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Old 19-05-2005, 12:16   #33
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Well, looking at the next screenshot it indeed looks better. I actually kinda like the grapics.


More shots here:

Still, the whole coloring of the units, cities and territories makes it hard(er) to (easily) differentiate the several aspects.

- Brown flags are almost not noticeable since they blend in with the territory, making it harder to figure out which unit belongs where (I prefer the old method where parts of the unit resemble the owners color). This is also very apparent on the horse unit north of Agade. It faces east and the flag is almost gone/hard to tell apart from other nationalities.

- Even if the units themselves would resemble their owners nationality, with the current color scheme (brown, white, dark gray), it'd still be hard(er) to figure out which tribe they actually belong to.

- Tile improvements have little buildings now? That makes it harder for the eye to make out what is a city, hut or just a mined tile.

- Units "hide" the cities (towns) underneath, thereby making it hard(er) to tell where the cities are. In previous Civs you did not need to look at the city information to know where your cities are.

- While the forrest/jungle looks nice, it is so big that its harder to identify which units is actually placed there.

- Some of the (infantry) units look very similar, another factor that makes it harder to differentiate the unit types.

- [minor] City desription needs to be worked at, the most important info is still what size the city has, especially since it seems you can't tell anymore by simply looking at it.

- [minor] Only one kind of mountain (actually I see two but both look almost the same) which looks rather stupid. But I'm sure they are going to work on that since the mountains in Civ2 looks better than those.

- Again, there is a LOT "going on" on the map which might make it nice to look at, but hard to "focus" on the key aspects of the game (primarily, imho, the world map represents the "board" of the game (like in chess), thus the first object should be to make it easy for the player to identify city placements, unit positions, road networks, etc.)

Alright, that's it for now, don't have time to write more since I should be studying. Plus I think the gameplay is going to be like the current screenshots - nice to look at at first but too superficial for the decent Civ-player.
Anyways, didn't CDZ have pretty good contacts to Firaxis once?
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