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Old 09-07-2005, 20:40   #267
Nebuchadnezzar II
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quote:Originally posted by col
New pc is finally running. Got to reinstall everything now.
Then we shall see who is the master and who is the pupil....
First, masta, you need to install the freechess client. Go to the and select Jin as your client. That one compensates for lags and stuff and makes seeks easier. Though you still have to type most of the things. Then register and then get yourself some rating there by playing a few games. We then can set a time for a meeting.

I'm currently fluctuating between 1780 and 1870 depending on mood swings, once got to 1890 but it was an accident.
Cujusvis hominis est errare; nullius, nisi insipientis in errore perseverare
Ciceron (Marcus Tullius)
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