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Old 28-08-2004, 16:41   #5
c00l b33r
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Sorry for the late response ppl, forum has been down most of the time

@KR: Welcome!

This setting was choosen because in most PBEM's the Modern Age is never reached so most players won't have a lot of experience in it and it is always nice to try something new.

Seafaring: good idea.

Bomber stats:
- Cost 100
- Bomb Strenght 12
- Range 10
- RoF 3

It is just to cheap for its capabilities, als the Bombard Fx flag is not set in the editor! Will fix the flag, how about increasing the cost to say 160?

Let's put U and Al in upon completion and unjump all resources.

@akots, long post indeed but most are valid points imo. May I assume you want to take a slot as well?

Ad 1: The AI is there for a number of reasons:
- The extra challenge
- All AI will turn against you if you use nukes
- The extra options for how to play

Ad 2: As said the AI is the first limiter on nukes. It is silly to allow nuking of players having no nukes imo because they can't really retaliate. I'm thinking of increasing the cost of Tacticals to 500 and have a rule that only one/turn can be used.

Ad 3: Indeed, we should have pop polution available at the start of the game, otherwise it is just spoiling fun. Right now courthouses do the job, I can leave it like that or give every city a Mass Transit. Please give your preference.

Ad 4: The map is very symmetrical. All islands for the human player ary nearly identical and I made sure that transports can move city to city in one turn with seafaring. That is to cities on the AI landmass. If you like me to bring more variety in the islands keep in mind that it will be quite some work to maintain the balance.

Ad 5: What exactly do you expect as result from the tweaking?

Ad 6: I do not really have a preference as a player about the Golden Age, as scenario builder it is much easier not to have them! KR, what's your view here?

Ad 7: Guess you are referring to the sub bug, i.e. run in to them and there is war? The human player can avoid it by sending destroyers with other ships and be careful with subs in AI neighboorhoods imo.

Ad 8: All will start with embassies. About the resources: my idea was to create scarce resources both for the AI and human to encourage trading, i.e. humans have Coal and Iron excl., while AI has Rubber and Oil. This will also influence decisions about trading or securing by invasion! I am more concerned about how to make a rule to avoid that player 1 in turn 1 gives trades everything away so blocking trading options for the human player. The rule could be something like one tech allowed for trading for the first couple of turns. Alternatively I can give the AI the same techs as the human players. Please give me your preference!

Ad 9: Maybe it is best to make both Uranium and Aluminium available to all players once the related tech is researched.

Oh, can both of you post the Civ you like to play and the Civs you want for the AI? It is all about names since every civ will get the same capabilities.

Wow: long reply


Starting units for humans:
10 Workers
16 Inf
4 Tanks
9 Arties (no range, no strength)
2 Transports
4 Destroyers
9 Battleships (no offensive capabilities)
2 Fighters

Pic of the map with on human island basically done.

That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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