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Old 06-07-2006, 15:40   #10
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Resuming it after last night's victory.

Challenge #7 : booking a friendly (for next Wednesday ?). I want to play against one of you, CDZers. Whoever posts first gets to play with me. I need my 15,000 €.

Gonna start lurking your own threads too, and I will post my team soon.

Oh, and I have a new name for my stadium : "Olympus Mons Temple". Of course, to carry on the Greek/Olympic theme. 'Temple' because it fits the theme and today's stadiums could be seen as temples of course. And 'Olympus Mons' isn't only that mountain in Greece and the mountain of the gods, but also the highest mountain in the Solar System, on planet Mars precisely, and is directly quoted from a song by the Pixies (on the "Trompe Le Monde" album, awesome).
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