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Old 22-04-2005, 15:13   #23
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The Leader was turned into an army of Knights.

It is a time of good and bad.

First the bad things.

My landings near and in Erikk core are over. He destroyed my ships and eliminated all Knights and AC that landed there. There is very little hope of ever again using this tactic as well as I cannot build Frigates. Basicly the sea is his.
Also, I have now also lost my horses. So my only strategic recourse is Iron. I could trade for horses with Persia but it is very expensive ATM. I must wait several turns before my next tech comes in to be able to trade it at a decent prize.
Erikk, OTOH, has Cav. This does not bode well for us as it is a great unit to have and a nightmare to miss. Rome is now forced to defend itself!

However. There were also good things:


Erikk still has no Steampower! Yeah, still! I have traded very well and after bagging a Medicine Monopoly I got SP, Democracy (sigh) and a load of gold. I have had SP for over 8 turns now and Erikk has not researched it yet. I am clueless what he is researching. Persia has a Mono on Nationalism, while all AI share my SP/Med/demo.
This also means that Coal is available and we have ONE resource!!!.


This means I do not have to surrender! I set a lot of cities to workerporduction and RR is being laid everywhere at a very decent speed. Erikk's naval force is far less threathning now.


Next turn a Roma-Eboracum express can deliver any unit to the front and back in no-time.
As can be seen the lack of horses/SP made me decide to build Pikemen and Trebuchets only. These are produced at terrific rates: Roma has 30 spt, while 7 other cities manage 15-20 spt. 3 cities will soon go to 30 spt as well. These units may not be a very tough opponent for cav but in numbers, backed by Trebs and behind walls they can and will do their damage. Of course, they also upgrade to Infantry/Arty!

That is the next rather good thing:


Only a few turns form electricity, Rep Parts is close. Also ToE is a very attractive option. I am still in doubt where to go next. If I get Elec before Erikk gets SP/Nat I will sell it to Persia for Nationalism, allowing at least rifles. If not, I will keep elec and go for Rep Parts first. The trouble there is that I will likely not have rubber (hope to trade for it then).
If I get Infantry soon the game should basicly be over for Erikk, as I will simply charge my Inf and pillage his empire.

This is what his lands loo like. Please keep an eye on the newly found cities in his core, still very small. The rest of his empire is massive though...


The Border:


The army with 2 Line-of-sight keeps an eye every turn on the activities here. It heads back home every turn after this scouting.
My guess is that Lundum had a dozen cav and perhaps 5 Muskets. There may be some GS as well but unlikely, and unimportant. Eboracum has 6 Elite Knights, 8 vet Knights, 8 vet Pikes, 5 Trebs, 1 Elite Legionaire, 2 vet MI and the army of Knights. Every turn roughly 3 pikes and 2 trebs join this party.
The surrounding area also has 10 units or so. There are also 10 units in the core, performing borderprotection with Persia and Babylon.
The Romans have the following stats to back them up:


Very happy with this.

last the MM:


Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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