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Old 30-09-2006, 22:38   #9
c00l b33r
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quote:Originally posted by kryszcztov

Beam, your thread is of high interest for me at the moment. As can be seen in a recent thread of mine, I've installed Ubuntu as well (Dapper Drake), after a guy at the Uni gave me a live CD of it. I wanted to test different things with it this weekend, but basically put that for tomorrow. One of the things was to see how to get Civ4 working on Ubuntu, so your experiment (should it continue, so as to get things improved, as you said) is valuable for me.

The only problem I have with using Cedega is this : it costs money, and I wonder why I should pay money for a game that I have already bought at a high price, to make it run on a free OS. Puzzles me, conceptually-wise (we French love concepts). Is it only 15 $ total for 3 months and then legally free ? It seems the game isn't properly working with Wine only (the free program on which Cedega is built). But there is also Cedega CVS, a free version of Cedega which isn't optimized, but I'm not sure it's working great either. In any case, I'll make some experiment too.

My goal is to switch to Linux at 100% sometime in the future. Dual boot is hell : I'm waiting for my PBEM save when my computer is running, so guess which of the 2 OS I'm using mostly ?
Krys, nice to read we are on the same track! Answering your questions / comments as well as possible:
- I also use Dapper Drake (actually the latest Ubuntu 6.0.6 LTS for AMD Athlon).
- It is installed on my HD which is needed to run Civ IV cause it apparently needs to see a couple of XP directories. I doubt you can make Civ IV run with the Live CD if not installed on the HD. The Live CD is very nice however to get a general feel.
- From what I've read about what you pay for Cedega is not related to the CVS part or the Civ-game-I've-already-paid-for-part but for a couple of dlls that you normally get with Windoze. Wether or not this is correct behaviour is a matter of opinion imo. I investigated a lot and these Transgaming shitheads are the only ones offering something where you can run Civ IV with.
- Wine does not include those DLLs and will not be able to run Civ IV atm afaik.

Something I'd like to add is that Linux / Cedega isn't the silver bullet if Civ IV isn't running well on your current XP implementation. I see the same issues with ATI cards for example.

Lat but not least: if more people are considering to migrate I'm always prepared to help, just keep in mind I'm only a week ahead of you.
That was a pretty good gamble. -- Scotty, The Galileo Seven, stardate 2821.5, Episode 14
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