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Old 02-11-2004, 18:14   #1
The Nameless One
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Default grs in Fab4 - finished

Fab4 game with Banzai, Matrix and RomeoTheMonk. Map by Kingreno who named me qrs You can read there about the setup

The start

gave me some headace, because of the hut. I did not want to use the worker to pop it, neither did I want to do a farmers gambit not building a military unit till my borders expanded (especially since I would have to waste shields). So I conceded myself to build 2 warriors first; one to guard the worker and the second to pop in Rome once the borders expand.

This is what it looks in 3550BC.


The scoreboard tells me, that others deceided diffrent (if they had such a hut too). And I know my land looks a bit weired, but to mine the bg would have given me nothing. I fear I am in danger of getting crammed into a corner if there is someone near.
grs / Grookshank
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