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Old 18-12-2004, 12:56   #18
Kingreno's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Banzai attacked the Netherlands and got his GA! also, he set up his continent roughly the same way I did.Mongold and rome are at war with the Dutch too, drawback is for Banzai that they also are atw ar with eachother. I doubt they will be of much use!
In his GA Banzai now outproduces me naturally but I am still ranked first in Income. This means I am researching faster!

His lands, form my perspective. One dutch city razed.


I hope he won't kill of the dutch completely. They are also in a GA and my mein friends on that part of the world! They paid me for example 100gpt for Navigation!


The rest comes from Mongols and Romans and not to forget 7gpt from the Mayans!
As can be seen as well, we now are researching ToG. Newtons will add very nicely to copernicus in Salamanca. I am still up economics on everyone, and now Physics too. The Dutch have Metallurgy and are racing towards cav! woohoo! feel the pain Banzai!

The war on the bright side of the world:


the 5 eastern cities were all english and the units positioned there are on flip control.
The grupe London is there...for London. I hope it is enough as lizzie has loads of pikemen.

To finalize, the minimap:

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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