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Old 03-11-2004, 10:29   #9
Melifluous's Avatar
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My apologies I did mean Diplomats.

I like the idea of importing the plague to newly captured cities to keep the population size down, sounds great

If you have no spies of your own, then you wont know if you have a problem with spies Symptoms include a higher chance to revolt and a chance that they will open your gates when the enemy come calling!

Looking at the settlement details for a city (bottom left buttons on the city construction screen) will give you a lot more information on what is making your people unhappy.

RSI sucks. But to give yourself a chance of playing the game cack-handed then you can always pause the game and issue your orders, then unpause it and maybe even speed up time to get rid of the annoying wait for your troops to clash.

Cavalry makes a complete mess of Gallic armies. Period.

Also I almost fell off my chair here when I saw your army!
Was that 2 units of Principes? And one on 2 silver chevrons? Damn in the game I'm playing they could probably kill off an army 10 times their size alone! Experience counts for a lot! The little sword icon is a bonus, but experience kicks ass.

Also you can lower public order to about 75-80%, just check for the little riot icon which flashes on the building construction screen when there is a riot risk.

Faces go Green - Yellow - Blue - Red. As far as I can remember blue should be ok

If you are losing gold build more economic buildings. In order they should be Roads (increase trade and troops move faster), Ports (if you can, more upgrades Ports -> Docks -> Shipwright make more money) and Mines. Markets and Fora are a bonus.

I would personally enslave every new city that I take, it cuts the population in half and is a great way to increase the pop of your core cities (just read that slaves ONLY go to cities that have a governer/general, cool huh?)

Protectorate states? Never managed that ever in any game. If they are in a state to become a protectorate, then they are nearly dead so kill em anyways.

Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong?
It's swell to have a stiffy,
It's divine to own a dick.
From the tiniest little tadger
To the world's biggest prick!
So three cheers for your willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one-eyed trousers snake.
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