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Old 07-12-2003, 12:08   #1
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Default K.o.D 2 - Game Finished spoiler

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I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 26-01-2004, 22:39   #2
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First again to the next spoiler!

I lost!

Best move of my end game...

Invading the Otto city of Edrine with 150+ units to take the UN whilst researching Industrialisation []

I took it losing only 90 cavalry to 4 MA and a single TOW...

I kept the city leaving all other cities empty...

The Ottos didnt take a single city of mine nor take my 34 stack of cannon... I kept the city for over 20 turns before I had it flip back... I called the UN vote twice... the last 3 civs either abstained or voted for themselves

I lost 30+ rifles and 34 cannons cause of the flip ...

I then declared war on the Zulu who had taken Edrine...

Held one more vote (inconclusive) and then flipped back to the Ottos.

Kept at war with the Zulu til they destroyed me (could have made peace, but bored)

Lost in 1906 with 2319 points...


Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy,
It's divine to own a dick.
From the tiniest little tadger
To the world's biggest prick!
So three cheers for your willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trousers snake.
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Old 27-01-2004, 22:01   #3
anarchist butcher
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I gave up just before Industrial at 390AD, just as I got Cavs. The continent is pretty much mine, the Ottos were just about to feel my wrath...

I have to admit at being disappointed at the tech rate, I guess it's from playing Demi-God. Here is my spoiler from 2500BC:


35 (2350BC) - Give Ceremonial Burial and 41 gold to the Hittites for a worker. I decide to risk much and set Ur to Granary as a pre-build for the Statue of Zeus.

The Ottomans appear to be at war with the Hittites.

45 (1950BC) - Research Maths and breath a huge sigh of relief! I had to switch my Statue of Zeus pre-build to Pyramids for 6 turns and was very scared at the Babs building it....

Sell Maths to the Ottomans for Writing, Mysticism and 47 gold.
Sell Mysticism to the Babs for 70 gold.
Sell Mysticism to the Hittites for 36 gold.

47 (1870BC) - Shit! The Ottomans have just research Poly. If only I had waited...

48 (1830BC) - Build settler. I have been neglecting expansion to ensure an early build for Statue of Zeus - we will see if it pays off.

51 (1725BC) - Zulu and Ottos both now have HBR.

52 (1700BC) - Build settler, found Kish.

54 (1650BC) - Build the Statur of Zeus.

57 (1575BC) - The Zulu research Poly and choose Construction as their free tech. Found Umma.

(AI) Persia complete Colossus.

59 (1525BC) - Found Bad-tibira.

Buy Map Making from Persia for Mysticism, Maths and 71 gold.
Sell Map Making to the Ottomans for HBR.
Sell HBR to Persia for 71 gold.


60 (1500BC) - Found Agade.

65 (1375BC) - Found Erech.

68 (1300BC) - Research Currency, another monopoly.

This time I will hold off selling so I can get all the Ancient techs.

69 (1275BC) - After only 1 turn of research towards Code of Laws the Babs research it, and the Ottomans sell Construction to the Zulu (making it affordable).

Sell Currency to the Zulu for Construction and Philosophy.
Sell HBR, Currency and Philosophy to the Babs for Code of Laws and 30 gold.
Sell Code of Laws to the Ottomans for Polytheism.

I get Monotheism as my free tech. Not bad, but Feudalism has to be the one to want.
<b>Calculate the probability of culture flips: Flip Calc</b>
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Old 27-01-2004, 22:02   #4
anarchist butcher
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70 (1250BC) - Found Isin.

(AI) Iroquois complete Pyramids. Inca's complete Oracle.

72 (1200BC) - Sell Polytheism to Persia for 2 workers and 5 gold.

74 (1150BC) - Zulu demand Monotheism. It's laughable and I'm kinda ready for war so I refuse. Oh well - Shake declares war...

75 (1125BC) - I establish an embassy with the Babs:


(AI) - Ottos demand Curreny, I refuse and they back down.

77 (1075BC) - Pay the Babs Construction and 4 gold for an MA agianst the Zulu. The Babs get Feudalism as their free tech. For some reason it would take Mono, Ivory, 40gpt and 130 gold to get it from them. It must the the government giving it such an unreasonably high sale price compared to reserach cost.

(AI) - Zeus complete Temple Of Artimis.

78 (1050BC) - Now I establish an embassy with the Ottomans for 69 gold. Pay the Ottomans Currency, 3 gpt and 9 gold for an MA gainst the Zulu. The Ottomans get Feudalism.

Now Feudalism is with 2 AI I sell Monotheism to the Ottos for Feudalism.

85 (875BC) - Buy a worker from the Hittites for Code of Laws.

88 (800BC) - Incas complete Mausoleum.

91 (730BC) - Persia suddenly has 206 gold, so I sell Currency for all of it. They get Mono as their free tech. I think I will take Persia soon as they have an Oron source I need for Knights.

93 (690BC) - Babs complete Sun Tzu's. The Zulu land a lone archer which I kill.

94 (670BC) - Persia, Babs and Ottos all suddenly have Republic. They changed the behaviour of the AI to sell techs the turn they learn them instead of waiting a turn as they used to. Oh well, I guess it makes them better, which can't be bad...

Buy Republic for the Babs for Mono and 179 gold.

95 (650BC) - Declare war on Persia and move troops in to position. I certainly feel ready for some kick-ass!

I also go to anarchy and draw 6 turns. Nowhere near as bad as it could have been...

(AI) Iroquois complte Great Wall. Thank God! Persia was the only civ I knew of building it...

96 (630BC) - I take the 3 targetted Persian cities with minor losses (only losing 1 Ancient Cav IIRC). A new target, Sardis (south of pic) is now in range too and will hopefully fall next turn (I have 9 horses there).

I need cash quickly so I sell Iron and Ivory to the Babs for 174 gold and 29gpt. Persia is without Iron now and I can afford not to rush them. I upgrade 2 Enkidu to Pikes.

97 (610BC) - Now I can cancel my MA with Babylon against the Zulu.

I take Sardis, killing 3 spears and losing 2 horses. Next I pillage the Mountain and Hill tiles leading to Perseopolis and Pasargadae.

98 (590BC) - Before I make peace with the Zulu I decide to take one of their cities that has Gems:

I take the city but lose an Ancient Cav and 4 horses taking out just 2 Impi and an archer! I make straight peace with Shaka since nothing can be gained from staying at war (at least not in the near future).

Now I will heal my horses and upgrade to Knights when I get them. Soon I will trigger my GA (3 turns to Republic...)

(AI) heh. The Persians come grovelling and would give Monarchy if I gave peace!

101 (530BC) - Take Pasaradae and ge ta leader from one of my Ancient Cavs! I will rush the FP out here very soon...

102 (510BC) - Sake Sidon. I brought many more troops than I needed, it was only defended by 2 spears.

I also research Chivalry this turn.

103 (490BC) - Complete FP in Antioch, 9 tiles from my capital.

106 (430BC) - Research Literature. Engineering has been sold around a little now and I give Chivalry to the Ottomans for Engineering, 286 gold and 22gpt. There are no other deals worth making.

I upgrade another 3 Horses to Knights at 120 gold each. Science is set to 0% and I get 190 gpt. I have lots of cheap libraries being built, so when I am ready to research again I will be a powerhouse.

107 (410BC) - I go for Perseopolis and get it down to a single archer!! Fuck, it will definitely go next turn as I have another 3 Knights with the attackers, but it is still very annoying!

108 (390BC) - Take Perseopolis. I get the Great Lighthouse and the Colossus (which is already earning me tourism!).

110 (350BC) - Take Bactra.

111 (330BC) - Auto-raze the last Persian city in it's homeland. It's a little annoying as it has 2 gems there. I make peace with Persia draining them: 1 city, Monarchy, 8 gpt and 7 gold.


WOW!!! Check out where my new city is!!


112 (310BC) - The Hittites are still in the Ancient Era so I gift them Republic. Soon they can earn cash for me.

113 (290BC) - Rush an Enkidu in my new city and head west. Next turn I meet the Inca's!

114 (270BC) - The Inca's are only just out of the Ancient Era (no Middle Age techs). I give them Republic for 51 gold.

115 (250BC) - Now I meet the Babs just north of the Inca. They are also way behind.

<b>Calculate the probability of culture flips: Flip Calc</b>
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Old 27-01-2004, 22:03   #5
anarchist butcher
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116 (230BC) - My deal with the Babs is over and I declare war. Of course, because I was giving them Iron they can now no longer replenish their forces.

Take Uruk and Niveneh, losing 2 Ancinet Cavs and a Knight in the process. I am up against Pikes atm, and I've seen Med Inf around before, so maybe they are down south fighting the Zulu. The two cities I have just taken are very close to my capital and have made many fringe cities ultra-corrupt, including several that were previously salvagable near the FP.

I give the Ottomans Spices and Ivory for 14 gpt and 27 gold, and establish an embassy with the Zulu.

117 (210BC) - Take Ashur losing a Knight.

118 (190BC) - Take Eridu losing a Kinght and Ancient Cav. The Ottomans have finally researched Invention, I will wait for them to sell it around before buying.

119 (170BC) - Research Printing Press.

120 (150BC) - Take Babylon and with it Sun Tzu's. Auto-raze Samarra.

121 (130BC) - Capture Elipi, there are only 2 Bab cities left. My GA has ended and the drop in commerce is painful.

122 (110BC) - Take one Bab city and auto-raze the other.

hehe. My only galley was wandering around the coast and found a fleeing Bab galley. I attack it and win, wiping out their last settler.

In a bid to get the Ottomans and Zulu depleting their forces I declare war on the Hittites. The Ottomans and Zulu both take contact with the Inca for an MA.

124 (70BC) - Research Education. Persia now have Invention and will sell it to me for Theology. Next I give the Ottomans Lit, Theology and contact with the Iroquois for 300 gold and 24 gpt. Sell Printing Press to the Ottomans for 45 gpt and 20 gold.

126 (30BC) - Give Silk and Gems to the Ottos for 11 gpt and 48 gold.

129 (30AD) - Research Astronomy.

131 (70AD) - My peace deal is over with Persia and I declare war. They only have 1 city left and I take it, but they don't die.

138 (210AD) - I've got patch 1.13! This was started in 1.12, and 1.13 has increased effect from courthouses.

Research Gunpowder. Sell the Ottomans Banking for 86 gpt and 84 gold. Shit! I have no Saltpeter!! But on checking I have one in a very corrupt city that needs connecting, and another when I take my first wave of Ottoman cities.

139 (230AD) - Persia build a city in the Babs old lands (I have left these clear now so I don't hurt the FP cities in rank). On reflection I am glad they were not destroyed. Now they will be very useful for promotions and gifting techs to hit the industrial age.

141 (260AD) - Sell Astronomy to the Ottomans for 165 gold and 88 gpt. The Zulu now have Gunpowder and also a Saltpeter next to their capital. I will have to make sure they can't get any money for upgrades...

142 (270AD) - Research Chemistry.

I am free from my MA with the Zulu against the Hittites and I declare war. My poised forces auto-raze a brand new size 1 city, take Isipezi, Hlobane, Mpondo and Intombe.

I pay the Ottomans 13 gpt and 2 gold for an MA against the Zulu, and I also cancel the MA aginst the Hittites with them.
Make peace with the Hittites and get a city from their only spare cty for it, which turns out to be on a little (mainly Ottoman) island.


143 (280AD) - *Somehow* the Zulu got cash and Ngome is defended by at least 1 Musket. Fortunately there is only 1 Musket there and a Pike, and I only lose 1 Vet Ancient Cav.

144 (290AD) - Build an Ancient Cav, this is my last one as I am 1 turn from Metallurgy. It's served me very well, and in 3 turns will be bringing in 10 gpt in tourism.

Ulundi is defended by a Musket, 2 Impi, a longbow and a trubchut. Amazingly I lose an Ancient Cav to it, with 4 other hose units retreating. The Zulu's cities are quite far apart, so I can't get any further this turn. I do however converge units on Swazi, my next core city to take.

Sell Chemistry to the Ottomans for 98gpt and 13 gold.


145 (300AD) - Swazi has a Musket, a Pike and a Longbow defending, and again I only lose 1 Ancient Cav taking it.

Again the cities are far apart and I have to move my units in place to strike next turn.

146 (310AD) - Research Metallurgy. Ottos complete Leo's.

Tugella has a Pike, 2 Impi and a trebuchet defending and it costs me an Ancient Cav taking it. Zimbabwe has a Musket, a Pike, 2 Impi and another trebuchet. Amazingly I manage to kill all but the Pike (which is on 2HP) for no loss, and AT LAST I have another MGL! Phew - it's been a loooog wait since the last one.

147 (320AD) - Take Zimbabwe and keep it due to the Temple of Artemis. Shame it is obsolete, but at least I get the tourism. Now the Zulu have no Saltpeter or Horses.

I make an army with my MGL and hol dit for Cavs.

148 (330AD) - I appear to be meeting the Zulu forces returned from crusing the Hittites. There are about 10 foot units around Ugarit, here is the current front line (note that Tutub was built last turn):

FUCK!!! I managed to kill a Musket and and 2 Impi, but a single fucking Pike held off 4 Knights in a row. Still, I get the shitty consolation prize of Bapedi instead.


149 (340AD) - Wow. Not only do I lose another 2 Ancient Cav taking out the single Pike at Ugarit I also click the wrong button and keep it instead of razing it!!!!

Oh well. I abandon it and build my only city 1 tile from it's location. I need this to get to my next Zulu city next turn - their last productive (old core) city.

150 (350AD) - Research Military Tradition.

I take Isandhlwana and Umtata, there are only totally undeveloped Zulu cities left now. I am also in the first stage of WW and I set lux to 10%. I can upgrade 20 Knights, another 4 can be upgraded next turn.

151 (360AD) - With my Cav I sweep in to 2 more Zulu cities (ex-Hittite cities) and start finishing off all the Archers and Med Inf. Taking out a 1 HP Med Inf give me my third MGL, from an Ancient Cav!

I also fill up my first army with Cav and take out some more Zulu stragglers.

152 (370AD) - I take the new Zulu capital with my Cav army (it's sooo powerful!), and make peace getting 4 cities, and leaving the Zulu with just an isolated capital.

153 (380AD, AI turn) - The Ottomans declare war on me. They take a corrupt city (Sidon) and also kill 2 Muskets and a Pike for no loss.

154 (390AD) - Research Physics.

I take Sidon back, and 2 Cavs that had entered Otto territory last turn take 2 Pikes from one of their core cities. Here is the border:



Now I head in from the South and take Harran, getting another MGL! Shit. I get loads in a game where they aren't desperately needed and none in other games where they are essential. I turn him in to my third army and start a build for the Pentagon.

There are about 10 Otto foot sholdiers around near my Cav stack in the south and I can take them all easily. OMFG!!! The very next elite attack after my last one and I generate another MGL!!!! Well, I guess this happens 1 in every 16 times, but still...

hehe, taking out 3 Kinghts and 10 foot soldiers sends my military strength from average to strong.

I move my army and Cav out of Sidon so there is no chance of my army being lost. Even if they raze it I think I can still get to Erdine in one turn.
<b>Calculate the probability of culture flips: Flip Calc</b>
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