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Old 20-03-2003, 22:41   #1
Lt. Killer M
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Default Most annoying things at work

What is the most annoying thing that ever happened to you at work? I do not mean the worst thing, but the one that *really* had you going: This was fucking unnecessary!

Here's mine (I am still boiling):

I use my own, private PC at work as it is twice as fast and has a CD-toaster. I also bought my own network cable, as back when I first needed it I didn't have a job here, so I couldn't get one form the institute.

So now we moved to a new building, scrapped our old toekn ring and BCN hub networks. Now we use Western plugs. And we lack cables.

So i lent one fo our two cables to our secretary and used one for my PC.
Today, I come to the office at 8, check mails, later leave. The PC stays on.

I come back late at night, try to check mail and CFC - no connection. Well, with the Iraq war on, no surprise...

30 minutes later - no connection. Even our own university homepage cannot be found.
I start to panick: is the network card damaged from the move? OR what?

Then, I start to check things. Suddenly, I see that my network cable is......... GONE!!!!!!

Someone took it, and didn't leave a message! I find it next door at the secretary's Mac. Now she doesn't know anything about these things, so someone else must have 'helped' her - and helped himself to my cable!

And what makes me really mad: the cable was plugged intothe wall, then ran parrallel to the one leading to the Mac, then lay there on the table not connected to anything.

One more turn..... just one more turn... one MORE!
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