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Old 12-02-2007, 13:19   #14
Tubby Rower
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Well I managed to catch Best Buy wit a few in on Friday and we played it over the weekend. Ana did struggle a bit with moving it fast enough to register with the motion sensors. But to my surprise, Sherry really liked it. She went off on the boxing match. I have noticed that your movements could be quite confined and there is no need to move in a complete motion (ie. swinging a bat in baseball could be done with one hand) In bowling however, it doesn't feel natural to just go through the arm motions and actually taking a couple of steps makes the motions feel more natural.

I'm still trying to figure out my first game purchase. I really want Zelda as nintendo has developed that game well in the past carnations of that game. but at the same time, I'd like to get one of the "party" games.

Anyhoo... my wii code is 8312 8910 9560 5088. If anyone has one, let me know and our Mii's could mingle together.
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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