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Old 24-08-2003, 00:05   #9
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,214

74 I recently got the Persian territory map, so I finally know where they are located, hemmed in above Puwen, as I expected. Create an embassy too,
but it appears they already at war with Puwen, so I don't need to bother with an alliance. China tries extort again (peace treaty just expired), but
backs down when I say no. He thinks he's pretty funny, but he won't laugh for long as my swordsmen are lining up for an attack.


80 Finished construction. Declared war on China, they were trespassing. Unfortunately, they immediately got the French and Ottomans in on it against
me. Lets see how this ends..

85 Take Shanghai losing 3 swordsmen. China has iron, I didn't notice that . Settle for peace again getting Literacy and terr map,
because I want to turn my attention towards my sudden enemies in the north (Joan and Osman)

86 Persia asks me to join in against Puwen. I agree and get MM, CoL, HB and a WM for it. Nice!

87 Hmm, Puwen set China up against me again, but I only noticed after playing the turn

90 signed peace with Joan and Osman (who never bothered me) and put them up to war with Puwen. 15gpt deal with joan, construction to Osman. Now I can focus totally on Mao, who must nearly have finished the Pyramids. He signs an alliance with Xerxes against me, so its a total world war

91 Chinese finish Pyramids, just in time . Hope I can get them quick enough

97 put a small SoD of swords next to mao's iron city canton.

98 take Canton losing one sm.

101 Puwen pays me visit with a small SoD of war chariots. I'm not really prepared as I'm busy with the Chinese. I saw this coming already, but I need that Chinese Pyramids. I guess this game might not last long anymore, he really caught me with my pants down. Trigger my golden age (Puwen thinks I'm in it for a long time now).

103 More WC's have arrived, and they razed the city of Leptis Minor. My NumMerc's didn't put up much of a fight. Of course I rush as many NumMerc's and horses as I can, but Puwen clearly has the upper hand. Below in China I keep my focus on Beijing.

104 Puwen advances towards my core lands, but just now I realize an important thing (which I also had thought of in the beginning of the game but forgot). His WC cannot cross jungles and mountains and of those I have plenty ! I only need to defend my weak spots and he will have to use swords to get through (which he probably will later). This will buy me some time. Three elite victories give me no leader, but do give me ... Beijing, with the Pyramids. This will surely help me build up, but will it be enough?

105 Puwen retreats his chariots. I got Xerxes back in war against him, but Puwen says he's glad I did, because he can take their lands now. He doesn't realize that he could have probably brought some fatal damage to me. Now he has given me a second chance. I still have loads of cash, but my income is not good, as I have many gpt-deals going on.

108 Mao wants an alliance & rop with me against Osman. I get 400gp for it. Sure, Mao, you know you can trust me

109 Puwen wants peace so that he can totally focus on Xerxes. I agree, because this relieves me from the heavy gpt deal I made with Persia for the alliance. He just built the GL, but that's ok cause I'm not trading techs anymore, so he'll has to do his own research.

129 Haven't logged in a while. I tried to expand more, filling everything with cities, but unfortunately some civs hit MA, so all of a sudden I was under attack by a few stacks of barbs. The situation looks pretty bad, my GA is finished
and I'm in anarchy now, six turns total, to become republic. I'm handbuilding FP in Theveste, but I really need a leader for it. Just cleared the Chinese of the map. Puwen is finishing Xerxes. I hope that, once I am out of Anarchy, there is still some xerxes left that wants a large gpt deal for Feudalism. The plan now, if there is any that can still lead to victory , is to try to take all of the eastern hemisphere, including France, and hope that Puwen will wait with attacking for as long as possible. But I think this game is pretty much over, wouldn't you agree? Seeing the game he had with JM, I suspect him to try to cross our in-between waters, and had for my core cities. Or maybe go for a cultural win
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