peace. The lux rate is at 60% now this is not doable any more
630 ad - Sell all improvements of Frankfurt, abandon Frankfurt, found iconium a square SW.MOve large force to Uruk (still german) will take that next turn so I have saltpetter
640 ad - Make peace with Germans and get physics for 46 gpt. Quite a good deal, I get a 1600 discount on regular price Get Mil tradition from babs for Physics and 63 gpt Trade physics and 17 gpt to egypt for economics and print press Still lack demo, music theory and navigation against Babs, germans, dutch and incas Dutch and Incas also have magnetism. No deal possible, but iron, dyes and 75 gpt deal with dutch ends in 2 turns And the dutch still dont have iron. Set lux to 20%. Upgrade 5 knights to cav



650 ad - Heidelberg finishes magelans. incans and dutch hit indus age Get magnetism from dutch for iron, spices, WM, 30 gpt and 290 gold
Trade education to korea for furs and 1 gold
Sell my last ivory to dutch for WM and 250 gold
Get ToG from germany for dyes (my last,but dyes deal with indians ends next turn). magnetism and 1010 gold
I draw Nationalism, but the crappy krauts draw it too
Trade ToG for Navigation owth babs
Sell nationalism to incas for democracy, 428 gold, 115 gpt
Sell nationalism to dutch for free artistry, 40 gold and 210 gpt
I'm tech par again!!
I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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