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Old 03-10-2007, 21:22   #5
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Turn 14, 2 turns from The Wheel.

The hour of truth is about to come and the mongolian tribes will soon
know wether they have horses about, or not.

Mongolian Homo sapiens have taken full advantage of their superior erect stance. They have strode long and wide to find new villages and were greeted by many as messengers of hope, some even joined as Homo erectus troops or asked for new leadership.

We have met other civilized tribes, though we have found Julius' envoys to be rather on the dumb side, while Mithanga's settlers wasted ancestral farmlands by founding their village right atop of the cattle's natural pastures. Still, they did have a pretty intricate way of picturing things. We sent them a few Homo habilis to teach them how to weild bows, they took the bait - err trade.

Misfortunately, none of them were willing to resettle - unlike the Lybian of Tar Mithanga's Hitties or the Huns of Soul Warrior's Russians. We will soon start to recruit settlers ourselves to remedy to that problem.

Nonetheless, we have started mapping the lands and are quite pleased with how fertile it can be found to be.

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