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Old 16-05-2006, 19:46   #23
Tubby Rower
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Aggie, get a solid coach. it drops training each level by at least a week. also, I'd get 9-1 (or 8-2) GK-Assistant coaches. Some morons are telling me in the conferences that from 5 to 9 coaces only drop a week to get to divine and they are morons or HO is incorrect. by me droppping down to 5 GK coaches it adds a week to training for each level. over 2 seasons thats 5-6 weeks saved!! and they won't be near divine.

so going back to the first sentence... get a solid skilled coach with the weakest leadership for now. It'll likely put you into debt but thats ok for a season to get you going. right now I'm ~130k in debt. when I sell an excellent keeper in 6 weeks I'll be out of debt and have another keeper that'll be tops in my league find me on MSN if you want to chat
3/2006 : Now, surely that must be because some fists might have caused internal damage to certain delicate parts?
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