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Old 06-04-2007, 07:35   #2
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Perth, Australia.
Posts: 443

Here are some pictures of my game. We are only into turn 28.

Here is my core as it will soon be more of mine.

As you can see that I have copper not too far away from me and thus I will settle right next to it so that I can get good benefit from that site. I will have copper and a cow for a good site. But I have such a good area around me that I am thinking the next city will be near the gold just where the plain is as I will be able to get inside the city radius.

Here is the demographics.

I am doing quite well right now, so it is only near the beginning and soon things will change as we should soon start to see some expansion happening in this game. I am last in population, but that is not a worry since I will soon be getting a new city. I went for a worker before settler so that I could get both the corn on cow working for excellent growth opportunities.

Here is my capital.

I have just finished farming the corn and I will road it next so that I can get some more health in that city. I will then go to road towards the copper since that is more important for me to get it ready for my next city, which is when I whip that settler from out of my capital.
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