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Old 06-05-2003, 22:59   #15
Join Date: May 2003
Location: in a swamp.
Posts: 901

Well, I love playing cards. Canasta, Romme, ... ans especially "Doppelkopf" (4 player) and "Skat" !!! I have no idea if "Skat" is known to you (?). It's a 3-player game with 32 cards; but w/ a group of 4, you play w/ an alternating dealer, as a single round is done fast. I've been playing since I was a kid and in those days, the dealer used to spy the cards of a participant. Dealer:"May I have a look?" - So a bunch of cards changed hands... and that fucking spleen was born. I noticed that I had to re-sort my cards when someone spied them - as said, I'm in the minor (?) lefty group, right hander btw. I guess it's one of those phenomena you can't get rid of when you got in contact with in childhood - like women's front armaments...
I can't really say why I want to know - but it's just interesting.
For that individual sorting order, I guess it's something about learning behaviour. Or coincidence w/ ball hanging style, tennis or cricket affection, card values in corners... maybe the way you open a door (I could spam another poll...). Think I'll read psychology stuff about learning behaviour some time. If that's unsatisfying, I'll read about spleens...
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