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Old 23-01-2005, 17:36   #49
Join Date: May 2003
Location: in a swamp.
Posts: 901

Beam cut of Greek incense which I got by the combined steel deal in 226 for 297gpt as 7th lux. On the bright side, I spare a lot of money, but many cities slip out of WLTKD in the process, eventually messing up turns-to-completion for their build projects.
Alternatively, I buy silks from Greece for 77gpt.
Beam is still in the industrial age, so I guess he stopped research. Good for me... I think.
Could be he scrapped/delayed possible UN plans or he fears I steal his techs. That is, he called me a stealer, so he's prolly not considering that I got the techs from Greece. With Greece denying envoy, he could not have checked for their techs.

kinda off topic (gfx glitch):
It'S winter time, the hills are covered with, erm, snow:

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