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Old 28-07-2005, 14:17   #25
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Netherlands.
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Went to the Mycom shop today, and received some bad news, my current CPU cannot be fit in newer MBs, so to replace the MB would also mean getting a new CPU, which would at least mean a 250 euro spenditure, on top of which the new memory would need to be bought as well.

On the other hand, they do have 256 MB Rimm memory, but it is sold for 110 euro a piece, and you apparently need them in pairs of 2 indeed, making it a total of 220 euro for 512 MB extra mem.

You all already indicated this of course, but still a disappointment nonetheless.

So, I've decided not to upgrade for now, and save the cash until an entirely new PC will be bought/assembled, since the upgrade is not critical at this moment. Thanks to all for all the help and info nevertheless.
<b>\"In the Game of Thrones, you win or you die\" </b>
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