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Old 02-02-2006, 03:26   #320
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Tubs I'm a dork. I started on physics when I sent chem and will be done in two. I can finish metal in 5(but that was at 30% science so it's more likely 4 turns) if you want me to switch.

I forgot to take a picture but there's a Celt MI and LB fortified on a mountain at Tsing Tao in case you didn't see them.

I have 1 pike, 3 MI, 1 LB and a knight at Tsing Tao plus 1 Pike, a MI and 4 buchets on the iron hill behind them.
There are 2 muskets, 4 knights, 2 MI and a MW headed north to Nanking.
In New York there's 6 MI (1 elite), 2 Pikes and 1 elite knight healing.
I rushed rax there and Burdigala. There's a Chinese galley headed for my coast but can't get there. I will try to sink it next turn with a galley.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.--W. C. Fields
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