Thread: SGOTM8 Turnlogs
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Old 23-09-2005, 10:49   #37
Rik Meleet
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IHT: Move some more stuff around, swap a bunch of scientists to CE's to speed builds. Will attack and crush China on my turn set.

Turn 3: Stupid Peace treaties and MPP's.
Turn 4: Awesomeness. Rome and England sign peace so we can kill the Greeks. Will do. Greece is officially on the short list.
I forgot bombers don't have LLB in this variant.
Just started the attack on Greece. We should be able to roll Greece in the next 2-3 turns. I did some MM, but did not sell science. I cannot bring my self to do that
I upgraded almost all our spears to infantry, as we really need more footsloggers. Akots may want to build more infantry than bombers as the bombers got nerfed.
Sorry for the short turnlog and not playing 10. Over the past 5 days, I found out that I have to move. The Wife and I are now in the process of buying a house, and this really lmits my ability to play and kibitz.
I will still do my best to help the team though.
Social life ? Sounds like fun !! Where can I download that ?
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