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Old 16-10-2005, 04:35   #9
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ok, update time. Finally, some fireworks

Finished off the Spanish and got an MGL while wiping her out

Also finished Leo's some time ago. Then traded for Chivalry on turn 133 and promply upgraded 27 Knights. Loaded 2 in an army, then sent the whole thing in 10 caravels off to say "Hi" to grs. Why 10, well, I wanted a scout up ahead, and I left that caravel empty.

So... grs apparently was looking out for me at one of the chokes. In order to concel the size of my landing, I decided to attack. Lost the scout but it redlined grs's caravel. I then used a vet with 3 knights to kill it off and it promoted (4/5).

We are allowed 1 MA vs the player, so I chose the Vikings
Also got Chems and Navigation for Eco as well as WM's

I am now about 2T from landing on grs' Eastern Coast. Not really sure how much damage these units can do, but I hope to raze at least couple of towns (which are, hopefully, built-up). Don't expect much as my suprise went totally out of this landing, though the mil adviser says I'm strong vs him.
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