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Old 26-03-2007, 01:33   #11
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Old 13-04-2007, 04:13   #12
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Turn 90 report, 750BC or something like that:

The map situation is roughly the same, I'm filling in the north.

I struck a very generous deal with Germany: I jump them up into the middle ages, in return I get their free tech. I did it half for the tech and half for him, poor soul is a good guy and was in Praetorian's very bleak situation. He was down writing, mathematics and mysticism. Bleak.

Roading to SW is done, I sent him silks ahead of time, hoping to get wines or incense. He has neither, he was thinking of sending me dyes - but i have dyes already. So it'll sweeten up the upcoming tech trade for his freebie.

Still no sign of the other continent, and nothing in sight of the last suicide runner so I plan on making galleys whenever he sends me MM. This will also kick me into MA, but he'll be down polytheism still.

I have 33% of world pop, and I have just now passed Tar-Mithanga for #1 score.
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Old 13-04-2007, 04:18   #13
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Turn 90, 750BC map. I stopped settler production now, will put one up at the odd growth, but for now my libraries are almost all up and it's all military time.

Bella had 44turns to go on Oracle when I established an embassy at her place, I'm hoping she gets another (read USEFUL) wonder before I declare and invade.

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Old 10-07-2007, 17:52   #14
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Long overdue update, turn 140.

NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION! I got Knights' Templar while the other continent didn't have amthematics and made the most of it through Spanish lands.

Diplomatic rundown:

Greece: little brother, very good terms - so good he leaves his border towns undefended. Big time tech deal with him, I'll pull him to the IA and get 2 IA techs in return. I have a well fortified border with him should he attempt anything.
Germany: little neighbor, impending doom from SW's mace stack
Spain: Poofed out

West continent:

England: Backwards, on warpath vs their AI
Ottoman: Backwards, has the smaller end of the warpath stick because they are farther down and can't profitably expand to the north where the AI's are
Amerikaner: Under siege, we pumped Feudalism into them so they have something to defend themselves with
Russia: Man Cathy is fucked. Hopefully she survives a dozen turns so we can extract an IA freebie out of her.

Techs: I'm pulling SW up for his freebie, after which I'll take a strong lead in techs again. I'm building up my tech farms in the E-NE right now, universities in the core and Coper+Newton in my capital that already has colossus and 20SPT.

My military force is strong vs everyone and I haven't built anything since before I started the war against Spain.

SW and I plan on invading the West with cavalries ASAP, maybe with infantries, maybe with just rifles/muskets. Either way, they'll weaken themselves against america and Russia on wars across the jungle and into unproductive grounds while we build up and gain an irreversible lead.
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Old 19-08-2007, 05:01   #15
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My core is jam-packed with libraries, Capital has Coper+Colossus+river and makes 102 beakers at 20spt... The North is ripe for science farming, it just needs some worker turns now. It's massing workers and growing slower as is. Military Tradition is a monopoly.

I made a deal with the german: lift to the IA + horses indefinitely for his IA tech and a golden age trigger. I offered him to pay for saltpeter if Soul stops shipping it in before we go to war (read: and I capture 2-3 of his sources).

Both Soul and I are now in the IA with Steam Power and Coal. Our aforementionned deal will end when he sends Industrialism and I send Mil Trad back. I wanted to be very gentlemanly with him since we've been fair and square all game, plus he just lost his g/f. So I offered him a non-negociable, final 20 turns of peace. War is in the air.

I'll start crunching military units next turn after he's received the notice. He has been building up to counter the German and I have just been using my free crusaders to stay ahead in military might. I have been strong against every nation around for so long that no one really knows my military power at all. Soon it'll be for real because I have an overwhelming cavalry force on a low-military world.

58.93 KB

I've been too nice so far this turn, time to be really destructive: I lifted Catherine of Russia to the IA and JOY, she gets NATIONALISM. This will put a serious dent in the Western continent's attempts at domination. This feels so so so so wrong. I love it.

So this game is in the bag. Soul will die in 20, next is Germany (can't afford that kind of liability when going off-shore) and I expect ottomans and englishs to just resign.
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Old 03-09-2007, 15:06   #16
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quote:Originally posted by Tribute on CFC
Wow!!! Very interesting. Though one thing bothers me (in most games involving diplomacy too). The veterans never seem to get attacked early on. Then they build up steam and are undefeatable.... Of course, taking over all of Spain helped too.

Why can't people be annoying and spark early golden ages for their enemies? Oh, you choose Sumeria? I waste 10 shields to waste a future 300 shields and 300 commerce of yours. (And if I beat your Enkidu, I raze the town you were defending.) Though I think that does warrant a dogpile if the victim is aggravated sufficiently. I can think of some very interesting scenarios at this point.
The early GA trigger did happen for SW: in one of his skirmishes with Germany, he had a warrior impale himself on a hoplite IIRC. The reason we didn't go to war early could be found in the first part of the spoiler:

We struck up a tech deal really early and made it profitable for the both of us. I took over Spain and on his side, Germany wasn't much of a threat whatsoever - Praetorian, well, sucked. He expanded all he wanted and so did I.

The major difference between 1v1 and Free For All (FFA) is that in 1v1 you watch your one opponent very closely for the first occasion to backstab, whereas in FFA you try to become very big with one or two other civs and then dispatch of the lesser ones. This way it becomes a 1 in 2 or 3 chance instead of one in 5 or 6 for you to win.
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Old 25-09-2007, 15:38   #17
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January 1st, 560 AD. 90 years before the Greek ultimatum comes around from words into actions.

It seems that everyone but the Mayans know of nationalistic warfare measures. This tickles General Hardy more and more. Since he got appointed as commander in chief, General Hardy has had much influence, pointing out how ineffective our partnership with the Funky one got and how late on schedule they made us be. He did have a very valid point, considering we've been waiting for an exchange of industrialism for over 10 turns now. Military tradition is still a monopoly tech for the Ampersand, so all is well and we yet have no treachery to worry about.

A quick snapshot of the current world position shows the Ampersand still in its legendary gold and shield lead, especially during golden age. It is estimated we outproduce the funky one by a factor of two to three.

Not showing are HG (AI-Merika), SoZ (Mithanga the english) and GLH (Ottoman Blaze Native).

At the annual meeting, it is discussed labor force arrangements and how good was our theory about the origins of life. The first conclusion is that Spain was an anomaly of history, the second being that Germany managed itself out of the same situation by strokes of inventiveness and the third that every race alike makes for good labor force. The scientists are dispatched back to their universities to get some sort of worthwhile conclusion out of it, with an ultimatum due 60 years later.

Actions decided upon were to bribe America into selling us Nationalism. Their diplomat did not like the maneuver however and it was also decided we could take action against it. We thought we deserved that nationalistic pride ourselves and stood our ground.

In an outburst of fury, General Hardy ordered his snipers to shoot down the upset diplomat. What he was really thinking of, though, was not about a war with Amerika.

Regarding our ultimatum with the Funky, General Hardy pointed out we needed to stock up a couple more infantry units and a lot more of artilleries. His ancestor, Commander Jaguar Paw, made heavy use of primitive artillery when he once defeated the lesser Spanish tribes. He argues that old 70mm cannons can be mounted on tripods with capacity to withstand larger caliber 155mm shells. He also points out that our research funds could be diverted into training pikemen to use the same 7.62 rifles the cavalry units wield, but Science Minister Copernicus adds that foot troops have already started using heavier trench rifles using larger 7.92mm rounds, more difficult to weild but easier to reload and more accurate in tactical situations. It is decided that over half of the pikemen would be updated, the rest would go to protect our resource colonies by rapidly reporting suspicious activity to more mobile troops.

General Hardy unveils the attack plans on the funky nation, bragging that with 2 handfuls of workers, he predicts an overnight invasion deep into Funky territory. With enough entrenched troops to cover workforce and artillery units, there would be no reason for our cavalries to be stopped. We would strike at the highly populated sites first, preventing them from conscripting too many men after D-Day makes them understand they need a large re-haul of troops.

In detail, he laid out the sites where we would need to go through to make the most out of our mounties (red), the railwork to be laid down (gray) and the artillery caches we would need to install (purple).

His enthusiasm is met with skepticism in the room but the plan is approved, with a cautionary warning. There also are plans to cut off their supplies of different goods, such as Saltpeter. We expect little resistance from the colonies.

Meeting is adjourned, next session will be called when more infrastructure is done and we start focusing on war efforts. To be discussed are the repatriation of Spanish citizens to different locations where demographic imbalance calls for the need of surplus women, and the conclusions of the origins of species.
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Old 25-09-2007, 17:12   #18
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Noether ring ???
Wow - that brings back memories....
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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Old 25-09-2007, 18:18   #19
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Yeah, the concept name was "Mind, Body & Soul", with Soul_Warrior being Soul ... I chose the Ampersand (&). So my adjective was 'additive' and the easiest way to plug that was with algebraic structures.
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Old 22-10-2007, 05:37   #20
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General Hardy was rather content with the dam. He was quite pleased with the new Theory that we come from apes. He had no quarrel with the workshop now that it was retrofitting replaceable rifle parts onto the new troops' gear. The General was receiving good news from the pirate ships he had dispatched, despite growing activity from England's promising navy.

But General Hardy was yet unable to rest.

The time finally came, however, when General Hardy got some hearty sleep. Nothing like the wear of a good day's artillery fire and cavalry pounding to make one sleep like a baby. Like Grizzly like General, or so goes the saying: the military op took form and after a blitzkrieg campaign against the Funky one, nights were peaceful and sound again.

Scouting cavalries reported that the capital was resilient, despite being guarded by men with old blackpowder muskets. His Leftenant on the frontline trenches had never even seen blackpowder muskets, save in old plans from the museum archives back in Commutator. Yet they took the toll of our single lost cavalry squad.

Short on artillery support, the General called it a day and dispatched cover units to take over from there. Grecian cannons will be mounted and prolonged to support standard 155mm shells. Those for which we did not have the iron on hand in our capital were sent straight into the belly of our antagonists, crouching like a tiger ready to leap.

Operation Groovy Grizzly was thus cut short from the original outline. Next year, the luck might turn in our favor

Either way, wagers are now being taken: will Soul sell every asset of his to the Germans? To the Ottomans? Will he last by himself - and how long ... 2, 3 turns?

In the Observatory, talks begin of how to beat the english at their own game of naval supremacy. It is said we would need strong iron alloys and a power source more malleable than steam. But this is still crazy talk at this point...
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