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Old 10-01-2006, 23:31   #1
Join Date: Apr 2003
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Default TheKoCUtility - a new beginning

Here is the new almost legitmate version of KoCUtility...

Now rebranded as 'TheKoCUtility' and without any cookie refrences, when installed windows will recognise it as a different program than the old version (meaning you can have them installed side-by-side although you can only use one at a time). Note, I will no longer be supporting the old version and all future work will be on this version.

The big change is that I have implemented a permissions system, when the program loads it finds a permissions file on a server somewhere and checks you are permitted to use the program, if not or if it fails then it shuts down the program.

The basic user level removes the timer function from the shop screens and sets the hunter timer at 5s minimums. There are higher user levels, user2 is reserved for whatever I think of later, user3 is full functionality as we know it now (timer in shop asisstant for auto-buying and 1s minimums on the hunter timer.

Right now everyone at CDZ is set as just 'user' - this is because I would like the permission stuff tested by someone other than me. Once I have confirmation from you lot that you cannot access the auto-buyer (or tell it exists) then I will set you as user3 and start thinking about who else gets to use it!

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