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Old 05-07-2006, 16:43   #4
Tubby Rower
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Oh and the challenges will bring in a total of 250 000 Euros. Some of them require you to put up some money. For the one where you have to place a bid on someone, find a high level player (outstanding + ) that has a bid price of < 50 000. You'll most definately be outbid and it will allow you more time to get used to the xfer market before you have to actually buy someone.

When you have to put someone on the Xfer list, wait until we see the squad as some of them will likely be put up for auction. If you need any help let me know, I think that I'm picking this up fairly quickly and while making some stupid mistakes, I think that some of the risks that I have taken are paying off.

EDIT to avoid a triple post::::
Krys, make sure that you change your training to Stamina and 100% as soon as you can. Training updates are tomorrow and since none of your guys played this week, none will get training. But if you put it on Stamina, all players will receive training and (most of) your players stamina will increase.
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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