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Old 20-08-2003, 11:46   #1
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Default CDZ TG1 - Post game discussion **spoiler**

Here's my post game spoiler.

PreGame tactic : Go straight for monarchy, picking up iron working with poly hopefully. Switch to cash. Build loads of warriors -> mass upgrade. Switch to monarchy, attack, get GA, finish everybody.

Actual game.
Sent my first settler south wat turned out to be a mistake, 1st warrior discovered cows and wheat north. Settle 3rd there.

Romans turn up after a few turns, trade my 2 techs + some gpt for their techs. This puts them in a good mood which is necessary because I;m building settler instead of warriors now.

Pick up Iron Working pretty quickly, alrdy trade for that in my mysticism trade round. I'm tech leader from the start but after mysticism I've bled the ai dry. Proceed research to monarch. Start to settle towrds northern iron.

The Romans are to close to leave em alone untill monarchy. BUild some archer and attack em. Mainly to get the ivory they settled before me. During the war I lose a settler to barbs, this will happen 1/2 times more. Prune the romans.

Connect iron, start upgrade. Get Monarchy, revolution in 1 turn (!!! WOOT) position immortals next to romans and japanese. Declare war finish romans quickly, japanese are 2nd to be wiped. Arabs refuse to retreat and declare war. Greeks settle nearby, I declare war and take their city.

By now I have almost 60 immortals and am building only military.resaerch at 10/20%. After lit I build some libs for expanding borders, after currency I build some marketplaces to finance my miltary.

After the japanese the greeks go. After the greeks the arabs. Started war on the carthaginians after I killed japanese too. This goes very well for the 1st 4 cities but their GA + acc prod has filled Carthage with Numidian Mercs!! They put up quite some resitance and because all their towns have iron (damn map-makers } I'm swarmed with swords. SoD of 12-14 gets hurt to much to take Cart. Make peace and retreat, 2nd SoD suffers same fate a few turns later . After 1st SoD I go max science to chivalry, build horsemen (and upgrade) and finally I overrun carthage with 20+ knights and 10+ immortals. The world adores Xerxes as their one and only leader in 410BC

- Upgrading worked extremely well because it's only half cost at acc. prod! Didnt realise that before the game, but since upgrade cost is shield times 2 gold and you need only 50% of shields this is cheap.
- Underestimated carthage, I think the conquest 1500bc-1000bc is also possible.
- NO leader in the entire gameAn Fp would have sped things up considerably. I think people with an early leader will easily beat my date.


I fed my Dog the American Dream
Well, he rolled over and he started to scream
He said, I dig the taste of salt but it don't keep me alive yeah, yeah
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Old 20-08-2003, 12:12   #2
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,214

Well, I already stated that this game wan't really challenging, although Carthage indeed proved a hard nut to crack. My log:

4000bc found persepolis on the spot. Research pottery @ max in 6
3850bc Send warrior to hut.
3800bc Hut gives Barbs Found susa N-N-NE in the jungle near both cattle. Set prebuild Granary
3750bc Set research to IW in 10. Need to have early access to iron for early conquest. Need to stop a worker's mining on cattle to retreat for barbs
3700bc Defeat all barbs. Switch Persepolis to build a warrior/turn temporarily. More barbs appear south
3550bc six warriors go exploring. Hut to east is empty. Meet Romans in south, trade masonry and pottery for alphabet plus 10 gp
3450bc Persepolis hits size 3, with production 7, therefore switch to barracks
3400bc Research IW, switch to math.
3350bc Pasargadae builds granary, starts settlers. Discover green borders in north
3300bc Meet arabian scout. Will not trade IW yet, first want to know how the iron is placed on the map
3250bc Pasargadae riots, I didn't use the lux slider properly . Trade Alph and Pot to Japan for CB and WC
3150bc Both Persepolis and Pasargadae build settlers, which head west for the Iron and the Ivory spots. Pop two huts both containing barbs
3100bc Japan does not seem to have Iron closeby, so I trade them IW and Alph for Myst and The Wheel. Romans have Iron but no IW and no contact with my northern neighbours yet, so they will be targeted first
3050bc Romans seem to have research IW themselves so they will have to wiped out quickly. Persepolis builds spearmen, as I do not have funds for mass upgrade yet
3000bc Found Susa west of little lake. Pasargadae builds settler which will settle east near the cattle and horses
2950bc Finish math, turn off science rate to create funds for upgrade. Will use math to trade for writing or horseback riding. Meet backward Carthage in the far west
2900bc found arbela between gold and iron in the west. Keep forgetting to build more workers
2850bc Pasargadae builds another settler. switch first three cities to workers. Ivory hooked up
2800bc Hannibal pops a hut in front of me eyes, and the barbs that come out of it destroy his warrior and settler . Antioch is settled to the east.
2750bc enough workers built. switch to warriors.
2710bc put a warrior on roman iron, just in case. meet greeks up north.
2670bc give hannibal pott and CB for a worker. That should keep him from expanding more. trade math to caesar for horseback riding. He will not live long to enjoy it much
2550bc Two Japanese warriors appear in my borders followed in the distance by a third. Lets wait and see what they do.
2510bc Japan attacked Susa with one warrior vs vet spear on a hill
2430bc finally hook up iron and horses in same turn. upgrade 12 warriors to immortals (for only 240gp ). start building horsies. Declare war on carthage trying to kill a settler/warrior, but fail.
2350bc six immortals head for japan, five for rome. workers start building roads towards rome so that the victors can come quickly
2310bc trade math to arabia for writing
2230bc first immortal defeats a Japanese archer triggering my GA.
2190bc Capture Antium
2150bc Capture Kyoto
2030bc Veii destroyed. Declare on Arabs. Get Greeks to join me
1600bc Destroy Romans and Arabs.
1500bc Destroy Japanese. Rush some galley to bypass jungles to carthage. Destroy greeks a bit later.

Well, after this I didn't really finish. I probably would have needed a few hundred years to reform my army of horses and immortals and invade Carthage properly. Hopefully next game will be somewhat more difficult.
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Old 25-08-2003, 15:03   #3
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Posts: 2,349

Very enjoyable game !

Here's a preview (that's my end score) to a more detailed report, I did make a few mistakes and a settler in a galley delayed my win :

<font color=\"brown\"> <b><i>\"NOT back from the dead\"</b></i>
</font id=\"brown\">
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