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Old 18-03-2005, 15:28   #303
Kingreno's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Netherlands.
Posts: 3,270


preturn check.

Setler facs not opperating as they should...but I am a forgiving person (don't tell anarres though)

whipp temples in Leptis Minor, Carthage.

Change a dozen builds (minor ones)

check trades.
Vikings and America have Mono, eng, feud and rep. (and inv)
babs lack mono, as does england.

I can buy mono for 80 gpt and 200 cash, but decide to wait as many civs will get mono soon. we need the cash for upgrades, we have no time to sneak in cathedrals now.

I press end turn

we lose an archer to a LB near Kyoto. one GS retreats near Kyoto. We have too many small groups. we need SoD's!

410 AD:

I sink a jap galley and kill a jap LB.
we capture Theveste with 7 workers in it!

whipp a temple in nara, a lib in feck, a CH in colford, a lib in colhill.

IT: Iro's land near ICS1
Japs move 14 units towards Goiguen. I anticipated that last turn and they will be annihilated by GS. I hope.
we lose no units.

420AD, massive global whipping.

we lose 3 GS killing 11 Japanese units near Kyoto, the RNG was not kind as I had far better odds.
We kill 3 MW and a MI of the Iro's near Edo.
WE destroy 2 Numercs.
We capture hippo, for one lost GS./

IT: a load of Iro units are spotted...


they seem to prefer attacking Ucking though, for some reason...


Capture Saporro, and 3 other cities

IT: Iro's mass near Edo...damn, many units... 10 MW, 20 archers, some spears/LB's


nothing special, some whipping and founding of cities.
attack 2 Carthaginian cities and succeed.
IT Iro's move towards Ucking!

450 AD

get 23 GS ready for Kyoto
take out more of carthage, they are almost gone now.
Whipping in 2 cities.

460 AD

bye bye last chance. we fail to take Kyoto......
it is defended by 6 pikes and a longbow and we LOSE 12 GS leaving 3 ELITE redlined piks in the city. RNG major fuckup, shown primarily by the fact we had 3 full health vics against 4hp pikemen, where 5 full health GS failed to scratch 1 hp of the elite pikes. we had extremely high chances of getting this city.

IT: Iro's move towards Ucking! 20+ units

470 AD: I regroup and prepare to destroy Carthage. Destroy a lot of Japs again, where do these clowns come from??? I founded Ucking behind a river and with walls in it I fortify 8 GS in it! that should tempt Hiawatha to strike, but should get him many casualties.

IT: The Masacre of Ucking, we lose zero units while 5 MW's 5 archers and 2 Longbows bite the dust. regular archers and a spear pass Ucking and will die this turn. Ooops Hiawatha.

480 AD: Take the Carth cap with the loss of 2 GS. it was size 10...
annihilate 6 Iro units and again some Japs....

IT: Iro's retreat. Carthaginian last Counterattacks sees an archer kill itself.

490 AD Not much move to attack Carthaginian cap next turn. reposition so Kyoto is in 2 turns, hopefully...
WE took the cultural lead!

IT: nothing

500AD: bleh, carthage has a setler on aboat somewhere...

I align 35 (THIRTY-FIVE) GS for Kyoto. we dare not fail...
gift the city to India once we take it.


Tha pics of our empire. big.



the western cities are quite productive! make sure they have Courthouses! they can start building units here soon. for the rest, temple-setler-setler-lib. completely ICS it. I started already. follow the lead...

The core!


we are making far more vet warriors then we can upgrade. perhaps we need to considder building some horses now?

North, former China. Corruptistan, all the way. don't botter CH. build libs, whippm them as soon as you can. remember that at size 3, you can whipp the last 20 shields of a rax, the switch to lib, and whipp again at size 4.
Iro's love landing here, I have made several elites here, so get a leader. I didn't in 50+ elite vics.


west, least develpoed, least workers, least food for setlers. get setlers over here!


The save is at cfc.

have fun.

Go ahead punk. Make my day.
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