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Old 07-08-2007, 16:47   #1
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Default What physical problems do you have?

Right now I am having some serious stomach pains, so that means that I am having an Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy, for the long name or what is called here, a Gastroscopy, or for Americans, an Endoscopy, which is by far the easiest of all three to pronounce. I just love the full name of the procedure. When I am having the major pains, I find that eating is the last thing that I want to do, so some days I just do not eat, and others it is very limited. To help limit the pain I am taking a pill called Somac, which helps to neutralise the acid in the stomach. I am going for the procedure on the 13 of this month, so hopefully it finds something wrong with my stomach.

Also I have kidney problems and as a result I am taking some blood pressure tablets, to help ease the pressure on the kidneys. The doctor wants my blood pressure to get down towards 110, which is low, but this will help the kidney since too high blood pressure will put pressure on the kidneys. Even though my BP is not too high, with the kidney problems it is a concern, since this is really the only thing that can be done to help my kidneys. Also I have been told to stop taking any sort of fizzy drink, since they contain some chemical that Kidney has a hard time trying to remove.

Also as a result of either my Kidney or stomach problems, I am anaemic, which means that I cannot give blood. I actually found out when I went give blood and they found my haemoglobin was too low to give blood, but the thing is that I have enough Iron, so it is another thing that is wrong with me.

Also I have allergies, meaning that I get hay fever and Asthma, but both are quite mild so that is good. Also I have to wear glasses.

So as you can see, that I am a picture of health.
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Old 07-08-2007, 16:51   #2
Tubby Rower
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my penis often drags the ground due to it's length. Some people say I have short legs too
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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Old 07-08-2007, 16:52   #3
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Oh my god...not being able to eat properly...that's maybe my worst nightmare...

I think I am kinf of fine, only my knees hurt sometimes after playing football, but that is not that bad.

Hmm, ok I have some (bu very few) allergies, but who doesn't?
And I have long hair. OK, that's not a disease...
Being without a signature since November 2004.
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Old 07-08-2007, 17:04   #4
Tubby Rower
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ok here's my real list.

I have Sarcoidosis. It showed up as a spot on my lung about 5 years ago just after I was married. They did every test they could think of and rule out cancer last just to keep us on our toes. Anyway the diagnosis was from a biopsy while I was in a CT scanner. It was weird with the doctor shoving a foot long needle into your chest while this huge scanner is all around you whirling about. Since the diagnosis it has never been seen again, but since it's a chronic condition it could come back at any time.

I also had huge tonsils. They were so stinking big that the Rhinotolayrngologist (Ear-nose-throat guy) thought that I had an infection. I had my tonsils removed about 6 years ago due only to the fact that food would get caught in them and start to decompose resulting in horrid halitosis.

My knees give me a problem when I run. I had my thumb split in two by a bulky man splitting wood with a maul and wedge. My thumb was between the maul and wedge. It actually split the bone at the tip completely in 2 vertically and the split continued through the joint to the next bone. I'm afraid of heights and being alone. I remember stuff really well but not everything, so I claim to have a partial photographic memory.

i think that's it.
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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Old 07-08-2007, 17:14   #5
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quote:Originally posted by Tubby Rower

my penis often drags the ground due to it's length. Some people say I have short legs too
I think you have no legs, if that is the case.
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Old 07-08-2007, 17:32   #6
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I glasses occasionaly when i need to see things far away, so errr not very often- generally stick to wearing contacts.

That is about it, recently i had the shits? does that count? other than that nothing.
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Old 07-08-2007, 18:36   #7
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My back hurts recently due to I think a mattress that needs replacing. I had a rare intestinal thing in January that was fixed with antibiotics. Its a twisting in external blood vessels of the large intestine. It pinches off( green pea size) and dies which could result in a rupture intestine which would be very bad. Quite painful and you cant eat.

I am highly stressed out due to the new Federal budget not having any funding for my current a result my stomach is acid mess of churning butterflies, I havent slept longer than 4 hours in over a week, I am a pain in the ass to be around as I have a short temper right now. Other than that...I am fine.
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Old 07-08-2007, 20:28   #8
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Last Jan (07) I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. (Intestinal Disease) Which basically means I'm highly allergic to Wheat, Rye, Barley and Oat Grains. So to keep a huge story short, I cannot eat anything that is made with those 4 listed about grains.. really sucks sometimes...

They say 1 in every 133 US people have it but it is really mis-diagnosed all the time for IBS and other stomach issues..

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Old 07-08-2007, 20:49   #9
Tubby Rower
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we're a bunch of whiners.
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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Old 07-08-2007, 20:49   #10
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Cheerios not so cheery for you then...
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