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Old 06-07-2004, 08:12   #17
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I Gave up the game.

Anarres played an awesome game and used far superior strategy, rightfully sending me further down the ladder.


Naval Bombardment utterly SUCKS!!!

Why? here's why!

When bombarding a city with, say, 15 Ironclads, the enemy ships in port are ALWAYS targeted first, then ALWAYS the garrisoned units are targeted, only when ALL units are redlined, pop and buildings (which is what we want) are hit.
This is horseshit! And so easily defended against!!! Just put two galleons, an obsolete frigate and two cav in the cities that are about to be attacked and you will suffer NO damage at all. The hitpoints heal the next turn. In our game, Anarres could have easily waited for he researched destroyers and meanwhile suffer only minor annoyances from my bombing.
I feel seriously disappointed by this. The logic is also completely gone. I have a fleet of 70 Ironclads, as turn 220 approached (end of peacedeal) I tell Anarres this (why not? hehe) and he is obviously not too happy. However, once it is clear he will (worst case) lose only a few Railroaded Grasslands, which are repaired the next turn, he can outtech me with ease, and no need for a huge military at all.
Logic. This is a game but if Infantry are in a city, which is bombarded, would they always die (but not completely) before the temple/harbour/rax/cath/ect is hit? So the troops in civ actually are a human shield for the buildings (...they are supposed to hide in in the case of bombardment). Also, the ships in port are naturally hit first (but never sunk!!!!). Just some holes in the bow, a damaged rudder, no more sails, but hey, just when they are about to sink to the bottom, lets target those cavalry.

I did make some errors in this game and I would never hide behind this bombing to explain a loss. I just like the way it worked in civ/vanilla better.

So, for Anarres, and a lesson learned for KR: use boats for fishing and Inbading.
Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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