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Old 13-01-2006, 01:50   #6
Rik Meleet
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quote:Originally posted by Whomp

Shabba once told me that "I wouldn't know sarcasm if it kicked me in my teeth". To which I replied "I don't have any teeth".
So true ...
quote:Originally posted by Rik Meleet

No way, only certified heterosexuals with a good track-record, proper education, high enough wages and the correct religion should be able to adopt children. And they should also be the only ones allowed to have children of their own.
And only after they get married.
quote:Originally posted by Whomp

You and I are going to need to have a good talk in London Rik. That is one biased view Mister. What's the difference? The couple I know are both have their masters, have a great track record and one parent stays at home because the other makes a phenomenal living to support the lifestyle.
quote:Originally posted by Rik Meleet
Sarcasm, my dear Whomp.
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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