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Old 23-11-2005, 15:54   #12
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Location: Seattle, WA
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My take on this.

- I'm fully in favour of switching to vBulletin3. I'm not in a hurry though, but before we all make Civ4 spoilers would be fine (end of the year ?). I'd prefer to try to save the database and convert it to vB if possible. I don't know if anarres is the only one capable of this though. Otherwise an archived forum would be fine, though not as good. Is it possible to run the 2 softwares ? There is a certain huge game which will get messy if we seperate the posts like that.

- It's high time we renamed this site to "Civ Duel Zone". And switch to the same URL without the "3".

- I don't think adding mods can do the trick. Frankly, uploading avvies for other people is more than boring, and this is the only site where I see that. I see that Shabba and Meli have become 'admins' ; on the same level as anarres and PP, or is there something missing ? I remember a post a few days after the beginning (wasn't there, but found it later) where anarres said that PP had now become admin with equal powers all the way.

- I think vBulletin v3 is a must, but then, is v3.0 cheaper than v3.5 for example ? Might be worth getting a cheaper but older version to limit the costs, no ? And repeat it with a delay when new versions kick in. Just a thought.

- It would be super if we could add sub-forums in our personal forums. I'm thinking of putting all my Civ3 shameful losses in a Civ3 subdirectory, and start anew with Civ4. If only an admin can do that, that's still fine, it's not like we'll ask this all the time anyway.

- If we just switch and start from scratch, it'd be interesting to reorganize the forum's display a bit (no need for Civ3, except if we can't post in the other software anymore). I'm there on MSN to help with it, if you want.
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