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Old 27-09-2007, 00:40   #27
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Madison, WI.
Posts: 555

If you want an American's opinion (and even if you don't)

1) They put this to a referendum the first time, there should be a clear reason given if they suddenly don't the second time simply because they didn't get the result they wanted the first time. A number of what turned out to be very bad laws have been passed in the Midwest where I live, because of this type of manuvering (the leaders tend to be much more liberal than their constiuents in SD, MN and WI where I have lived).

2) There needs to be some body with potentially conflicting interests to vote on something of this magnitude in my opinion. In the US we require 3/4 of the states to approve any constitutional ammendment keeping a form of check and balance on national legislators. This review process often exposes weaknesses that can then be corrected, removes conflicts of interest and prevents a single influential person in a body from dominating the procedings, knowing he has the votes to do so. Without a system like state approval, I believe that a referendum may be in order.

Still I'm not Dutch and you have some weird laws and systems over there that I have no intention to learn. May as well knock yourselves out for what I care.
\"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it\"
H. L. Mencken
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