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Old 07-08-2007, 17:04   #4
Tubby Rower
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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ok here's my real list.

I have Sarcoidosis. It showed up as a spot on my lung about 5 years ago just after I was married. They did every test they could think of and rule out cancer last just to keep us on our toes. Anyway the diagnosis was from a biopsy while I was in a CT scanner. It was weird with the doctor shoving a foot long needle into your chest while this huge scanner is all around you whirling about. Since the diagnosis it has never been seen again, but since it's a chronic condition it could come back at any time.

I also had huge tonsils. They were so stinking big that the Rhinotolayrngologist (Ear-nose-throat guy) thought that I had an infection. I had my tonsils removed about 6 years ago due only to the fact that food would get caught in them and start to decompose resulting in horrid halitosis.

My knees give me a problem when I run. I had my thumb split in two by a bulky man splitting wood with a maul and wedge. My thumb was between the maul and wedge. It actually split the bone at the tip completely in 2 vertically and the split continued through the joint to the next bone. I'm afraid of heights and being alone. I remember stuff really well but not everything, so I claim to have a partial photographic memory.

i think that's it.
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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